Test Details
Experimental evaluation of lateral
load behavior
Analytical assessment of design codes
Development of numerical finite element
Empirical assessment of behavior
Design force estimation
Borah, B., Naik, S.,
Abhishek, V., Kaushik, H.B., and Singhal, V. (2025),
"A Micro Modeling Approach for Numerical Simulation
of Masonry Infilled RC Frames with or without
Openings", Proceedings of the first International
Conference on Advances in Structural and
Geotechnical Engineering (ASAGE 2025), 6-8 February
2025, IIT Patna, India. This paper received the
Best Paper Award in the category of Structural
Design and Construction.
Borah, B. and
Kaushik, H.B. (2024), "Briefing: The 18th World
Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Milan, Italy",
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers -
Civil Engineering, Emerald Publishing, UK. DOI:
Borah, B., Gupta, A., Singhal,
V., and Kaushik, H.B. (2024), "Design of Tie-Columns
in Confined Masonry Structures for Lateral Loads",
Earthquake Spectra, Vol 40(3), August 2024,
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, USA, Sage
Publications, pp. 2216-2136. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/87552930241246148
Borah, B., Naik, S., Abhishek, V., Kaushik, H.B.,
and Singhal,
V. (2024), "Influence of Wall Openings on
Nonlinear Lateral Load Response of Reinforced Concrete Frames
with Masonry Infills: A Finite Element Study", International
Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol 22(4), April 2024, Springer,
pp 619-637. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40999-023-00922-5
Borah, B., Kaushik,
H.B., and Singhal, V. (2023), "Sensitivity of
Seismic Force Distribution to Key Parameters of
Confined Masonry Buildings", Proceedings of the 13th
Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2023),
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology
Nagpur, India, 7-9 December 2023, Indian Association
for Structural Engineering (IASE).
Borah, B., Kaushik,
H.B., and Singhal, V. (2023), "Analysis and Design
of Confined Masonry Structures: Review and Future
Research Directions", Buildings, Vol 13(5):1282,
MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. DOI:
Borah, B., Kaushik, H.B., and
Singhal, V.
(2023), "Experimental Validation of a Design Methodology for
Tie-Columns of Confined Masonry Buildings", Proceedings of the
14th North American Masonry Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, USA,
11-14 June 2023, The Masonry Society.
Borah, B., Kaushik,
H.B., and Singhal, V. (2023), "Evaluation of
modeling strategies for gravity and lateral load
analysis of confined masonry structures", Bulletin
of Earthquake Engineering, Vol 21(2), January 2023,
Springer Nature B.V., pp 1273-1301. Published Online
07 December 2022. DOI:
Borah, B., Kaushik,
H.B., and Singhal, V. (2022), "Seismic Force
Distribution in Members of Confined Masonry
Buildings", Engineering Structures, Vol 266, 01
September 2022, Elsevier, 114605. DOI:
Borah, B., Kaushik,
H.B., and Singhal, V. (2022), "Lateral
Load-Deformation Models for Seismic Analysis and
Performance-based Design of Confined Masonry Walls",
Journal of Building Engineering, Vol 48 (01 May
2022), Elsevier, 103978. DOI:
Borah, B., Kaushik,
H.B., and Singhal, V. (2022), "Application of V-D
Strut Model for Analysis and Design of Multi-Story
Confined Masonry Buildings", Proceedings of the 2nd
International Conference on Materials, Mechanics &
Structures (ICMMS 2022), 10-12 March 2022, Paper No.
058, National Institute of Technology Calicut,
Borah, B., Singhal,
V., and Kaushik, H.B. (2021), "Assessment of Seismic
Design Provisions for Confined Masonry using
Experimental and Numerical Approaches", Engineering
Structures, Vol 245, 15 October 2021, Elsevier,
112864. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.112864
Borah, B., Kaushik,
H.B., and Singhal, V. (2021), "Development of a
Novel V-D Strut Model for Seismic Analysis of
Confined Masonry Buildings", Journal of Structural
Engineering, Vol 147(3), March 2021, ASCE, 04021001.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002941
Borah, B., Singhal, V., and
Kaushik, H.B. (2021), “Assessment of Important Parameters for
Seismic Analysis and Design of Confined Masonry Buildings: A
Review”, In: Adhikari S., Dutta A., Choudhury S. (eds.), Advances
in Structural Technologies, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol 81. Springer, Singapore. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5235-9_20.
Borah, B., Kaushik,
H.B., and Singhal, V. (2020), "Effectiveness of Code
Approaches in Seismic Design of Confined Masonry
Walls", Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), 14-18 September
2020, Paper No. C003787, International Association
for Earthquake Engineering and Japan Association for
Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.
Borah, B., Kaushik,
H.B., and Singhal, V. (2020), "Finite Element
Modelling of Confined Masonry Wall under In-plane
Cyclic Load", Proceedings of International
Conference on Materials, Mechanics and Structures
2020 (ICMMS2020), 14-15 July 2020, Paper No. CMS045,
National Institute of Technology Calicut, India.
This paper has received the Best Paper Award in
the theme Concrete and Masonry Structures.
Borah, B., Kaushik, H.B., and Singhal, V. (2020), “Finite
Element Modelling of Confined Masonry Wall under In-plane Cyclic
Load”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 936
(2020) 012020, IOP Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/936/1/012020.
Borah, B., Singhal,
V., and Kaushik, H.B. (2019), "Sustainable housing
using confined masonry buildings", SN Applied
Sciences, 1:983, September 2019, Springer Nature.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-019-1020-4
Borah, B., Singhal,
V., and Kaushik, H.B., (2019), "Assessment of
Important Parameters for Seismic Analysis and Design
of Confined Masonry Buildings", Proceedings of
National Conference on Advances in Structural
Technologies (CoAST-2019), 1-3 February 2019, Paper
No. 138, National Institute of Technology (NIT)
Silchar, India.
Borah, B., Singhal,
V., and Kaushik, H.B., (2018), "A Simplified
Approach to Analytical Modeling of Confined Masonry
Buildings", Proceedings of 16th Symposium on
Earthquake Engineering, 20-22 December 2018, Paper
No. 247, IIT Roorkee, India.
Borah, B., Singhal,
V., and Kaushik, H.B. (2018), "Sustainable housing
using confined masonry buildings", Proceedings of
2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering
for Sustainable Development - Opportunities and
Challenges (CESDOC 2018), 18-19 December 2018, Paper
No. SRD0103, Assam Engineering College, Guwahati,