Ph.D students

Current students:

  1. Mr. Shoaib Khan (2020 - present)

    Topic: Prediction of high-Tc materials using machine learning models.

  2. Mr. Nikhil Danny Babu (2018 - present)

    Thesis: Non-chiral bosonization technique and its application to nonequilibrium systems in 1D.

Former students:

  1. Dr. V. Meera (2005 - 2010)

    Thesis: A theoretical study of optical constants of two dimensional carbon based materials.

  2. Dr. Enamullah (2009 - 2014)

    Thesis: A Theoretical Study of Rabi Oscillations in Graphene.

  3. Dr. Vipin Kumar (2010 - 2016)

    Thesis: Optical properties of 2D Carbon Based materials.

  4. Dr. Upendra Kumar (2011 - 2018)

    Thesis: Anomalous Rabi Oscillations in Dirac-Weyl Fermionic Systems.

  5. Dr. Joy Prakash Das (2014 - 2019)

    Thesis: Non chiral bosonization in a Luttinger liquid.

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