- Ph.D. in RF & Microwaves, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, 2020.
- M.Tech. in Electronics & Communication Engineering (Microwaves), The University of Burdwan, West Bengal, 2014.
- B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering, The ICFAI University Dehradun, Uttarakhand, 2012.
- Higher Secondary (JAC, Ranchi), Markham College of Commerce Hazaribagh, Jharkhand, 2006.
- Secondary (JAC, Ranchi), Govt. High School Barkatha, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand, 2004.
Research Projects
- (M.Tech.) Design & Simulation of Dielectric Barrier Discharges & Plasma Assisted Microwave Sources, CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, Pilani (Raj.), August 2013-June 2014.
- (B.Tech.) Analysis of DBD (Dielectric Barrier Discharge), CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, Pilani (Raj.), July 2011-December 2011.
Skills and Expertise
- MATLAB, HFSS, CST, COMSOL Multiphysics, OOPIC-Pro, AWR, C.
- R. S. Sangam and R. S. Kshetrimayum, “Hybrid spoof surface plasmon polariton and substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filter with high out-of-band rejection for X-band applications,” IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 15, no. 3, Feb. 2021, pp. 289-299.
- R. S. Sangam, S. Dash and R. S. Kshetrimayum, “Ultra-broadband bandpass filter using linearly tapered coupled-microstrip line and open loop defected ground structure,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 68, no.1, Jan. 2021, pp. 181-185.
- R. S. Sangam and R. S. Kshetrimayum, “Comment on “Hybrid spoof surface plasmon polariton and substrate integrated waveguide broadband bandpass filter with wide out-of-band rejection”,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 30, no. 2, Feb. 2020, pp. 222-222.
- R. S. Sangam, S. Poolakkal, R. Palthiya, N. Nallam and R. S. Kshetrimayum, “Dual-port, aperture coupled and tapered fed patch antenna for full-duplex ISM applications,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 61, no. 2, Feb. 2019, pp. 542-545.
- R. S. Sangam and R. S. Kshetrimayum, “Notched UWB filter using exponential tapered impedance line stub loaded microstrip resonator,” The Journal of Engineering (IET), vol. 2018, no. 9, Sept. 2018, pp. 768–772.
- R. Uikey, R. S. Sangam, K. Prasadu and R. S. Kshetrimayum, “Novel notched UWB filter using stepped impedance stub loaded microstrip resonator and spurlines,” International Journal of Microwave Science & Technology, vol. 2015, pp. 1-5.
- R. S. Sangam and R. S. Kshetrimayum, “An improved T-junction power divider using linearly tapered microstrip lines,” in Proc. 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC 2019), New Delhi, India, Mar. 2019.
- R. S. Sangam and R. S. Kshetrimayum, “Linear tapers: analysis, design and applications,” in Proc. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC), Kolkata, India, Nov. 2018.
- R. S. Sangam and R. S. Kshetrimayum, “Approximate design equation for iris width calculation of iris substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) bandpass filters,” National Conference on Communications (NCC), Chennai, India, Mar. 2017.
- R. S. Sangam, P. Gulati, U. N. Pal and R. Prakash, “Modeling and simulation of dielectric barrier discharge in argon at low pressure,” National Conference on Materials, Devices & Circuits in Communication Technology (MDCCT-2014), The University of Burdwan, West Bengal, Feb. 2014.