Professor Sukumar Nandi, FNAE, FAAIA, FIETE, FIE, SM-ACM, SM-IEEE

Senior Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Dean of Administration
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati – 781039
sukumar @,
sukumar.nandi @,
sukumar @
+91 – 361 – 2582357 (Dept CSE)
+91 – 361 – 2919005 (Res)
+91 – 6026190456 (Dept off)
Brief Introduction
- Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering
- Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association
- Senior Member ACM
- Senior Member IEEE
- Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India)
- Fellow of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India)
- Senior Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati-781039, India
Professional Experience
- Working as Professor (HAG scale) in Department of Computer Sc. & Engg. IIT Guwahati from 1st September 2009.
- Worked as Professor in Department of Computer Sc. & Engg. IIT Guwahati from 17th May 2002 to 31st August 2009.
- Worked as Visiting Senior Fellow in Division of Computer Systems, School of Computing Engineering, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore from 2nd June 2002 to 1st June 2003 (on-leave from IIT Guwahati).
- Worked as Associate Professor in Dept. of computer Sc. & Engg., IIT Guwahati from 30th May 1998 to 16th May 2002.
- Worked as Assistant Professor in Dept. of computer Sc. & Engg., IIT Guwahati from 8th November 1995 to 29th May 1998.
- Worked as Junior Scientific Officer/Junior Project Officer in the DOE-sponsored Projects January 1991 to 6th November 1995, at Dept. of Computer Sc. & Engg. IIT Kharagpur.
- Worked as Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Computer Engg., Birla Institute of Technology , Mesra, Ranchi from October 1989 to December 1990.
Academic Qualification
- Ph D in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
- M Tech in Computer Science from Calcutta University.
- B Tech (Applied Physics) in Electrical Engineering (Specialization in Instrumentation) form Calcutta University.
- B Sc (Honours) in Physics from Calcutta University
Administrative Experience
- Dean of Administration, IIT Guwahati from 18th September 2024 to 17th September 2026.
- Dean Infrastructure, Planning and Management, IIT Guwahati from 24th February 2021 to 23rd February 2022.
- Head, Centre for Linguistic Science and Technology, IIT Guwahati from 31st December 2014 to 7th June 2020.
- Deputy Director, IIT Guwahati from September 3, 2012 to March 31, 2015.
- Dean of Academic Affairs, IIT Guwahati from July 7, 2008 to September 2, 2012.
- Dean of Research and Development, IIT Guwahati from January 3, 2009 to February 9, 2009.
- Head, Computer Science and Engineering (including Head Computer and Communication Centre), IIT Guwahati from September 2004 to September 2007.
- Member, Board of Governor, IIT Guwahati from January 2005 to December 2006.
- Head, Centre for Educational Technology, IIT Guwahati and Coordinator, National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning, IIT Guwahati from May 2004 to March 2006.
- Served as Point-of-Presence Coordinator of the IIT Guwahati ERNET Node from June 2003 to July 2009.
- Faculty Advisor for Techniche'99, Techniche'2k and Techniche'2k1 of IIT Guwahati (Annual All India Technical Festival of students).
- Served as Vice-Chairman JEE-2000 of IIT Guwahati.
- Served as Hostel Warden of IIT Guwahati from June 1997 to May 2000.
- Served as Chairman GATE-99 of IIT Guwahati.
Community Service
- General Chair of the IEEE ANTS 2024.
- General Chair of the IEEE GCON 2023.
- General Co-Chair of the IEEE INDICON 2021.
- General Chair of the Third ISEA International Conference on Security and Privacy 2020.
- General Co-Chair of the Bhartiya Education, Science and Technology (BEST) 2018.
- Co-Convener and Advisor of the National Symposium on Cognitive Science 2017.
- Program Co-Chair of the 2nd ISEA International Conference on Security and Privacy (ISEA-ISAP 2018).
- Program Co-Chair of the ISEA Asia Security and Privacy Conference (Asia S&P 2017).
- General Co-Chair of the International Conference on Accessibility to Digital World (ICADW 2016).
- Convener of the 38th International Conference of the Linguistic Society of India (ICOLSI-38) 2016.
- Convener of the 22nd Himalayan Languages Symposium (HLS22) 2016.
- General Co-Chair of the 20th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT 2016).
- General Co-Chair of the 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS 2012)
- Organizing Secretary, the Twenty-sixth National Convention of Computer Engineers 2012 (
- Track Co-Chair of the I-SPAN 2011.
- Track Co-Chair of the TENCON 2009.
- Publicity Co-Chair of the COMSNETS 2009.
- Network Symposium Track Co-Chair, NCC 2009.
- General Co-Chair of the 15th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication (ADCOM) 2007.
- General Vice Chair of International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN) 2006.
- Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on CAD, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Networks, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, IEEE Communications Letters, IEE Proceedings-Computer and Digital techniques, IET proceedings, Computer Networks, IETE Technical review, and several conferences such as VLSI design, NCC, PReMi, HiPC, ISWCS, AEWiNS, ICDCIT, CIT, ADCOM, ICISS, ICDCS, WCNC, ISCC, INDICON, ICISIP, IWDC, ICDCN, ATNAC, CCSEIT, ACSAC, NETCoM, SIN, IEEE ANTS, IEEE COMSNETS, NGMAST, Q2SWinet, WiMOA, ICCSEA, InfoSecHiComNet, VDAT, ATNAC, IEEE TENSYMP, ISWPC, ISWCS, and TENCON etc.
Other Information
- Since July 2024, I am serving as a Member of the Academic Council of Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DA-IICT).
- In September 2022, I have been elected as Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association.
- From January 2021 to December2022, I was a Member of the Finance Committee of Gauhati University.
- From January 2020 to December 2022, I was a Member of the Executive Council of Gauhati University.
- Our Ph D student received the Young Scientist Award for our paper in the 20th International Conference on Innovations for Community Services (I4CS 2020).
- Second best paper award in the 19th International Conference on Innovations for Community Services (I4CS 2019).
- Since April 2019, I am serving as Member Board of Management of the Centre for Computer Science and Applications of Dibrugarh University.
- From March 2019 to December 2022, I was a Member Board of Governors, CIT Kokrajhar.
- Since July 2018, I am serving as an Expert Member of Board of Undergraduate (ECE) of Tezpur University, Tezpur.
- From 26th July 2017 to 25th July 2019, Member School Board of SOCIS, IGNOU.
- From 20th December 2017 to 19th December 2020, Member Senate, CIT Kokrajhar.
- In November 2016, I have been elected as Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering.
- Since January 2015, I am serving as a Member Board of Governors, Triguna Sen School of Technology, Assam University, Silchar.
- From May 2013 to February 2023, Member Senate, National Institute of Technology, Mizoram.
- From May 2013 to February 2017, Member Senate, National Institute of Technology, Manipur.
- From December 2012 to March 2015, Member Board of Governors, National Institute of Technology, Arunachal Predesh.
- From April 2012 to March 2015, Member Academic Council, Bodoland University, Assam.
- From April 2011 to March 2015, Member Academic Council, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, Arunachal Pradesh.
- Best paper award in the 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking 2015.
- Best paper award in the second international conference on business and information management 2014.
- Best paper award in the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems 2013.
- Best paper award in the second international conference on Recent advances in Engineering and Technology 2013.
- Best paper award in the First International Conference on Security of Internet of Things 2012.
- Best paper award in the International conference on soft computing for problem solving 2011.
- IETE K S Krishna Memorial Award for the best system oriented paper in Journal IETE Technical Review 2008.
- Best paper award in the 15th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications 2007.
- Best paper award in the International Conference on Embedded Systems, Mobile Communication and Computing, 2007.
- From January 2011 to December 2014, an Expert Member of Board of Studies (CSE), North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, Arunachal Pradesh.
- In August 2009, I have been elevated as a Senior Member ACM.
- In April 2009, I have been elected as Fellow of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India).
- From April 2009 to July 2014, an Expert Member of Board of Studies for the Dibrugarh University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh.
- In August 2007, I have been elected as Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India).
- From July 2006 to June 2009, an Expert Member of Board of Undergraduate (CS) of Assam University, Silchar.
- From April 2006 to July 2014, an Expert Member of Board of Undergraduate/Post graduate Studies (CS) of Rajib Gandhi University, Itanagar.
- Since April 2006, I am serving as an Expert Member of Board of Undergraduate (CSE) of Tezpur University, Tezpur.
- From April 2004 to July 2014, an Expert Member of Board of Undergraduate (CS) of Dibrugargh University, Dibrugarh.
- From June 2004 to December 2013, an Expert Member of Research committee of the Computer Science, Guwahati University.
- From April 2004 to April 2014, an Expert Member of Board of Undergraduate Studies (CSE) of NEHU, Shillong.
- Since July 2003, I am serving as an Expert Member of National Accreditation Board, AICTE, India.
- From July 2001to June 2014, an Expert Member of Board of Undergraduate Studies (IT, CS, CSA) of NEHU, Shillong.
- From April 2001 to June 2014, an Expert Member of Undergraduate/postgraduate committee of courses and studies in Computer Science, Guwahati University.
- In November 2001, I have been elevated as a Senior Member IEEE.
- Branch Counselor of the IEEE IIT Guwahati Student Branch From January 2001 to May 2002.
- Faculty Sponsor of the ACM IIT Guwahati Student Chapter from January 2001 to May 2002.
Personal information
- Wife:Nilima Nandi, Housewife (taking extreme care of us)
- Son: Sunit Kumar Nandi, Ph D student (IIT Guwahati); Trainee Teacher, NIT Arunachal Pradesh
- Websites of Sunit: and
Book chapters
Chapter Title: Demystifying Security on NDN: A Survey of Existing Attacks and Open Research Challenges
Authors: Madhurima Buragohain and Sukumar Nandi
Book Title: The "Essence" of Network Security: An End-to-End Panorama; Editors: M. Chakraborty, M. Singh, V.E. Balas, I. Mukhopadhyay
Publishers: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 163. Springer, Singapore.
Chapter Title: Integrating Blockchain with CACC for Trust and Platoon Management
Authors: Pranav Kumar Singh, Roshan Singh, Sunit Kumar Nandi and Sukumar Nandi
Book Title: Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology Applications; Editors:Dac-Nhuong Le, Gulshan Shrivastava, and Kavita Sharma
Publishers: Wiley-Scrivener; ISBN 978-1-119-62116-4, pp 77-98, May 2020
Chapter Title: Seamless V2I Communication in HetNet: State-of-the-Art and Future Research Directions
Authors: Pranav Kumar Singh, Roshan Singh, Sunit Kumar Nandi, Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor and Sukumar Nandi
Book Title: Connected Vehicles in the Internet of Things: Concepts, Technologies and Frameworks for the IoV; Editors: Zaigham Mahmood
Publishers: Springer International Publishing, Cham; ISBN 978-3-030-36166-2, pp 37-83, January 2020
Chapter Title: PGRDP: Reliability, Delay, and Power-Aware Area Minimization of Large-Scale VLSI Power Grid Network Using Cooperative Coevolution
Authors: Sukanta Dey, S Nandi and G Trivedi
Book Title: Intelligent Computing Paradigm: Recent Trends; Editors:Mandal J., Sinha D.
Publishers:Springer, Singapore: Studies in Computational Intelligence book series (SCI, volume 784); ISBN 978-981-13-7333-6, 2020 (online April 2019).
Chapter Title: Optimal Cluster Head Positioning in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks
Authors: Biswanath Dey, S Chakraborty and S Nandi
Book Title: Soft Computing Applications in Sensor Networks; Editors:Sudip Misra, Shankar K Pal
Publishers: CRC Press, ISBN 9781482298758, September 2016.
ChapterTitle: Sensory Data Gathering for Road-Traffic Monitoring: Energy Efficiency, Reliability and Fault-tolerance
Authors: S Chakraborty, S Chakraborty, S Nandi and S Karmakar
Book Title: Modelling and Processing for Next Generation Big Data Technologies and Applications
Publishers: Springer Series: Modelling and OptimiSation in Science and Technology; Vol.4, pp. 89-112, ISBN 978-3-319-09177-8, January 2015.
Book Edited
Title: Emerging Technologies for Smart Cities
Subtitle: Select Proceedings of EGTET 2020
Editors: Prabin K. Bora, Sukumar Nandi and Shakuntala Laskar
Publishers: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. Vol. LNEE-765, 2021
Title: IC-BCT 2019: Proceedings of the International Conference on Blockchain Technology
Editors: Dhiren Patel, Sukumar Nandi, B.K. Mishra, Deven Shah, Chirag N. Modi, Kamal Shah, Rajesh S. Bansode
Publishers: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
Title: Security and Privacy (ISBN 978-981-13-7561-3)
The Proceedings of Second ISEA International Conference, ISEA-ISAP 2018
Editors: Nandi,S.,Jinwala, D., Singh, V., Laxmi, V., Gaur, M.S., Faruki, P.
Publishers: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. Vol. CCIS-939, 2019
Papers published in Journals
Ashlesha Hota, Arishmita Biswas, Sanchita Saha, Amitava Nag, Ferdous Ahmed Barbhuiya and Sukumar Nandi, "Advanced Federated Learning Security: NTRU and Blockchain Synergy", in the Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy (accepted).
Lalitha Swamy Thayumanavar, Sukumar Nandi and Bunil Kumar Balabantaray, "Multi-View Attention-Driven Recurrent Neural Network for Faster 3D Shape recognition", in the International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics (accepted).
Pradeepkumar Bhale, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi, "BLooM: BashLite and Mirai Botnet Detection using Machine Learning Algorithms in 6LoWPAN Network", in the Internet of Things; Engineering Cyber Physical Human Systems (accepted).
P Thejaswini, Gautham Suresh, V Chiraag and Sukumar Nandi, "Approximate CNN Hardware Accelerators for Resource Constrained Devices", in the IEEE Access, January 2025
Sanjib Narzary, Maharaj Brahma, Sukumar Nandi and Bidisha Som, "BPE and Morphologically Segmented Phrase based Statistical Machine Translation System for Indian Languages to Resource Constrained Language Bodo", in the Multimedia Tools and Applications, October 2024.
Samarendra Nath Sur, Huu Q Tran, Agbotiname Lucky Imoize, Debdatta Kandar and Sukumar Nandi, "Sum-Rate Maximization for a Hybrid Precoding-Based Massive MIMO NOMA System with Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transmission", in the Telecom, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 823-845, September 2024.
Manoj Das, Madhurima Buragohain and Sukumar Nandi, "Distributed Neighbor Discovery with Mobility Adaptive Probing for Beyond 5G D2D Communications", in the Computer Networks, Volume 250, August 2024, 110574.
Sagar Dev Achar, Thejaswini P, Sukumar Nandi and Sunit Kumar Nandi, "LiteHash: Hash Functions for Resource-Constrained Hardware", in the Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, July 2024.
Pankaj Choudhury, Prithwijit Guha and Sukumar Nandi, "Impact of Language-Specific Training on Image Caption Synthesis: A Case Study on Low-Resource Assamese Language", in the International Journal of Asian Language Processing, Vol. 34, No. 1, Article No. 2450004, June 2024.
Sanchita Saha, Arup Kumar Chattopadhyay, Ashlesha Hota, Amitabha Nag and Sukumar Nandi, "A Multifaceted Survey on Privacy Preservation of Federated Learning: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities", in the Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol. 57, Article No. 184, June 2024.
Dhrubajyoti Pathak, Sanjib Narzary, Sukumar Nandi and Bidisha Som, "Part of Speech Tagger for Bodo Language using DL-based approach", in the Natural Language Processing, pp. 1-15, June 2024.
Syam Sankar, Ruchika Gupta, John Jose and Sukumar Nandi, "Sec-NoC: A Lightweight Secure Communication System for On-Chip Interconnects", in the Embedded Systems Letters, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 214-217, June 2024
Vipin Kumar Pandey, Suddhasil De and Sukumar Nandi, "Automated Aerial Assessment for seamless adaptive adhoc restoration in Partially Collapsed Network", in the Computer Communications, Vol. 219, pp. 153-172, April 2024,
Syam Sankar, Ruchika Gupta, John Jose and Sukumar Nandi, "TROP: TRust-aware OPportunistic Routing in NoC with Hardware Trojans", in the Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems. Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 1084-4309, March 2024,
Arup Kumar Chattopadhyay, Sanchita Saha, Amitabha Nag and Sukumar Nandi, "Secret Sharing: A Comprehensive Survey, Taxonomy and Applications ", in the Computer Science Review, Vol. 51, February 2024, 100608,
Debanjan Roy Chowdhury, Sukumar Nandi and Diganta Goswami, "Cost-effective live video streaming for internet of connected vehicles using heterogeneous networks", in the Ad Hoc Networks Vol. 153, February 2024, 103334,
Priya Raj Chanda, Amitava Nag and Sukumar Nandi, "Mobile App based Tomato Disease Identification with Fine-tune Convolution Neural Networks ", in the Computers and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 112, pp. 108995, December 2023.
Pradeepkumar Bhale, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi, "A Hybrid IDS for Detection and Mitigation of Sinkhole Attack in 6LoWPAN Networks ", in the International Journal of Information Security, November 2023.
Sanchita Saha, Ashlesha Hota, Bikramjit Choudhury, Amitabha Nag and Sukumar Nandi, "NTRU and Secret Sharing Based Secure Group Communication for IoT Applications ", in the IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 117341-117350, October 2023
Dhrubajyoti Pathak, Sukumar Nandi and Priyankoo Sarmah, "Part-of-speech tagger for Assamese using Ensembling approach", in the Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, Vol. 22, No. 10, Article No.: 235, pp 1–22, October 2023,
Sanchita Saha, Amitava Nag, Arup Kumar Chattopadhyay, Anup Kumar Barman and Sukumar Nandi, "Secret Image Sharing Schemes: A Comprehensive Survey ", in the IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 98333-98361, September 2023. .
Dipojjwal Ray, Pradeepkumar Bhale, Santosh Biswas, Pinaki Mitra and Sukumar Nandi, "A Novel Energy-efficient Scheme For RPL Attacker Identification In IoT Networks Using Discrete Event Modeling ", in the IEEE Access, Vol. 11, pp. 77267-77291, July 2023.
Indu Kumari, Pranav Kumar Singh, Shivram N. Gowtham, Sukumar Nandi, Uttam Ghosh and Danda B. Rawat, "RFPM: A RSU-aided framework for pseudonym management to preserve location privacy in IoV ", in the Security and Privacy, June 2023.
Biswanath Dey, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay and Sukumar Nandi, "Mobility Assisted Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy for IoT Based Sensor Networks in 5G and Beyond ", in the Journal of Communications, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 346-356, June 2023.
Pradeepkumar Bhale, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi, "Effective Injection of Adversarial Botnet Attacks in IoT Ecosystem Using Evolutionary Computing ", in the Internet Technology Letters, May 2023.
Pradeepkumar Bhale, Debanjan Roy Chowdhury, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi, "OPTIMIST: Lightweight and Transparent IDS with Optimum Placement Strategy to Mitigate Mixed-rate DDoS Attacks in IoT Networks", in the IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 8357-8370, May 2023.
Debdatta Kandar, Phidahunlang Chyne, Samarendra Nath Sur and Sukumar Nandi,"A Study on The Channel Bonding in IoT Networks: Requirements, Applications, Challenges",in the International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. e5443, April 2023.
Dhrubajyoti Pathak, Sukumar Nandi and Priyankoo Sarmah, "Reduplication in Assamese: Identification and Modeling", in the Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp.90:1-18, September 2022.
Debanjan Roy Chowdhury, Sukumar Nandi and Diganta Goswami, "Distributed Gateway Selection for Video Streaming in VANET using IP Multicast", in the Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications, Vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 1-24, August 2022.
Samarendra Nath Sur, Debdatta Kandar, Adão Silva, Nhan Duc Nguyen, Sukumar Nandi and Dinh-Thuan Do, "Hybrid Precoding Algorithm for Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO-NOMA Systems", in the Electronics, Vol. 11, No. 14, pp. 2198, July 2022.
Debanjan Roy Chowdhury, Sukumar Nandi and Diganta Goswami, "Video Streaming over IoV using IP Multicast", in the Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 197, January 2022, 103259.
Nabajyoti Mazumdar, Saugata Roy, Amitava Nag and Sukumar Nandi, "An adaptive hierarchical data dissemination mechanism for mobile data collector enabled dynamic wireless sensor network", in the Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 186, July 2021, 103097. (16 citations)
P.K. Singh, S. Nandi, K. Z. Ghafoor, U. Ghosh and D. B. Rawat, "Preventing COVID-19 Spread Using Information and Communication Technology", in IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, Vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 18-27, July 2021. (20 citations)
Debdatta Kandar, Samarendra Nath Sur, Arun Kumar Singh and Sukumar Nandi, "Performance Analysis of Lattice Reduction assisted Precoder for Multi-User MillimeterWave MIMO System", in the International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 34, Issue 11, pp. e4853, July 2021.
Debdatta Kandar, V Dhilip Kumar and Sukumar Nandi, "Smart Inter-operable Vehicular Communication using hybrid IEEE 802.11p, IEEE 802.16d/e Technology", in the International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 34, No. 11, pp. e4847, July 2021.
Pranav Kumar Singh, Roshan Singh, Sunit Kumar Nandi, Kayhan Z. Gafoor, Danda B. Rawat, and Sukumar Nandi, "Blockchain-Based Adaptive Trust Management in Internet of Vehicles Using Smart Contract", in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 3616-3630, June 2021. (130 citations)
Keshab Nath, Swarup Roy and Sukumar Nandi, "An Incremental Approach for Hierarchical Community Mining in Evolving Social Graphs",in the International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, Vol. 8, No. 2/3, April 2021.
Sukanta Dey, Sukumar Nandi and Gaurav Trivedi, "PGOpt: Multi-objective Design Space Exploration Framework for Large-Scale On-Chip Power Grid Design in VLSI SoC using Evolutionary Computing Technique", in the Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol. 81, March 2021, 103440.
Nabajyoti Mazumdar, Amitava Nag and Sukumar Nandi, "HDDS: Hierarchical Data Dissemination Strategy for energy optimization in dynamic wireless sensor network under harsh environments", in the Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 111, February 2021, 102348.(32 citations)
Subhrendu Chattopadhyay, Soumyajit Chatterjee, Sukumar Nandi and Sandip Chakraborty, "Aloe: Fault-Tolerant Network Management and Orchestration Framework for IoT Applications", in the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 2396-2409, December 2020.
Hrishikesh Dutta, Rohan Kumar Das, Sukumar Nandi and S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna, "An Overview of Digital Audio Steganography", IETE Technical Review, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp. 632-650, November 2020. (34 citations)
Pranav Kumar Singh, Anup Agarwal, Gaurav Nakum, Danda B. Rawat, and Sukumar Nandi, "MPFSLP: Masqueraded Probabilistic Flooding for Source-Location Privacy in VANETs", in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 69, No. 10, pp. 11383-11393, October 2020. (20 citations)
Sukanta Dey, Sukumar Nandi and Gaurav Trivedi, "Machine Learning Approach for Fast Electromigration Aware Aging Prediction in Incremental Design of Large Scale On-Chip Power Grid Network", in the ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 1-19, July 2020.
Madhurima buragohain and Sukumar Nandi, "Quality of Service Provisioning in Named Data Networking via PIT entry Reservation and PIT Replacement Policy", in the Computer Communications, Vol. 155, pp. 166-183, April 2020.
Keshab Nath, Swarup Roy and Sukumar Nandi, "InOvIn: A Fuzzy-Rough Approach for Detecting Overlapping Communities with Intrinsic Structures in Evolving Networks", Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 89, April 2020. (15 citations)
Debashis Naskar, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Durgesh Kumar, Sukumar Nandi, Eva Onaindia de la Rivaherrera, "Emotion Dynamics of Public Opinions on Twitter", in the ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 1-24, March 2020. (32 citations)
Pranav K. Singh, Roshan Singh, Sunit K. Nandi, Kayhan Z. Ghafoor, Danda B. Rawat and Sukumar Nandi, "An efficient blockchain-based approach for cooperative decision making in swarm robotics", in Internet Technology Letters, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2020. (32 citations)
Paromita Choudhury and Sukumar Nandi, "An empirical approach towards characterization of encrypted and unencrypted VoIP traffic", in Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 79, No. 1, pp. 603-631, January 2020. (19 citations)
Biswanath Dey, Navajyoti Nath, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay and Sukumar Nandi, "Distributed Intra and Inter Cluster Chaining Framework for Energy-Efficient, Delay Bounded and Scalable Data Gathering Applications in Large Scale Sensor Network", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 2068-2075, December 2019
Pranav Kumar Singh, Shivram N Gowtham, Tamilselvan S and Sukumar Nandi, "CPESP: Cooperative Pseudonym Exchange and Scheme Permutation to Preserve Location Privacy in VANETs", in the Vehicular Communications, Vol. 20, December 2019. (23 citations)
Pinaki Sarkar and Sukumar Nandi, "A Class Of Key-Node Indexed Hash Chains Based Key Predistribution (KPS): Signed Weighted Graphs", in Computer Networks, Vol. 164, December 2019.
Puneet Bakshi and Sukumar Nandi, "Using Privacy Enhancing Fine-Grained Access eKYC to Privacy Aware eSign", in Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, Vol. 4, No. 4, Page No 347-358, 2019.
Pranav Kumar Singh, Sunit Kumar Nandi and Sukumar Nandi, "A Tutorial Survey on Vehicular Communication State of the Art, and Future Research Directions", in the Vehicular Communications, Vol. 18, August 2019. (248 + 5 citations)
Sunil Dutt, Satyabrata Dash, Sukumar Nandi and Gaurav Trivedi, "Analysis, Modeling and Optimization of Equal Segment Based Approximate Adders", in the IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 68, Issue 3, pp. 314-330, March 2019. (17 citations)
Pranav Kumar Singh, Sahil Sharma, Sunit Kumar Nandi and Sukumar Nandi, "Multipath TCP for V2I Communication in SDN Controlled Small Cell Deployment of Smart City", in the Vehicular Communications, Vol. 15, pp. 1-15, January 2019. (39 citations)
S Dutt, S Nandi and G Trivedi, "Accuracy Enhancement of Equal Segment Based Approximate Adders", in the IET Computers & Digital Techniques , Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 206 – 215, September 2018.
M Samal, V V Saradhi and S Nandi, "Scalability of Correlation Clustering", in the Pattern Analysis and Applications, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 703-719, August 2018.
M. Agarwal, S. Biswas and S. Nandi, "An Efficient Scheme to Detect Evil Twin Rogue Access Point Attack in 802.11 Wi-Fi Networks", in the International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 130-145, June 2018. (41 citations)
N Sett, Devesh N A, S R Singh and S Nandi, "Exploiting reciprocity towards link prediction", in the Knowledge and Information Systems, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 1-13, April 2018.
Amrita Bose Paul, santosh biswas, Sukumar Nandi and Sandip Chakraborty, "MATEM: A Unified Framework based on Trust and MCDM for Assuring Security, Reliability and QoS in DTN Routing", in the Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 104, pp. 1-20, February 2018. (18 citations)
S Dutt, S Nandi and G Trivedi, "Analysis and Design of Adders for Approximate Computing", in the ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 17, No. 2, Article 40, December 2017.(34 citations)
N Sett, S Basu, S R Singh and S Nandi, "Temporal Link prediction in Multi-relational Network", in the World Wide Web, Volume 21, Issue 2, pp. 395-419, March 2018.(25 citations)
M. Agarwal, S Purwar, S. Biswas and S. Nandi, "Intrusion detection system for PS-Poll DoS attack in 802.11 networks using real time discrete event system", in the IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, Vol. 4, No, 4, pp. 792-808, October 2017. (35 citations)
M. Agarwal, S. Biswas and S. Nandi,"Discrete Event System Framework for Fault Diagnosis withMeasurement Inconsistency: Case Study of Rogue DHCP Attack", inthe IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp. 789-806, January 2017. (30 citations)
M.Agarwal, D. Pasumarthi, S. Biswas and S. Nandi, "MachineLearning Approach for Detection of Flooding DoS attacks in 802.11Networks and Attacker Localization", International Journal ofMachine Learning and Cybernetics, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 1035–1051, December 2016 (DOI:10.1007/s13042-014-0309-2,publishedon-line Nov 2014) (55 citations)
S Mondal, S Mohanty and S Nandi,"Energy Efficient Secure Communication Architecture forWireless Sensor Network", in the Security and CommunicationNetworks, Vol. 9, No. 16, pp. 3314-3323, November 2016 (DOI:,publishedon-line July 2016).
SChakraborty, S Nandi, S Karmakar, "Impact of Redundant Sensor Deploymentover Data Gathering Performance: A Model Based Approach", inthe Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 67, pp.26-42, May 2016.
Sandip Chakraborty, Sukumar Nandi and Subhrendu Chattopadhyay, "Alleviating Hidden and Exposed Nodes in High-Throughput Wireless Mesh Networks",in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 15, No. 2,pp. 928-937, February 2016. (31 citations)
N Sett, S R Singh, S Nandi, "Influence of edge weight on node proximity based link prediction methods: An empirical analysis",in the Neurocomputing, Vol. 172, pp. 71-83, January 2016. (51 citations)
A Sarma, S Chakraborty, S Nandi, "Deciding Handover Points basedon Context Aware Load Balancing in a WiFi-WiMAX Heterogeneous Network Environment", in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 348 – 357, January 2016. (72 citations)
S Chakraborty, S Chakraborty, S Nandi, S Karmakar, "Fault resilience in sensor networks: distributed node-disjoint multi-pathmulti-sink forwarding", in the Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 57, pp. 85-101, November 2015. (15 citations)
S Chakraborty, S Nandi, "Data rate, path length and network contention trade-off in IEEE 802.11s mesh networks: A dynamic datarate selection approach", in the Computer Networks, Vol. 91,pp. 225-243, November 2015.
S Chakraborty and S Nandi, "Distributed Service Level Flow Control and Fairness in Wireless Mesh Networks", in the IEEETransactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 14, No. 11, pp. 2229-2243, November 2015.
F A Barbhuiya, M. Agarwal, S. Purwar, S. Biswas and S. Nandi,"Application of Stochastic Discrete Event System Framework for Detection of Induced Low Rate TCP Attack", in the ISA Transactions, Vol. 58, pp. 474-492,September 2015.(12 citations)
P Swain, S Chakraborty, S Nandi, and P Bhaduri, "Performance Modelling and Analysis of IEEE 802.11 IBSS PSM in Different Traffic Conditions", in the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol.14, No. 8, pp. 1644-1658,August 2015. (24 citations)
B K Patra, R Launonen, V Ollikainen and S. Nandi, "A new similarity measureusing Bhattacharyya coefficient for collaborative filtering insparse data", in the Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 82, pp.163-177, July 2015.(304 citations)
M. Agarwal, S. Biswas and S. Nandi,"Advanced Stealth Man in the Middle Attack in WPA2 Encrypted Wi-Fi Networks", in the IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 19,No. 4, pp. 581 – 584, April 2015. (31 citations)
S Chakraborty, S Sarma and S Nandi,"MAC Layer Channel Access and Forwarding in a Directional Multi-Interface Mesh Network" in the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol 14, No. 3, pp. 565-578, March 2015.
B K Patra, and S. Nandi, "Effective data summarization for hierarchical clustering in large datasets",Knowledge and Information Systems, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 1-20, January2015. (14 citations)
S Chakraborty, S Chakraborty, S Karmakar and S Nandi, "Dynamic Tree Switching for Distributed Message-Passing Applications",Journal of Network and Systems Management, Vol 23, No. 1, pp. 1 –40, January 2015.
A Sarma, S Chakraborty, S Nandi,"Context Aware Handover Management: Sustaining QoS and QoE in a Public IEEE 802.11e Hotspot", in the IEEE Transactions onNetwork and Service Management, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 530-543,December 2014. (17 citations)
S Chakraborty, S Chakraborty, S Nandi and S Karmakar, "Topology Management ensuring reliability indelay sensitive sensor networks with arbitrary node failures",International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Vol. 21,No.4, pp. 262-279, December 2014.
S Chakraborty and S Nandi, "Selective greedy routing: Exploring the path diversity in backbone meshnetworks" ACM/Springer Journal of Wireless Networks, Vol. 20,No. 7, pp. 1995-2017, October 2014.
S Chakraborty, S Chakraborty, S Nandi and S Karmakar, "ADCROSS: Adaptive Data Collection from Road Surveilling Sensors", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 2049-2062, October 2014.
S Chakraborty and S Nandi,"Evaluating Transport Protocol Performance over a Wireless Mesh Backbone", Performance Evaluation, Vol. 79, pp.198–215,September 2014,
A Sarma, S Chakraborty, S Nandi and AChoubey, "Context Aware Inter-BSS Handoff in IEEE 802.11 Networks: Efficient Resource Utilization and Performance Improvement", Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, Vol.77, No. 4, pp. 2587-2614, August 2014.
A Yadav, M Barooah, S Chakraborty andS Nandi, "Vertical Handover over Intermediate Switching Framework: Assuring Service Quality for Mobile Users", Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, Vol. 77, No. 1, pp. 507-527, July 2014.
P Swain, S Nandi, and P Bhaduri,"Probabilistic Model Checking of IEEE 802.11 IBSS Power Save Mode", the International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 465-474, 2014.
A Yadav, M Barooah, S Chakraborty, S Nandi and S Ahuja, "Evaluation of End-to-End TCP Performance for Vertical Handover using Intermediate Switching Network",the International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 327-351, April 2014.
S De, S Nandi and D Goswami, "Tuple Space Enhancements for Mobile Middleware", the International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Vol. 12,No. 3, pp. 299-326, April 2014.
P Swain, S Chakraborty, S Nandi, and P Bhaduri, "Performance Modeling and Evaluation of IEEE 802.11 IBSS Power Save Mode", Ad Hoc Networks, Vol 13, Part B, pp.336-350, February 2014. (25 citations)
F A Barbhuiya, G Bansal, N Kumar, S Biswas and S Nandi, "Detection of Neighbour Discovery ProtocolBased Attacks in IPv6 Network", Networking Science, Vol. 2(3-4), pp. 91-113, 2013. (36 citations)
M Mitra, P Banerjee, F A Barbhuiya, S Biswas and S Nandi, "IDS for ARP Spoofing using LTL based Discrete Event System Framework", Networking Science, Vol. 2(3-4), pp. 114-134, 2013.
S Chakraborty, S Chakraborty, S Nandi and S Karmakar, "Convergecast Tree Management from Arbitrary Node Failure in Sensor Network", Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 11, No.6, pp. 1796-1819, August 2013.
S Chakraborty and S Nandi, "IEEE802.11s Mesh Backbone for Vehicular Communication: Fairness and Throughput", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.62, No. 5, pp. 2193-2203, 2013. (22 citations)
M Barooah, S Chakrabory, S Nandi and D U. Kotwal, "An Architectural Framework for Seamless Handoff between IEEE 802.11 and UMTS Network" Wireless Networks, Vol.9, No. 4, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s11276-012-0475-7. (11 citations)
R. Pamula, J. K. Deka, and S. Nandi,"Centroid Based Cluster Pruning Outlier Detection Method",in the International Journal of Systems, Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 3, pp. 2277-2677, March 2013.
N. Hubballi, S. Biswas, S Nandi,"Towards Reducing False Alarms in Network Intrusion Detection Systems with Data Summarization Technique", International Journal on Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp.275-285, March 2013 (published online: 17 MAY 2012 DOI:10.1002/sec.562).(13 citations)
A B Paul, S Konwar, S Nandi and S Biswas, "Trusted M-OLSR for Secure Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks", Journal of Information Assurance and Security, Vol.8, No. 1, pp. 17-32, 2013.
S Chakraborty, P Swain and S Nandi,"Proportional Fairness in MAC Layer Channel Access of IEEE802.11s EDCA based Wireless Mesh Networks", Ad Hoc Networks,Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 570-584, January 2013. (17 citations)
A Sur, AS Nair, A Kumar, A Jain and S Nandi, "Steganalysis of Network Packet Length Based Data Hiding", Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 1-18, June 2013 (13 citations)
Dhruwajita Devi and Sukumar Nandi, "PE File Features in Detection of Packed Executables", in International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol 4, No. 3, pp.476-480, June 2012. (34 citations)
S Chakraborty, F A Barbhuiya, A Rai,A Sur, S Biswas and S Nandi, "Topology Adaptive Computation of Distributed IDS Set for Detecting Attacks on STP", Journal ofInformation Assurance and Security, ISSN 1554-1010, Vol. 7, No. 5,pp. 284-295, 2012.
N. Sarma and S. Nandi, "Enhanced Service Differentiation using Priority based MAC Protocol for MANETs", in International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Vol. 8, Nos. 1/2, pp. 149-187, January 2012.
B. K. Patra, S. Nandi, P. Viswanath,"A distance based clustering method for arbitrary shaped clusters in large datasets", Pattern Recognition,Vol. 44, No. 12, pp. 2862-2870, December 2011 (Available online 13 May 2011). (50 citations)
S. Nandi and A. Yadav, "Cross Layer Adaptation for QoS in WSN", International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 287-301, September 2011.
F. A. Barbhuiya, S. Biswas and S. Nandi "An Active Host-Based Intrusion Detection System for ARP-Related Attacks and its Verification", International Journal of Network Security and Its Applications, vol. 3, no. 3, pp.163- 180, May 2011.
A Sarma, S. Joshi and S. Nandi,"Context Aware Mobile Initiated Handoff For Performance Improvement In IEEE 802.11 Networks", International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 48-66, May 2011.
S. Kumar, S. Kumar and S. Nandi,"Stage Staffing Scheme for Copyright Protection in Multimedia",International Journal of Network Security and Its Application, Vol.3, No.2 pp. 135-147, March 2011.
B. K. Patra and S. Nandi, "Tolerance Rough Set Theory based Data Summarization for Clustering Large Datasets", International Journal of Transactions on Rough Sets XIV, LNCS 6600, pp 139-158, 2011.
N. Hubballi, S. Biswas and S Nandi,"Network specific false alarm reduction in intrusion detectionsystem", International Journal on Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 4, Issue 11, pp. 1339-1349, November 2011. (32 citations)
N. Hubballi, S. Biswas, Roopa S, Ritesh Ratti and S Nandi, "LAN Attack Detection using Discrete Event Systems", ISA Transactions, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp 119-130, January 2011. (45 citations)
Nityananda Sarma and Sukumar Nandi,"Service Differentiation using Priority based MAC Protocol in MANETs", International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology,Vol. 5, No. 3, pp 115-131, January 2010. (13 citations)
Nityananda Sarma and Sukumar Nandi,"A Multipath QoS Routing with Route Stability for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", IETE Technical Review, Vol. 27, Issue 5, September 2010. (35 citations)
Nityananda Sarma and Sukumar Nandi,"Route Stability based QoS Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks",special issue of the Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 54, pp. 203-224, July 2010 . (112 citations)
Somanath Tripathy and Sukumar Nandi,"Cellular Automata-based Authentication for Low-cost RFID Systems", International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems (IJCNDS), Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 199-216, 2009.
Somanath Tripathy and Sukumar Nandi,"LCASE: Light weight Cellular Automata-based Symmetric-key Encryption", in the International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 243-252, 2009. (42 citations)
Nityananda Sarma and Sukumar Nandi,"A Cross-layer QoS Mapping Framework for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", IETE Technical Review, Vol. 25, No. 6, November-December 2008 (received IETEK S Krishna Memorial Award forthe best system oriented paper). (15 citations)
Somanath Tripathy and Sukumar Nandi,"Secure User-identification and Key Distribution Scheme Preserving Anonymity Secure User-identification and Key Distribution Scheme Preserving Anonymity", International Journal of Securityand Networks (IJSN), Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 201-205, 2008. (8 citations)
Somanath Tripathy and Sukumar Nandi,"Defense Against Outside attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks", Computer Communications, Vol. 31, No.4/5, pp. 818-826, 2008. (33 citations)
V Prapulla, A Mitra, R Bhattacharjee and S Nandi, "A Simplified Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalization Technique for π/4-DQPSK Signals", International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 12, pp. 2726-2733, 2008.
S S Thakur, S Nandi, D Goswami and R Bhattarcharjee, "An Asynchronous Wakeup Power Saving Protocolfor Multi-Hop Ad hoc Networks", International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 429-442, Winter 2007 (4 citations).
Zhifei Li, S Nandi, and A K. Gupta, "Modeling the Short-term Unfairness of IEEE 802.11 in Presenceof Hidden Terminals", Performance Evaluation, Vol. 63, No. 4-5, pp. 441-462, May 2006. (39 citations + conference version 18 citations)
Jiawei Xie, A Das, S Nandi and A Gupta, "Improving the Reliability of IEEE 802.11 Broadcast Scheme for Multicasting in Mobile Ad hoc Networks", IEE proceedings - communications, Vol. 153, No. 2, pp. 207 -212, April 2006. (63 citations)
S Nandi and S Kandom Reddy,"Customized and Dynamic Information Systems - a Web Enabled Approach", IETE Technical Review, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 61-69,Jan-Feb 2006.
Jiawei Xie, S Nandi, A Gupta and A Das, "Gateway-Based Multicast Protocol - a Novel Multicast Protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Networks", IEE proceedings -communications, Vol. 152, No. 6, pp. 811 - 820, December 2005.(4 citations + conference version 4 citations)
Zhifei Li, S Nandi, and A K. Gupta, "ECS: an Enhanced Carrier Sensing Mechanism for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks ", Computer Communications, Vol. 28, No. 17, pp. 1970-1984, October 2005. (39 citations + conference version 36 citations)
Zhifei Li, A Das, A K. Gupta, and S Nandi, " Full Auto Rate MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks ", IEE proceedings - communications, Vol. 152, No. 3,pp. 311 - 319, June 2005. (76 citations)
Zhifei Li, S Nandi, and A K. Gupta,"Improving Fairness in IEEE 802.11 using Enhanced Carrier Sensing", IEE proceedings - communications, Vol. 151, No. 5,pp. 467 - 472, October 2004. (26 citations)
N Sudha, S Nandi and K Sridharan,"Cellular Architecture for Euclidean Distance Transformation",IEE proc. Comput. Digit. Tech., Vol. 147, No. 5, pp. 335-342, September 2000. (6 citations)
D. K. Bhattacharyya and S Nandi,"Efficient Design of ENCA Based Cipher System", IETE Journal of Research, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 163-173, May-June 2000.
D. K. Bhattacharyya and S Nandi, "A New Class of t -Error Correcting/ d -Error Detecting(d > t ) and All Unidirectional Error Detecting Codes", IETE Journal of Research, Vol. 45, No. 5&6, pp. 367-376, September-December 1999.
D. K. Bhattacharya and S Nandi,"Theory and Design of SEC-DED-AUED Codes", IEE proc.Comput. Digit. Tech., Vol. 145, No. 2, pp. 121-126, March 1998.(6 citations)
S. Nandi and P. Pal Chaudhuri, "Reply to Comments on Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata in Cryptography", IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 639, May 1997.
S. R.Blackburn, S. Murphy, K. G.Paterson, S. Nandi and P. Pal Chaudhuri, " Comments on - Theory and applications of cellular automata in cryptography [and reply]",IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 637-639, May 1997.(97 citations)
S. Nandi and P. Pal Chaudhuri,"Analysis of Periodic and Intermediate Boundary 90/150 Cellular Automata", IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 1-12, January 1996. (75 citations).
S. Nandi and P. Pal Chaudhuri, "New class of t-Error Correcting and all Unidirectional Error Detecting (t-EC/AUED) Codes", IEE proc.-Comput. Digit.Tech., Vol. 142, No. 1, pp. 32-40, January 1995.
S. Nandi, B. K. Kar and P. Pal Chaudhuri, "Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata in Cryptography", IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. 43, No. 12, pp. 1346-1357, December 1994. (611 citations)
S. Nandi, B. Vamsi, S. Chakrabortyand P. Pal Chaudhuri, "Cellular Automata as a BIST Structurefor Testing CMOS Circuits", IEE proc. -Comput. Digit. Tech.,Vol. 141, No. 1, pp. 41-47, January 1994. (27 citations)
Papers published in Proceeding of Conferences
Nazreena Rahman, Pankaj Choudhury, Prithwijit Guha, Ashish Anand and Sukumar Nandi, "TDIUC-AVQA: A Visual Question Answering Dataset in Low-Resource Assamese Language", in the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing, December 19-21, 2024.
Meghali Deka, Vaibhav Ishwar Gavit, Prithwijit Guha, Sukumar Nandi and Priyankoo Sarmah, "VLRASN-112: A Visual Lip Reading Dataset for Assamese Compound Numeric Sequence Recognition", in the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing, December 19-21, 2024.
Bibungshri Boro, Shakuntala Mahanta and Sukumar Nandi, "Developing Bodo Speech Recognition with Kaldi", in the third edition of the International Conference on Speech & Language Technology for Low-resource Languages (SPELLL), December 4-6, 2024.
Shalu Kumari, Sukumar Nandi and Bidisha Som, "Investigating Student Motivation and Attitudes Towards Semi-Supervised Language Learning Process", in the 17th Edition of the International Conference Innovation in Language Learning, November 6-8, 2024.
Thejaswini P, Vivekananda G, Gautham Suresh and Sukumar Nandi, "Tunable Approximate Multiply Accumulate circuit", in the 2024 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), September 27-29, 2024.
Shalu Kumari, Sukumar Nandi and Bidisha Som, "Exploring the Linguistic-Correlates of Language Learner Diversity Towards Holistic Learner Classification", in the European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL2024), July 11-15, 2024.
Poonam Namdeo Shelke, Saurav Gupta and Sukumar Nandi, "BlueDoS: A Novel Approach to Perform and Analyse DoS Attacks on Bluetooth Devices", in the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT) , July 8-10, 2024.
Saurabh Kumar, S Ranbir Singh and Sukumar Nandi, "IndiSentiment140: Sentiment Analysis Dataset for Indian Languages with Emphasis on Low-Resource Languages using Machine Translation", in the 2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2024), June 16–21, 2024.
Dhrubajyoti Pathak, Sukumar Nandi and Priyankoo Sarmah, "Evaluating Performance of Pre-trained Word Embeddings on Assamese, a Low-resource Language", in the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), May 20-25, 2024.
Manoj Das, Keshav Parihar, Madhurima Buragohain and Sukumar Nandi, "Design and Implementation of a Neighbor Discovery Framework through Base Station coordination for 5G D2D Communications", in the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 21 - 24, 2024.
Samarendra Nath Sur, Huu Q. Tran, Debdatta Kandar and Sukumar Nandi, "Performance Analysis of Delay-Phase Precoding for THz–Massive MIMO System", in the International Conference on Communication, Devices and Networking, January 19-20, 2024.
Raqib Khan, Priyanka Mishra, Nancy Mehta, Shruti Phutke, Santosh Vipparthi, Sukumar Nandi and Subrahmanyam Murala, "Spectroformer: Multi-Domain Query Cascaded Transformer Network For Under water Image Enhancement", in the Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), January 4-8, 2024.
Saurabh Kumar, S Ranbir Singh and Sukumar Nandi, "IndiSocialFT: Multilingual Word Representation for Indian languages in code-mixed environment", in the Findings of Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), December 6-10, 2023.
Syam Sankar, Ruchika Gupta, John Jose and Sukumar Nandi, "Enhancing Anonymity in NoC Communication to Counter Traffic Profiling by Hardware Trojans", in the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC 2023), December 18-21, 2023.
Pankaj Choudhury, Prithwijit Guha and Sukumar Nandi, "Image Caption Synthesis for Low Resource Assamese Language using Bi-LSTM with Bilinear Attention", in the 37th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 37), December 2-5, 2023.
Sanjib Narzary, Anjali Brahma, Sukumar Nandi and Bidisha Som, "Deep Learning based Named Entity Recognition for the BodoLanguage", in the International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE 2023), November 23-24, 2023.
Pankaj Choudhury, Prithwijit Guha and Sukumar Nandi, "Relevance of Language-Specific Training on ImageCaption Synthesis for Low Resource Assamese Language", in the International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), November 18-20, 2023.
Ritesh Ratti, Sanasam Ranbir Singh and Sukumar Nandi, "Protocol Aware Unsupervised Network Intrusion Detection System", in ITCCN symposium of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2023), November 1-3, 2023.
Ritesh Ratti, Sanasam Ranbir Singh and Sukumar Nandi, "Network based Intrusion Detection using Time aware LSTM Auto encoder", in the 21st IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (IEEE EUC 2023), November 1-3, 2023.
Syam Sankar, Lissiyas Antony, Ruchika Gupta, John Jose and Sukumar Nandi, "Exploring Trustable path in Network-on-Chip for Low-Slack Packets", in the 20th International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2023), October 25-28, 2023.
Roshan Singh, Debanjan Roy Chowdhury, Sukumar Nandi and Sunit Kumar Nandi, "A Decentralized Task Off loading Framework for Mobile Edge Computing through Blockchain and Smart Contracts", in the IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (IEEE MetaCom 2023), June 26-28, 2023.
Roshan Singh, Sukumar Nandi and Sunit Kumar Nandi, "An Implementation and Analysis of Zero Knowledge Based E-Voting Solution With Proof of Vote on Public Ethereum Blockchain", in the IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (IEEE MetaCom 2023), June 26-28, 2023.
Sagar Dev Achar, Shankar Singh C, Thejaswini P and Sukumar Nandi, "Secure Video Streaming Techniques: A Performance Overview", in the IEEE GCON 2023, June 23-25, 2023.
Hrushik Raj S, Thejaswini P and Sukumar Nandi, "Reverse Engineering techniques for Android systems: A Systematic approach", in the IEEE GCON 2023, June 23-25, 2023.
Sahana A R, Chiraag V, Gautham Suresh, Thejaswini P and Sukumar Nandi, "Application of Error Detection and Correction Techniques to Self-Checking VLSI Systems: An Overview", in the IEEE GCON 2023, June 23-25, 2023.
Pradeepkumar Bhale, Dipojjwal Ray, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi, "WOMN: WOrMhole Attack DetectioN and Mitigation Using Lightweight Distributed IDS in IoT Network", in the IEEE GCON 2023, June 23-25, 2023.
Roshan Singh and Sukumar Nandi, "An Improved PBFT-Based Consensus Protocol for Industrial IoT", in the IEEE/ACM 23rd International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing Workshops (CCGridW), May 1-4, 2023.
Suvodeep Misra, Debyan Dhar and Sukumar Nandi, "Design Fiction: A way to foresee the future ofHuman-Computer Interaction Design challenges", in the 9th International Conference on Research Into Design, January 9-11,2023.
Puneet Bakshi and Sukumar Nandi,"Anonymous eSign based on Group Signatures", in the 3rdInternational Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization,December 21-23, 2022.
Puneet Bakshi and Sukumar Nandi,"Anonymous and Privacy Preserving Attribute-based Decentralized DigiLocker using Blockchain Technology", in the 3rdInternational Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization,December 21-23, 2022.
Biswanath Dey, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay and Sukumar Nandi, "Mobility Assisted Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy for Grid-based IOT Sensor Networks in 5G and beyond",in the 13th International Conference on Networking and InformationTechnology, December 16-18, 2022.
Dhrubajyoti Pathak, Sukumar Nandi and Priyankoo Sarmah, "AsPOS: Assamese Parts-of-Speech Tagger usingDeep Learning Approach", in the 19th ACS/IEEE InternationalConference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 5-7December, 2022.
Biswanath Dey, Sivaji Bandyopadhyayand Sukumar Nandi, "A novel energy efficient Load Balanced Cluster Assignment algorithm for IoT based sensor network", inthe International Conference on Wireless Technologies, Networks andScience, Oct 6-7, 2022.
Mohammad Humam Khan, Ruchika Gupta,Vedika J. Kulkarni, John Jose and Sukumar Nandi, "Hardware Trojan Mitigation for Securing On-chip Networks from Dead Flit Attacks", in the 30th IEEE/IFIP International Conference onVery Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), 3-5 October, 2022.
Biswanath Dey, Sivaji Bandyopadhyayand Sukumar Nandi, "Load profile oriented balanced ClusterAssignment in 5G IoT based sensor network", in the 7thInternational Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies, September 29-30, 2022.
Debanjan Roy Chowdhury, Sukumar Nandiand Diganta Goswami, "Cost-Effective Distributed Edge Vehicle Selection for Multi-Tier Video Streaming over Vehicular Network"in the 47th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 26-29September, 2022.
Biswanath Dey, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay and Sukumar Nandi, "Computation of Optimal Trajectory for Mobile Data Collectors in IoT Networks", in the 6th International Conference on Communication and Network Technology,25-27 September, 2022.
Biswanath Dey, Sivaji Bandyopadhyayand Sukumar Nandi, "WCN : An energy efficient negotiation basedlocalization algorithm for large scale sensor network", in the3rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing Systems,Machine Learning & Internet of Things, September 17-18, 2022.
Sanjib Narzary, Maharaj Brahma,Mwnthai Narzary, Gwmsrang Muchahary, Pranav Kumar Singh, Apurbalal Senapati, Sukumar Nandi and Bidisha Som, "Generating Monolingual Dataset for Low Resource Language Bodo from old booksusing Google Keep", in the 13th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 20-25 June 2022.
Dhrubajyoti Pathak, Sukumar Nandi and Priyankoo Sarmah, "AsNER - Annotated Dataset and Baselines forAssamese Named Entity recognition", in the 13th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 20-25 June2022.
Ruchika Gupta, Vedika Kulkarni, JohnJose and Sukumar Nandi, "Securing On-chip Interconnect against Delay Trojan using Dynamic Adaptive Caging", in the 32ndGreat Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), 6-8 June, 2022.
Bhabesh Mali, Santanu Saha, Daimalu Bhahma, Pranav Kumar Singh and Sukumar Nandi, "Alternate Crop Prediction Using Artificial Intelligence: A Case Study in Assam",in the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems(iSES) (Formerly iNiS), 20-22 December, 2021.
Thejaswini P, John Jose and Sukumar Nandi,"Energy Efficient Approximate MACs", in the INDICON2021, 19-21 December, 2021.
Kousik Rajesh, Manoj Das and Sukumar Nandi,"Tree-Based Group Diffie-Hellman for subgroup communication in M2M networks", in the INDICON 2021, 19-21December, 2021.
Ritesh Ratti, Sukumar Nandi and Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Online Network Attack Detection using Statistical Features", in the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems(ANTS), 13-16 December, 2021.
Roshan Singh, Pranav Kumar Singh and Sukumar Nandi, "A Blockchain-based Approach for Optimal Energy Dispatch and Fault Reporting in P2P Microgrid", in the 2021IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops: Workshop on Intelligent Communications for Decentralized Energy Management (EnergyCom), 7-11December, 2021.
Dipojjwal Ray, Pradeepkumar Bhale,Santosh Biswas, Sukumar Nandi and Pinaki Mitra, "DAISS: Designof an Attacker Identification Scheme in CoAP Request/Response Spoofing" in the 2021 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 07-10December, 2021.
Mohammad Humam Khan, Ruchika Gupta,John Jose and Sukumar Nandi, "Dead Flit Attack on NoC byHardware Trojan and its Impact Analysis", in the 14thInternational Workshop on Network on Chip Architectures (NoCArc2021), 22 October , 2021.
Vedika Kulkarni, Manju R, RuchikaGupta, John Jose and Sukumar Nandi, "Packet Header Attack by Hardware Trojan in NoC based TCMP and its Impact Analysis", inthe 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip(NOCS-2021), 14-15 October, 2021.
Madhurima Buragohain and SukumarNandi, "LPECN: Leveraging PIT placement and Explicit markingfor Congestion control in NDN", in the 8th ACM Conference onInformation-Centric Networking (ICN 2021), 22-24 September, 2021.
Sunit Kumar Nandi, Pranav Kumar Singhand Sukumar Nandi, "Evaluating DASH QoE with MPTCP Under Different MPTCP Buffer Sizes and Path Latencies", in the IEEEInternational Mediterranean Conference on Communications andNetworking (MeditCom), 7–10 September, 2021.
Sukanta Dey, Sukumar Nandi and Gaurav Trivedi, "Machine Learning for VLSI CAD: A Case Study in On-Chip Power Grid Design", in the 2021 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 7-9 July 2021.
Pradeep Kumar Bhale, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi, "ML for IEEE 802.15.4e/TSCH: Energy Efficient Approach to Detect DDoS Attack Using Machine Learning",in the International Wireless Communications and Mobile ComputingConference (IWCMC 2021), June 28 — July 2, 2021.
Pradeep Kumar Bhale, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi, "LIENE: Lifetime Enhancement for 6LoWPAN Network Using Clustering Approach Use case: Smart Agriculture",in the 21th International Conference on Innovations for Community Services (I4CS 2021), May 26 - 28, 2021.
Puneet Bakshi and Sukumar Nandi,"Privacy Enhanced Registered Devices for Fine-grained Access Control",in the 26th annual International Conference on Advanced Computingand Communications (ADCOM 2020), December 16-19, 2020.
Vishal Deka, Manojit Ghose and Sukumar Nandi, "Energy-aware Application Scheduling on DVFS-enabled Edge Computing with Mobile-Edge-Cloud Cooperation",in the 26th annual International Conference on Advanced Computingand Communications (ADCOM 2020), December 16-19, 2020.
Dipojjwal Ray, Pradeepkumar Bhale, Santosh Biswas, Sukumar Nandi and Pinaki Mitra, "ArsPAN: Attacker Revelation Scheme using Discrete Event System in 6LoWPAN based Buffer Reservation Attack",in the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS 2020), December 14-17, 2020.
Bikramjit Choudhury, Amitava Nag and Sukumar Nandi, "DTLS based secure group communication scheme for Internet of Things",in the 17th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS), December 10-13, 2020.
Madhurima Buragohain, ChinmoyKachari, Sunit Kumar Nandi and Sukumar Nandi, "SCAN: Smart Collaborative Attack in Named Data Networking", in the 45th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), November 16-19,2020.
Himadri Mukherjee, Ankita Dhar, MdObaidullah Sk, Santanu Phadikar, Kaushik Roy and Sukumar Nandi, "Anartificial intelligence-based approach towards segregation of folk songs", in the International symposium on Frontiers of Researchin Speech and Music (FRSM), October 8-9, 2020.
Puneet Bakshi and Sukumar Nandi, "Privacy Enhanced DigiLocker using Ciphertext based Attribute based Encryption", in the 17thInternational Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2020), July 8-10, 2020.
Ritesh Ratti, Sanasam Ranbir Singh and Sukumar Nandi, "Towards Implementing Fast And Scalable Network Intrusion Detection System Using Entropy Based Discretization Technique", in the 11th International Conferenceon Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT),July 1-3, 2020
Subhrendu Chattopadhyay, Sukumar Nandi, Sandip Chakraborty and Abhinandan Sridhara Rao Prasad, "Amalgam: Distributed Network Control WithScalabale Service Chaining", in the 19thInternational Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Networking 2020 Conference (NETWORKING 2020), June 22 - 25, 2020.
PuneetBakshi and Sukumar Nandi, "Privacy Enhanced Token based eSignusing Attribute based Signature", in the 6thInternational conference onAdvanced Computing (ADCOM-2020), April 25-26, 2020, Dhinaharan Nagamalai et al. (Eds): NATP, ACSTY, ADCOM, SOFE, CCCIOT, MLSC, SVC– 2020 pp. 65-77, 2020. © CS & IT-CSCP 2020
SukantaDey, Sukumar Nandi and Gaurav Trivedi, "Power PlanningDL:Reliability-Aware Framework for On-Chip Power Grid Design using DeepLearning", in the 23rdDesign, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE 2020), March 9-13, 2020
Sukanta Dey, Pradeepkumar Bhale and Sukumar Nandi, "ReFIT: Reliability Challenges and Failure Rate Mitigation Techniques for IoT Systems",in the 20thInternational Conference onInnovations for Community Services (I4CS 2020), January 12-15, 2020.
Amrita Bose Paul, Shusmita Mondal, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi,"TA-ACS: A Trust Aware Adaptive Carrier Selection Scheme forReliable Routing in DTNs", in the 20thInternational Conference on Innovations for Community Services (I4CS 2020), January 12-15, 2020.
PradeepKumar Bhale, Sukanta Dey, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi, "Energy Efficient Approach to Detect Sinkhole Attack using Roving IDS in6 LoWPAN Network", in the 20thInternational Conference onInnovations for Community Services (I4CS 2020), January 12-15, 2020(Young Scientist Award forstudent authors).
PradeepKumar Bhale, Satya Prakash, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi,"BRAIN: Buffer Resrvation Attack preventioN using Legitimacy Score in 6LoWPAN Network", in the 20thInternational Conference onInnovations for Community Services (I4CS 2020), January 12-15, 2020.
AmritaB ose Paul, Akhil Gv, Santosh Biswas, Sukumar Nandi and Niladri Sett,"SAS: Seasonality Aware Social-based Forwarder Selection inDelay Tolerant Networks", in the 20thInternational Conference onInnovations for Community Services (I4CS 2020), January 12-15, 2020.
PranavKumar Singh, Roshan Singh, Sunit Kumar Nandi and Sukumar Nandi,"Designing a Blockchain based Framework for IoT Data Trade",in the 20thInternational Conference onInnovations for Community Services (I4CS 2020), January 12-15, 2020.
Nidhi Gupta, Manik Lal Das andSukumar Nandi, "LandLedger: Blockchain-powered Land Property Administration System", in the IEEE 13thInternational Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems, December 16-19, 2019.
Pradeep Kumar Bhale, Santosh Biswasand Sukumar Nandi, "LORD: LOw Rate DDoS Attack Detection and Mitigation Using Lightweight Distributed Packet Inspection Agent in IoT Ecosystem", in the IEEE 13th InternationalConference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems, December 16-19, 2019.
Pranav Singh, Roshan Singh, Gwmsrang Muchahary, Mridutpal Lahon and Sukumar Nandi, "A Blockchain-Based Approach for Usage Based Insurance and Incentive in ITS", in the TENCON 2019, October 17-20, 2019.
Pranav Kumar Singh, Dharmesh Chourasiya, Ayush Singh, Sunit Kumar Nandi and Sukumar Nandi,"CCAPS: Cooperative Context Aware Privacy Scheme for VANETs",in the 2019 IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference, September22-25, 2019
Sunit Kumar Nandi, Pranav Kumar Singh and Sukumar Nandi, "Evaluating DASH Player QoE with MPTCP in Presence of a Shared Bottleneck Link", in the IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), September 8-11, 2019.
Pranav Kumar Singh, Roshan Singh, Sunit Kumar Nandi and Sukumar Nandi,"Smart Contract Based Decentralized Parking Management in ITS",in the 19thInternational Conference onInnovations for Community Services (I4CS 2019), June 24-26, 2019.
PranavKumar Singh, Roshan Singh, Sunit Kumar Nandi and Sukumar Nandi,"Managing Smart Home Appliances with Proof of Authority and Blockchain", in the 19thInternational Conference onInnovations for Community Services (I4CS 2019), June 24-26, 2019.(Second best paper)
Madhurima Buragohain, Prashant Gudipudi, Md. Zaki Anwer and Sukumar Nandi, "EQPR: EnhancingQoS in Named Data Networking using Priority and RTT driven PIT replacement Policy", in the 53rd IEEE International Conferenceon Communications (ICC), 20-24 May 2019.
Subhrendu Chattopadhyay, Soumyajit Chatterjee, Sukumar Nandi and Sandip Chakraborty, "Aloe: An Elastic Auto-Scaled and Self-stabilized Orchestration Framework for IoT Applications", in the IEEE INFOCOM 2019, April 29-May 2,2019.
Sunil Dutt, Jan Pidanič, ZdeněkNěmec, Sukumar Nandi and Gaurav Trivedi,"Integrated ABB and DVS: A Post-silicon Tuning Approach for Parametric Yield Enhancementin Sub-45nm CMOS Technology", in the 29th International Conference Radioelektronika (RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2019), 16-18 April2019.
Sanjib Narzary, Maharaj Brahma, Bobita Singha, Rangjali Brahma, Bonali Dibragede, Sunita Barman,Sukumar Nandi and Bidisha Som, "Attention based English-Bodo Neural Machine Translation System for Tourism Domain", in the 3rd International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2019), 27-29, March 2019.
Sunit Kumar Nandi, Pranav Kumar Singh and Sukumar Nandi, "Evaluating DASH Player QoE with MPTCP in Presence of Packet Loss", in the 33rd International Conferenceon Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2019),27-29 March, 2019.
Saurabh Sabharwal, Satya Prakash,Pranav Kumar Singh, Sunit Kumar Nandi and Sukumar Nandi, "Is QUIC Quicker Than TCP? A Performance Evaluation", in the 15thInternational Symposium on Frontiers of Information Systems andNetwork Applications (FINA-2019) in conjuction with AINA 2019, 27-29March, 2019.
Pranav Kumar Singh, Rahul Raj Gupta, Sunit Kumar Nandi and Sukumar Nandi, "Machine Learning Based Approach to Detect Wormhole Attack in VANETs",in the 6th International Workshop on the Theories and Intricacies of Information Security problems (INTRICATE-SEC-2019) in conjuction with AINA 2019, 27-29 March, 2019.
Puneet Bakshi and Sukumar Nandi,"Secure, Privacy Enhanced and Anonymous Communication between Vehicle and Infrastructure", in the Second International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms(ICACCP), 25-28 February, 2019.
Pranav Kumar Singh, Shivam Gupta, Ritveeka Vashistha, Sunit Kumar Nandi and Sukumar Nandi, "Machine Learning Based Approach to Detect Position Falsification Attack in VANETs", in the ISEA International Conference on Security &Privacy 2018, 09 - 11 January, 2019
Sukanta Dey, Abhishek Kumar, Mehul Sawarkar, Pranav Kumar Singh and Sukumar Nandi, "EvadePDF:Towards Evading Machine Learning based PDF Malware Classifiers",in the ISEA International Conference on Security & Privacy 2018,09 - 11 January, 2019
PranavKumar Singh, Prateek Vij, Arpan Vyas, Sunit Kumar Nandi and Sukumar Nandi, "Elliptic Curve Cryptography Based Mechanism for Secure Wi-Fi Connectivity", in the 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, 10-13 January, 2019.
PranavKumar Singh, Anish V Monsy, Rajan Garg, Sukanta Dey and SukumarNandi, "JSpongeGen: A Pseudo Random Generator for Low Resource Devices", in the 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, 10-13 January, 2019.
Jinita Patel, Manik Lal Das and Sukumar Nandi, "On the Security of Remote Key Less Entry for Vehicle", in the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems(ANTS), 16-19 December, 2018.
Srikanta Pradhan, Somanath Tripathy and Sukumar Nandi, "Blockchain based Security Framework for P2P Filesharing system", in the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), 16-19 December, 2018.
Pradeepkumar Bhale, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi, "An Adaptive and Lightweight Solution to Detect Mixed Rate IP Spoofed DDoS Attack in IoT Ecosystem", in the IEEE INDICON, 16-18 December 2018.
Pranav Kumar Singh, Manish Kumar Dash, Paritosh Mittal, Sunit Kumar Nandi and Sukumar Nandi, "Misbehavior Detection in C-ITS Using DeepLearning Approach", in the 18th International Conference onIntelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), 6-8 December,2018.
Pranav Kumar Singh, Suraj Kumar Jha, Sunit Kumar Nandi, and Sukuma Nandi,"ML-Based Approach to Detect DDoS Attack in V2I Communication Under SDN Architecture", in the IEEE TENCON, 28-31 October,2018.
Pranav Kumar Singh, Geetesh Saikamal Tabjul, Mohd Imran, Sunit Kumar Nandi,and Sukumar Nandi, "Impact of Security Attacks on Cooperative Driving Use Case: CACC Platooning", in the IEEE TENCON, 28-31October, 2018.
Pranav Kumar Singh, Sahil Sharma, Sunit Kumar Nandi, Roshan Singh and Sukumar Nandi, "Leader Election in Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Based Platooning", 1st International Workshop on Communication and Computing in Connected Vehicles and Platooning(C3VP) in conjunction with MobiCOM 2018, 29 October, 2018.
Subhrendu Chattopadhyay, Samar Shailendra, Sukumar Nandi and Sandip Chakraborty, "Improving MPTCP Performance by Enabling Sub-Flow Selection over a SDN Supported Network", in the 14thInternational Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing,Networking and Communications (WiMob), 15-17 October 2018.
Puneet Bakshi, Neelakantan Subramanian and Sukumar Nandi, "Using Digital Tokens to Improve Amortized Performance of eSign", inthe 3rd IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress(CyberSciTech2018), 12-15 August 2018.
Bhriguraj Borah, Dhrubajyoti Pathak, Priyankoo Sarmah, Bidisha Som and Sukumar Nandi, "Survey of Text based Chatbot in Perspective of Recent Technologies", in the Computational intelligence,Communications and Business Analytics (CICBA), 27-28 July, 2018.
Pinaki Sarkar, Mayank Baranwal and Sukumar Nandi, "CRT-KPS: A Key Predistribution Schemes Using CRT", in the 23rd Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP 2018), 11-13July, 2018.
Sukanta Dey, Satyabrata Dash, Sukumar Nandi and Gaurav Trivedi,"PGIREM:Reliability-Constrained IR Drop Minimization and Electromigration Assessment of VLSI Power Grid Networks using Cooperative Coevolution", in the IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 9-11 July, 2018
P K Singh, S Chattopadhyay, P G Bhale and S Nandi, "Fast and Secure Handoffs for V2I communication in Smart City Wi-Fi Deployement", in the 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, 11-13 January, 2018
Sunil Dutt, Bikram Paul, Anshu Chauhan, Sukumar Nandi and Gaurav Trivedi,"Approxhash: delay, power and area optimized approximate hash functions for cryptography applications", in the 10th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks(SIN), pp. 291-294, 13-15 October 2017.
P Sarkar, S Nandi and M U Chowdhury, "Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing Scheme in Hierarchical Settings Using CLSC over IBC",in the International Conference on Applications and Techniques in Cyber Security and Intelligence, pp. 194-205, 16-18 June 2017.
Subhrendu Chattopadhyay, Sukumar Nandi, Sandip Chakraborty and Samar Shailendra, "Primary Path Effect in Multi-Path TCP: How Serious Is It for Deployment Consideration?", in the Eighteenth International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (ACM MobiHoc 2017), July10-14, 2017 (poster paper).
Subhrendu Chattopadhyay, Niladri Sett, Sukumar Nandi and Sandip Chakraborty,“Flipper: Fault-Tolerant Distributed Network Management andControl”, in the Mini-Conference track of the 2017 IFIP/IEEEInternational Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2017),Lisbon, Portugal, May 08 -May 12, 2017.
Sukanta Dey, Satyabrata Dash, Sukumar Nandi and Gaurav Trivedi,"Markov Chain Model using Levy Flight for VLSI Power Grid Analysis", in the 29th International Conference on VLSI Design 2017,January 2017.
Vrinda Kochar, Dheeraj Puri Goswami, Mayank Agarwal and Sukumar Nandi,"Contrast Various TestsFor Primality”, in the International Conference on Accessibility to Digital World (ICADW), December 2016.
Abhimanyu Singh, Pawan Singre, Mayank Agarwal and Sukumar Nandi,"Security Issues in Software Define Network and its Applications", in the International Conference on Accessibility to Digital World (ICADW), December 2016.
Anoop Kumar Singh, Sandeep Kumar, Mayank Agarwal and Sukumar Nandi,"Surveyand Analysis of Modern Authentication System", in the International Conference on Accessibility to Digital World (ICADW), December 2016.
Supreeti Katiyar, Priya Sharma, Mayank Agarwal and Sukumar Nandi,"Differential Cryptanalysis of Substitution Permutation Network", in the International Conference on Accessibility to Digital World (ICADW), December 2016.
Dipankar Bora, Ben Thomas, Sukumar Nandi and Gaurav Trivedi, "Application Specific Processor Design Implementation to Monitor Seismic Activity", in the International Conference on Accessibility to Digital World (ICADW), December 2016.
N Sett, S Chattopadhyay, S R Singh and S Nandi, "A time agnostic method for predicting dull nodes and links in evolving networks for data cleaning", in the 2016 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, October 13-16, 2016.
Keshab Nath, Swarup Roy and Sukumar Nandi, "Incremental Approach for Detecting Arbitraryand Embedded Cluster Structures", in the 6th International Conference on Model & Data Engineering (MEDI),September 21-23, 2016 (LNCS 9893).
S Dutt, S Nandi and G Trivedi, "A Comparative Survey of Approximate Adders",in the 26th International Conference Radioelektronika, April 19-20, 2016
A Bhandari, M Agarwal, S Biswas and S Nandi, "Intrusion Detection System for Identification of Throughput Degradation Attack on TCP",in the twenty secondNational Conference onCommunications, March 4-6, 2016.
Ronald Ashley Dkhar, Keshab Nath, Sukumar Nandi, Dhruba K Bhattacharyya, Swarup Roy, "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Soft K-Means inDetecting Over lapping Clusters ", in the proc. Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies, 4-5 March , 2016.
Subhrendu Chattopadhyay, Sandip Chakraborty and Sukumar Nandi, "Leveraging the Trade-off Between Spatial Reuse and Channel Contention in Wireless Mesh Networks",in proc. of the Eighth International Conference on CommunicationSystems and Networks (COMSNETS 2016), January 06-08, 2016 (Invited Paper).
S Dutt, Harsh Patel, S Nandi and G Trivedi, "Exploring Approximate Computing for Yield Improvement via Re-design of Addersfor Error-resilient Applications", in the 28th InternationalConference on VLSI Design, Januaray 2016.
A B Paul, S Chakraborty, S De, S Nandi and S Biswas, "Adaptive Path Selection for High Throughput Heterogeneous Wireless Mesh Networks", in the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), December 2015.
M Agarwal, S Biswas and S Nandi, "Detection of De-authentication DoS attacks in Wi-Fi Networks: A Machine Learning Approach", inthe IEEE SMC 2015.
M Agarwal, S Biswas and S Nandi, " I2-DiagnosabilityFramework for Detection of Advanced Stealth Man in The Middle Attackin Wi-Fi Networks", in the 23rd Mediterranean Conference onControl and Automation (MED), pp. 349-356, June 16-19, 2015 (IEEEPress).
ChinmayaK Patanaik, Ferdous A Barbhuiya, Santosh Biswas, Sukumar Nandi, "A Discrete Event System Based Approach for Obfuscated Malware Detection", in Advances in Communication and Computing, Volume347 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering), pp 3-16, June 2015.
M Pant, B Dey and S Nandi, "Multihop Balanced Energy Clusteringfor Wireless Sensor Network", in the Applications andInnovations in Mobile Computing (AIMoC 2015), February 12-15, 2015.
S Chakraborty and S Nandi, "Controlling Unfairness due to Physical Layer Capture and Channel Bonding in 802.11n+s Wireless Mesh Networks", in the 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking 2015, January 2015. (Best paper award)
S Dutt, A Chauhan, R Bhadoriya, S Nandi and G Trivedi, "A High-performance Energy-efficient Hybrid Redundant MAC forError-resilient Applications", in the 28th International Conference on VLSI Design and 14th International Conference on Embedded Systems 2015, Januaray 2015.
S Chakraborty and S Nandi, "QoS Associated Path Selection in Wireless Mesh Networks", in the Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems(ANTS) 2014, December 2014.
T Sinam, I T Singh, P Lamabam, N NDevi and S Nandi, "Early Detection of VoIP Network Flows basedon Sub-Flow Statistical Characteristics of Flows using Machine Learning Techniques", in the Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems(ANTS) 2014, December 2014.
Bidyut Kr. Patra, Raimo Launonen,Ville Ollikainen and Sukumar Nandi, "Exploiting Bhattacharyya similarity measure to diminish user cold-start problem in sparsedata", Discovery Science 2014, October 2014.
S Chakraborty and S Nandi,"Evaluating Transport Protocol Performance over High Throughput Wireless Mesh Backbone: Do Existing Protocols Scale Well? ", inthe 32st International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling,Measurement and Evaluation 2014 (IFIP Performance 2014), October2014.
M Samal, V V Saradhi and S Nandi,"Scalability of Correlation Clustering Through Constraint Reduction", in IKDD CoDS, March 2014.
T Sinam, I T Singh, P Lamabam, N NDevi and S Nandi, "A technique for classification of VoIP flowsin UDP media streams using VoIP signalling traffic", in 4thIEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), February21-22, 2014.
R Pamula, J K Deka and S Nandi, "Anoutlier detection method based on cluster pruning", in the second international conference on business and information management, January 9-11, 2014 (Best paper award).
S Chakraborty and S Nandi,"Evaluating the Effect of Path Diversity over QoS and QoE in a High Speed Indoor Mesh Backbone" in the Sixth International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (IEEE/ACM COMSNETS2014), January 07-09, 2014.
S Chakraborty, S Chattopadhyay, S Chakraborty and S Nandi, "Defending Concealedness in IEEE802.11n" in the Sixth International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (IEEE/ACM COMSNETS 2014), January 07-09, 2014.
A B Paul, S Konwar, S Biswas and S Nandi, "M-HRP for Wireless Mesh Networks and its Performance Evaluation", in the Sixth International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (IEEE/ACM COMSNETS 2014) (poster paper), January 07-09, 2014.
S Chakraborty, S Nandi and S Chattopadhyay, "Surpassing Flow Fairness in a Mesh Network: Howto Ensure Equity among End Users? " in the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems (IEEE ANTS 2013), Chennai, India, December 15-18, 2013 (Best paper award).
M Mangal, N Sett, S R Singh and S Nandi, "Link Prediction on Evolving Social Network using Spectral Analysis" in the Seventh IEEE International Conferenceon Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems (IEEE ANTS 2013),December 15-18, 2013.
M Agarwal, S Biswas and S Nandi,"Detection of De-authentication Denial of Service attack in 802.11 networks", in the INDICON 2013, December 13-15, 2013.
N Kumar, G Bansal, S Biswas and S Nandi, "Host based IDS for NDP related attacks: NS and NA Spoofing, INDICON 2013, December 13-15, 2013.
B K Patra, O Ville, R Launonen, S.Nandi and S B Korra, "Distance based Incremental Clustering for Mining Clusters of Arbitrary Shapes", in 5th InternationalConference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, December10-14, 2013.
S Chakraborty, S Chakraborty and S Nandi, "Beyond Conventional Routing Protocols: Opportunistic Path Selection for IEEE 802.11s Mesh Networks", in the IEEE 24th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications: Mobile and Wireless Networks, 8-11 September2013.
N Kumar and S Nandi, "DisTree: Ascheme for DHT", in the International Conferenceon Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, August22-25, 2013.
P Choudhury, K R Prasanna Kumar, G Athithan and S Nandi, "Analysis of VBR coded VoIP for traffic classification", in the International Conferenceon Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, August 22-25, 2013.
T Dutta, A Sur and S Nandi, "Motion Coherent Region Detection in H.264 Compressed Videos", in the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo(ICME2013), 15-19 July 2013.
S Chakraborty, S Chakraborty, S Nandiand S Karmakar, "RelBAS: Reliable Data Gathering from Border Area Sensors", in the 18th IEEE Symposium onComputers and Communications 7-10 July 2013.
S Chakraborty, S Chakraborty, S Nandi and S Karmakar, "Exploring Gradient in Sensor Deployment Pattern for Data Gathering with Sleep based Energy Saving" in the IEEE 9th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IEEE IWCMC 2013), July 1-5, 2013.
S Chakraborty, S Chakraborty, S Nandi and S Karmakar, "Energy-efficient Data Gathering for Road-side Sensor Networks ensuring Reliability and Fault-tolerance", in the 27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2013), March 25-28,2013.
R Pamula, J K Deka and S Nandi,"Centroid based cluster pruning outlier detection method ",in the second international conference on Recent advances in Engineering and Technology, February 27, 2013 (Best paper award).
T Datta, A Sur and S Nandi, "A Robust Compressed Domain Video Watermarking in P-frames with Controlled Bit Rate Increase", in the nineteenth annual National Conference on Communications (NCC-2013), 15-17 February 2013.
R Tandon, B Dey and S Nandi, "Weight Based Clustering For Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks",in the nine teenth annual National Conference on Communications(NCC-2013), 15-17 February 2013.
S De, D Goswami and S Nandi,"Consistent Coordination Decoupling in Tuple Space based Mobile Middleware: Design and Formal Specifications", in 9th ICDCIT2013, 5-8 February, 2013.
S De, D Goswami and S Nandi, "Formal Modeling of Mobile Middleware for Tuple Space Coordination over Multiple Heterogeneous Networks", 9th QSHINE 2013, 11-12January, 2013.
R Tandon, B Dey and S Nandi,"Distributed Lagrangean Clustering Protocol", in the 14thInternational Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking(ICDCN 2013), 3-6 January 2013. (LNCS 7730).
R Tandon, and S Nandi, "CRP:Cluster Head Re-election Protocol for heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks", in the Fifth International Conference On Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS 2013), 7-10 January2013.
S De, S Chakraborty, S Nandi and D Goswami, "Supporting Tuple Space based Mobile Middleware over Unreliable Mobile Infrastructures : Design and Formal Specifications", in the IEEE International Conferenceon Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS 2012),December 16-19, 2012.
S Chakraborty and S Nandi, "Achieving Fairness for Multi-Class Traffic in Directional Multi-Interface IEEE802.11s MCCA", in the proc. of the 18th IEEE InternationalConference on Networks (ICON 2012), 12-14 December 2012.
F A Barbhuiya, T Saikia, S Nandi, "Ananomaly based approach for HID attack detection using key stroke dynamics", Cyber space Safety and Security, LNCS 7672, pp.139-152, 12-13 December, 2012.
S De, D Goswami, and S Nandi, "A New Tuple Space Structure for Tuple Space based Mobile Middleware Platforms", 9th INDICON 2012, 7-9 December, 2012.
R Tandon, B Dey and S Nandi,"Adaptive Lagrangean Clustering Protocol", in the proc. ofthe 2nd IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC 2012), 06-08 December 2012.
N R Samineni, F A Barbhuiya, S Nandi,"Stealth and semi-stealth MITM attacks, detection and defensein IPv4 networks", in the proc. of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC 2012),06-08 December 2012.
S De, S Nandi and D Goswami,"Architectures of Mobile Middleware: A Taxonomic Perspective",in the proc. of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Parallel,Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC 2012), 06-08 December 2012.
S De, S Chakraborty, D Goswami and SNandi, "Formalization of Discovery and Communication Mechanismsof Tuple Space Based Mobile Middleware for Underlying Unreliable Infrastructure", in the proc. of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC 2012),December 6-8, 2012.
V Kumar, S Chakraborty, F A Barbhuiyaand S Nandi, "Detection of Stealth Man-In-The-Middle Attack in Wireless LAN", in the proc. of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC 2012),06-08 December 2012.
R Pamula, J K Deka and S Nandi,"Pruning based method for outlier detection", in the third Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT), 29 Nov-1 Dec2012.
S De, D Goswami, S Nandi and S Chakraborty, "Formalization of a Fully-Decoupled Reactive Tuple Space model for Mobile Middleware", in the proc. of 5th International Conference on MOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems, and Applications (MOBILWARE 2012), November 13-14, 2012.
G Bansal, N Kumar, S Biswas and S Nandi, "Detection of NDP Based Attacks using MLD", ACM International Conference on Security of Information and Networks(SIN) 2012 (ACM SIGSAC).
T Saikia, F A Barbhuiya and S Nandi,"A Behaviour based Framework for Worm Detection", Procedia Technology 6, 1011-1018, 01/2012.
D Devi and S Nandi, "Detectionof Packed Malware", in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Security of Internet of Things, 17-19 August 2012.(ACM Press)
F A Barbhuiya, C Patanaik and S Nandi, "Obfuscated Malware Detection Using API Call Dependency", in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Security of Internet of Things, 17-19 August 2012.[Best poster award] (ACM Press)
A P Singh, S M Potey, F A Barbhuiya and S Nandi, "A Scalable and Secure Key Distribution Mechanism for Multicast Networks", International Conference on Advancesin Computing and Communications (ICACC), 9-11 Aug 2012. (IEEE Press)
S Chakraborty and S Nandi, "A HiperLAN/2 based MAC Protocol for Efficient Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication using Directional Wireless Mesh Backbone", in the proc. of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC 2012),25-27 June 2012.
S De, S Nandi and D Goswami,"Modeling an Enhanced Tuple Space based Mobile Middleware in UNITY", 11th IUCC 2012, 25-27 June, 2012. (10 citations)
F A Barbhuiya, Roopa S, R Ratti, S Biswas and S Nandi, "An Active Detection Mechanism for Detecting ICMP Based Attacks", IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2012).
S Kumar, S Nandi and S Biswas,"Peer-to-Peer network classification using nu-maximal margin spherical structured multiclass support vector machine" inInternational Conference on Data Engineering and Management, LNCS6411, pp. 80-84, 29-31 July, 2012.
A P Singh, S M Potey, F A Barbhuiya,S Nandi, "A Scalable and Secure Key Distribution Mechanism for Multicast Networks", International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications(ICACC) 01/2012
F. A. Barbhuiya, S. Biswas, S. Nandiand V. Gupta, "Detection and Mitigation of Induced Low rate TCP-targeted Denial of Service attack", in the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Software Security and Reliability, June20 - 22, 2012. (IEEE Press)
S. Chakraborty, S Sarma and S. Nandi,"Performance Optimization in Single Channel Directional Multi-Interface IEEE 802.11s EDCA using Beam Prioritization",in the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 10 -15 June 2012. (IEEE Press)
S. Chakraborty, S. Chakraborty, S.Nandi and S. Karmakar, "A Novel Crash-Tolerant Data Gatheringin Wireless Sensor Networks", in the 13th IEEE/IFIP NetworkOperations and Management Symposium, April 16-20, 2012. (IEEE Press)
P. Swain, S. Chakraborty, S. Nandi,and P. Bhaduri, "Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11 IBSS Power Save Mode using Discrete-Time Markov chain", in the 27th ACMS ymposium on Applied Computing, March 25-29, 2012. (ACM Press)
S. Budhkar, A. Mishra, F. A. Barbhuiya and S. Nandi, "Security in Mobile Agent Systems With Locator Mechanism", in International Conference on RecentAdvances in Information Technology, March 15 - 17, 2012. (IEEEPress)
B Dey and S Nandi, "Multi-objective routing optimizations in cluster based Sensor Networks", in14th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 19-22 February 2012. (IEEE Press)
S. Chakraborty and S. Nandi, "MAC Layer Fairness in IEEE 802.11 DCF Based Wireless Mesh Networks",in International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communication, January 30 - February 2, 2012. (IEEE Press)
D. Devi and S. Nandi, "PE filefeatures in Detection of Packed Executables", in International Conference on Information Security and Artificial Intelligence, December 28-30, 2011.
M. Barooah, S. Ahuja, S. Chakraborty and S. Nandi, "TCP Performance for WLAN-GPRS Handover in an Intermediate Switching Network based Framework", in the 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication System, December 18-21, 2011. (IEEE Press).
A Rai, F. A. Barbhuiya, A. Sur, S. Biswas, S. Chakraborty and S. Nandi, "Exploit Detection Techniques for STP using Distributed IDS", the World Congresson information and Communication Technologies, December 12-14, 2011.(IEEE Press)
S. Konwar, A. Bose Paul, S. Nandi and S. Nandi, "MCDM based Trust Model for Secure Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks", the World Congress on information and Communication Technologies, December 12-14, 2011. (IEEE Press)
P. Choudhury, K R P. Kumar, G.Athithan and S. Nandi, "A mechanism to recover voice fromlogged VoIP sessions based on RTP", in IEEE International Conference on Internet Multimedia Systems Architecture and Application, December 12 -14, 2011. (IEEE Press)
F. A. Barbhuiya, S. Dastidar, S.Mandal and S. Nandi, "Detecting Metamorphic Virus using Hidden Markov Model and Genetic Algorithm", in International conference on soft computing for problem solving, December 20-22,2011 (Best paper award).
P. Banerjee, M. Mitra, F. Barbhuiya, S. Chakraborty and S. Nandi, "An Efficient Decentralized Rekeying Scheme to Secure Hierarchical Geographic Multicast Routingin Wireless Sensor Networks", in the Seventh International Conference on Information Systems Security, 15-19 December 2011.(LNCS)
F. A. Barbhuiya, S. Biswas and S. Nandi, "Detection of Neighbor Solicitation and Advertisement Spoofing in IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol", in the 4thInternational Conference on Security of Information and Networks(SIN 2011), 14-19 November 2011 (ACM Press). (27 citations)
A Bose Paul, U. Gogoi, S. Konwar, S.Nandi and S. Biswas, "E-AODV for Wireless Mesh Networks and its Performance Evaluation", in Sixth International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications,October 2011 (IEEE Press). (7 citations)
S. Chakraborty and S. Nandi,"Achieving MAC Layer Fairness in Wireless Mesh Backbone based Vehicular Network", in International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology 2011, October 2011 (IEEE Press).
S. Chakraborty, S. Chakraborty, S.Nandi and S. Karmakar, "A Reliable and Total Order Tree Based Broadcast in Wireless Sensor Network", in International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology 2011, October2011 (IEEE Press). (8 citations)
F.A. Barbhuiya, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi, "An Active DES Framework to Intrusion Detection System for ARP Spoofing", IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics 2011, pp. 2743 - 2748 (IEEE Press).
S. Chakraborty, S. Chakraborty, S.Nandi and S. Karmakar, "A Tree-Based Local Repairing Approachfor Increasing Lifetime of Query Driven WSN", in 11th International Symposium on Parallel Architecture, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN), August 2011 (IEEE Press).
S. Kumar, S. Kumar and S. Nandi,"Distributed Smart Camera Network and Mobile Devices", in International Conference on Advances in Computing and Artificial Intelligence (ACAI 2011), CCIS, pp. 21-24, July 2011.
P. Swain, S. Chakraborty, S. Nandi and P. Bhaduri, "Throughput Analysis of the IEEE 802.11 Power Save Mode in Single Hop Ad hoc Networks", in International Conference on Wireless Networks, July 2011.
S Kumar, S. Kumar and S. Nandi,"Multi-density Clustering Algorithm for Anomaly Detection using KDD'99 Dataset", in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES INCOMPUTING AND COMMUNICATIONS, July 2011 (ACM Press).
S. Nandi and A. Yadav, "Adaptationof MAC Layer for QoS in WSN", in Trends in Network andCommunications, CCIS, Vol. 197, Part 1, pp. 1-10, 2011
V. S. Kumar, T. Dutta, A. Sur and S.Nandi, "Secure Network Steganographic Scheme Exploiting TCP Sequence Numbers", in Advances in Network Security and Applications, CCIS, Vol. 196, Part 1, pp. 281-291, 2011.
G. Bansal, N. Kumar, F. A. Barbhuiya,S. Biswas and S. Nandi, "Scalable Implementation of Active Detection Mechanism for LAN Based Attacks", in Advances in Network Security and Applications, CCIS, Vol. 196, Part 1, pp.258-267, 2011.
F. A. Barbhuiya, N. Hubballi, S. Biswas and S. Nandi, "Completeness of LAN Attack Detection Using Discrete Event Systems", in Advances in Network Security and Applications, CCIS, Vol. 196, Part 1, 131-139, 2011.
K. Sreenivasan and S. Nandi, "On A Frame Work for Analysing Cloud Computing System Performance",in the 2nd Annual International Conference on Cloud Computing and Virtualization , April 25-26, 2011
F. A. Barbhuiya, N. Hubballi, S.Biswas and S. Nandi, "A Host Based DES Approach for Detecting ARP Spoofing", in IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligencein Cyber Security (SSCI 2011 CICS - 2011), pp. 114 - 121, April 2011(IEEE Press). (20 citations)
A S Nair, A. Kumar, A. Sur and S. Nandi, "Length Based Network Steganography using UDP Protocol",in International Conference on Computer and Communication Devices(ICCCD 2011), April 2011. (16 citations)
N. Hubballi, B. K. Patra and S.Nandi, "NDoT: Nearest Neighbor Distance Based Outlier Detection Technique", in Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, LNCS, Volume 6744/2011, pp. 36-42, 2011.
B K. Patra and S. Nandi,"Neighborhood Based Clustering Method for Arbitrary Shaped Clusters", in Foundations of Intelligent Systems LNCS, Vol.6804/2011, pp. 306-315, 2011.
Abhijit Sarma and Sukumar Nandi,"Zone Based Seamless Vertical Handoff Technique between WiFiand WiMax", in Recent Trends in Wireless and Mobile Networks,CCIS, Vol. 162, Part 2, 305-314, 2011.
Abhijit Sarma and Sukumar Nandi,"Context Aware Handoff for Performance Improvement in a WiFi-WiMax Heterogeneous Networks", in International Conferenceon Computer Science and Information Technology, February 2011.
Biswanath Dey and Sukumar Nandi, "A Scalable Energy Efficient and Delay Bounded Data Gathering Framework for Large Scale Sensor Network", in International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT 2011),February 2011(IEEE Press).
Biswanath Dey, Sukumar Nandi and Gautam Das, "Mobility Assisted Efficient Coverage Control in Cluster Based Sensor Networks", in International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT 2011),February 2011(IEEE Press).
Shivendra Katiyar, Kullai Reddy Meka,Ferdous A. Barbhuiya and Sukumar Nandi, "Online Voting System Powered by Biometric Security Using Steganography", inInternational Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT 2011), February 2011(IEEE Press). (37 citations)
Rajendra Pamula, Jatindra Kumar Deka and Sukumar Nandi, "An Outlier Detection Method Based on Clustering, in International Conference on Emerging Applications ofInformation Technology (EAIT 2011) ", February 2011 (IEEEPress). (71 citations)
Santosh Kumar, Sukumar Nandi and Santosh Biswas, "Research and Application of One-Class SmallHypersphere Support Vector Machine for Network Intrusion Detection Systems", in 3rd International Conference on CommunicationSystems and Networks (COMSNETS 2011), January 2011 (IEEE Press).
Neminath Hubballi, Santosh Biswas,and Sukumar Nandi, "Sequencegram: n-gram Modeling of System Calls for Program based Anomaly Detection", in 3rd International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks(COMSNETS 2011), January 2011 (IEEE Press).
Sandip Chakraborty, Soumyadip Majumder, Ferdous A. Barbhuiya and Sukumar Nandi, "A Scalable Rekeying Scheme for Secure Multicast in IEEE 802.16 Network",the Second International Conference on Network & Communications Security, January 2011(LNCS).
Santosh Kumar, Sumit Kumar and Sukumar Nandi, "Copyright Protection in Digital Multimedia",the Second International Conference on Network & Communications Security, January 2011(LNCS).
Abhijit Sarma, Shantanu Joshi andSukumar Nandi, "Context Aware Mobile Initiated Handoff for Performance Improvement in IEEE 802.11 Networks", 2nd International Conference on Networks and Communications, January2011(LNCS).
Ferdous Barbhuiya, Roopa Shiva,Ritesh Ratti, Neminath Hubballi, Santosh Biswas, Sukumar Nandi, Arijit Sur and Vivek Ramachandran, "An Active Host-based Detection Mechanism for LAN Attacks", the Second International Conference on Network & Communications Security, January 2011(LNCS). (13 citations)
Rajendra Pamula, Jatindra Kumar Deka and Sukumar Nandi, "Distance Based Fast Outlier Detection Method", in IEEE INDICON December 2010. (IEEE Press)
Suddhasil De, Sukumar Nandi and Diganta Goswami, "On Performance Improvement Issues inUnordered Tuple Space based Mobile Middleware", in IEEE INDICON December 2010. (IEEE Press) (10 citations)
Arup Bhattacharjee and Sukumar Nandi,"Tighter End-to-End Delay Bound for Aggregate Traffic Scheduling", in IEEE INDICON December 2010. (IEEE Press).
Arup Bhattacharjee and Sukumar Nandi,"Bivariate Gamma Distribution: A plausible solution for joint distribution of packet arrival and their sizes", in 13th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2010), December 2010. (IEEE Press)
Anand S Nair, Arijit Sur, Sukumar Nandi, "Detection of Packet Length Based Network Steganography", International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security (MINES 2010), November 2010(IEEE Press).
Santosh Kumar, Sukumar Nandi and Santosh Biswas, "Peer-to-Peer Network Classification using nu-Maximal Margin Spherical Structured Multiclass Support Vector Machine", in the Second International Conference on Data Engineering and Management, July 2010 (LNCS).
Amrita Bose Paul, Shantanu Konwar,Upola Gogoi, Angshuman Chakraborty, Nihifar Yeshmin and Sukumar Nandi, "Implementation and Performance Evaluation of AODV inWireless Mesh Networks using NS-3", in 2nd InternationalConference on Education Technology and Computer (ICETC 2010), June 2010 (IEEE Press). (5 citations)
Santosh Biswas, Neminath Hubballi,Roopa S, Ritesh Ratti, Sukumar Nandi, F A Barbhuriya, Arijit Sur,Vivek Ramachandran, "A DES Approach to Intrusion Detection System for ARP Spoofing Attacks", in the 18th MediterraneanConference on Control and Automation, MED'10, June 2010 (IEEEPress). (19 citations)
Bidyut Kr. Patra, Neminath Hubballi, Santosh Biswas, Sukumar Nandi, "Distance Based Fast Hierarchical Clustering Method for Large Datasets", International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends inComputing (RSCTC 2010), 2010, pp 50-59. (LNAI 6086).
Neminath Hubballi, Roopa S, Ritesh Ratti, F A Barbhuriya, Santosh Biswas, Sukumar Nandi, Arijit Sur, Vivek Ramachandran, "An Active Intrusion Detection System for LAN Specific Attacks", in International Conference on Advancesin Computer Science and Information Technology 2010, LNCS,pp-129-142. (14 citations)
Marchang Jims, Sukumar Nandi, andNityananda Sarma, "Prioritized QoS support MAC for Real Time Flows", in the 2nd International Conference on Computer and Network Technology, April 2010 (IEEE Press).
Arup Bhattacharjee and Sukumar Nandi,"Statistical analysis of network traffic inter-arrival",in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, February 2010. (18 citations)
Dhananjay Kotwal, Maushumi Barooah and Sukumar Nandi, "Seamless Handoff between IEEE 802.11 and GPRS Networks", in the 6th International Conference on Distributed Computing & Internet Technology, February 2010(LNCS).
Neminath Hubballi, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi "Layered higher order n-grams for hardening payload based anomaly intrusion detection", in the Fifth International Workshop on Frontiers in Availability, Reliability and Security, February 2010 (IEEE Press). (16 citations)
Arup Bhattacharjee and Sukumar Nandi,"Self-similar Traffic and Buffer Overflow: A Bounded Buffer Allocation Approach", in IEEE INDICON December 2009. (IEEEPress)
Tarun Kochar, Sukumar Nandi and Santosh Biswas, "A Single chip implementation of AES cipher and Whirlpool hash function", in IEEE INDICON, December 2009. (IEEEPress)
Bidyut Kumar Patra and Sukumar Nandi,"Fast Single-link Clustering Method Based on Tolerance Rough Set Model", in the Twelfth International Conference on RoughSets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing, LNCS, pp.414-422 December 2009. (9 citations)
Abhijit Sarma, Rajat Gupta, and Sukumar Nandi, "A Zone Based Inter leaved Scanning Technique for Fast Handoff in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks", in the 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks (I-SPAN 2009), December 2009 (IEEE Press). (14 citations)
Arup Bhattacharjee and Sukumar Nandi,"Fairness and coexistence issues in PSRG scheduling", in 12th International Conference on Information Technology,December 2009.
Amrita Bose Paul and Sukumar Nandi,"Impacts of Refresh Interval Parameters on M-OLSR Performance for Wireless Mesh Networks", in IEEE TENCON, November 2009(IEEE Press).
Neminath Hubballi, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi, "Fuzzy mega cluster based anomaly network intrusion detection", in IFIP Network and Service Security Conference, Paris, June 2009 (IEEE Press).
Bidyut Kumar Patra, Sukumar Nandi and P Viswanath, "Data Summarization based Fast Hierarchical Clustering Method for Large Dataset", in the International Conference on Information Management and Engineering, April 2009(IEEE Press).
Abhishek Anand, Shikhar Sachan, Kalpesh Kapoor and Sukumar Nandi, "QDMAC: An Energy EfficientLow Latency MAC Protocol for Query Based Wireless Sensor Networks",in International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking,(LNCS 5408),January 2009. (3 citations)
Nityananda Sarma and Sukumar Nandi,"A Strict Priority based QoS-aware MAC protocol for Mobile AdHoc Networks", in International Conference on Distributed Computing & Internet Technology, (LNCS5375), pp. 121-132,December 2008. (4 citations)
Neminath Hubballi, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi, "An efficient data structure for storing network intrusion detection dataset", in IEEE ANTS, December 2008 (IEEEPress). (1 citations)
Amrita Bose Paul and Sukumar Nandi,"Modified Optimized Link State Routing (M-OLSR) for Wireless Mesh Networks", in 11thInternational Conference onInformation Technology, December 2008 (IEEE Press). (21 citations)
Sounak Paul, Sukumar Nandi and Indrajeet Singh, "A Dynamic Balanced-energy Sleep Scheduling Scheme in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network", in the 16thIEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON 2008), December 2008 (IEEE Press). (33 citations)
Arup Bhattacharjee and Sukumar Nandi,"A Proportional Intra-class Scheduling for Differentiated Services Model", in IEEE TENCON, November 2008 (IEEE Press).
Nityananda Sarma and Sukumar Nandi,"A priority based QoS-Aware MAC protocol (PQAMP) in mobile adhoc networks ", in the 4th ACM International Workshop on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (Q2SWinet 2008), Canada, October 2008 (ACM Press).
Giriraj Chauhan and Sukumar Nandi,"QOS Aware Stable Path Routing (QASR) Protocol for MANETs",in the 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, July, 2008 (IEEE Press). (41 citations)
Nityananda Sarma and Sukumar Nandi,"A Route Stability based Multi path QoS Routing (SMQR) in MANETs", in the 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, July, 2008 (IEEE Press). (13 citations)
Kh. Manglem Singh, Sukumar Nandi, S.Birendra Singh, L. Shyam Sundar Singh, "Stealth Steganography in Visual Cryptography for Half Tone Images", International Conference on Computer & Communication Engineering in KualaLumpur, Malaysia, May, 2008 (IEEE Press). (18 citations)
Bidyut Kumar Patra, P Viswanath and Sukumar Nandi, "A Fast Single Link Clustering Method for Large Data Sets", in the MCDCS, An IISc Centenary Conference, May,2008.
Nityananda Sarma, Sukumar Nandi and Rakesh Tripathi, "Enhancing Route Recovery for QAODV Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", in the 9th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks, pp. pp. 39-44, May,2008 (IEEE Press). (18 citations)
V. Chenna Kesavulu, Sukumar Nandi and Somanath Tripathy, "OSASMAC: Opportunistic Secure Adaptive Sensor MAC Protocol", in 10th International Conference onInformation Technology, December 2007 (IEEE Press).
Marchang Jims, Nityananda Sarma, andSukumar Nandi, "Priority Based Fairness Provisioning QoS-Aware MAC Protocol", in the 15th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, December 2007 (IEEE Press) (Best Paper award). (10 citations)
Nityananda Sarma, and Sukumar Nandi,"Route Stability based QoS Routing (RSQR) in MANETs", in the 10th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, December 2007. (4 citations)
S Pathare and Sukumar Nandi, "SAHNet: A Secure System for Ad-hoc Networking using ECC", the 3-rd ACM International Workshop on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (Q2SWinet 2007), Greece, October 2007 (ACM Press).
Giriraj Chauhan and Sukumar Nandi,"Signal Stability based QoS Routing (SSQR) for Mobile Ad HocNetworks", in the International Conference on Embedded Systems, Mobile Communication and Computing, August, 2007 (Best paper award).
Atanu Roy Chowdhury, Mantha Venkata Sreedhara Deekshitulu and Sukumar Nandi, "Improving MAC Layer Fairness in Multi-Hop Wireless Mesh Networks", in the COMmunication Systems softWAre and middlewaRE, January 2007 (IEEEPress). (6 citations)
Atanu Roy Chowdhury, Somanath Tripathy and Sukumar Nandi, "Securing Wireless Sensor Networks Against Spurious Injections", in the COMmunication SystemssoftWAre and middlewaRE, January 2007 (IEEE Press).
Somanath Tripathy, Sukumar Nandi and Abhijit Mitra, "A Secured Response Algorithm with Query Authentication for Wireless Sensor Networks", in the 5th Asian International Mobile Computing Conference, January 2007.
Biswanath Dey, Akhil S, Sukumar Nandi, "Clustering Problem in large-scale sensor network: Possibilities and requirements", in International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems (ICACS-2007), January 2007.
Somanath Tripathy and Sukumar Nandi,"Efficient Remote User Authentication and Key Establishment for Multi-Server Environment", in the 3rd International Conferenceon Distributed Computing & Internet Technology, LNCS 4317,pp. 333-346, December 2006.
Biswanath Dey and Sukumar Nandi,"Distributed Location and Lifetime Biased Clustering for largescale Wireless Sensor Network", in International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, LNCS4308, pp. 534-545,December 2006. (5 citations)
Biswanath Dey and Sukumar Nandi,"Localized intra cluster chaining for efficient data gatheringin Large Scale Wireless Sensor Network ", 2ndInternational Conference on Wireless Communications and Sensor Networks, December 2006.
Vinod Kone and Sukumar Nandi, "QoS constrained adaptive routing protocol for mobile adhoc networks",in the 9th International Conference on Information Technology, December 2006 (IEEE Computer Society Press). (21 citations)
Somanath Tripathy, Sukumar Nandi and Atanu Roy Chowdhury, "CARMA: Cellular Automata-based Remote Mutual Authentication", in the 9th International Conference onInformation Technology, December 2006(IEEE Computer Society Press).
Somanath Tripathy and Sukumar Nandi,"RPAKE: RCA-based Password Authenticated Key Exchange ",IEEE India Annual Conference (INDICON), September 2006 (IEEE Press).
Somanath Tripathy and Sukumar Nandi,"Robust Mutual Authentication for low cost RFID systems",4th International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN),pp. 949-954, August 2006 (IEEE Press). (8 citations)
Sumeet Parmar, Sukumar Nandi and Atanu Roy Chowdhury, "LLM:Low Latency MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks", 3rd Annual IEEE Communications Society on Sensor and Ad hoc Communications and Networks 2006, Vol.3, pp. 905-909, September 2006 (IEEE Press).
Sumeet Parmar, Sukumar Nandi and Atanu Roy Chowdhury, "Power Efficient and Low Latency MAC for Wireless Sensor Networks ", 3rdAnnual IEEE Communications Society on Sensor and Ad hoc Communications and Networks 2006, Vol. 3, pp.940-944, September 2006 (IEEE Press). (12 citations)
Suresh Reddy and Sukumar Nandi,"Modular Approach for Anomaly Based NIDS"4th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile,Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks, pp. 1-6, April 2006 (IEEE Press).
Atanu Roy Chowdhury and SukumarNandi, "Survey of Broadcasting Techniques for Dense Wireless Computing Devices",IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, April 2006 (IEEE Computer Society Press).
Atanu Roy Chowdhury and Sukumar Nandi, "Received Signal Based Minimization of Broadcast Storm in Multi-hop MANET",IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, April 2006(IEEE Computer Society Press).
Nityananda Sarma and Sukumar Nandi,"QoS Support in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", the IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, April 2006 (IEEE Computer Society Press). (17 citations)
Somnath Tripathy and Sukumar Nandi,"Crypto system for Low Power Devices", the 4th International Symposium on Turbo Codes in connection with 6th International ITG-Conference on Source and Channel Coding, April2006.
Somnath Tripathy and Sukumar Nandi,"Security Enhanced used Identification and Distribution Scheme preserving Anonymity", International Conference on Emerging Applications of IT (EAIT 2006), February 2006.
Sumeet Parmar, Himanshu Agrawal, Mohit Chawla and Sukumar Nandi, "Energy Efficient and Low Latency MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks",International Conference on Emerging Applications of IT (EAIT 2006),February 2006
V. ChennaKesavulu and Sukumar Nandi,"Secure message Transfer Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks", International Conference on Emerging Applications of IT (EAIT 2006), February 2006.
Somnath Tripathy, Atanu Roy Chowdhury and Sukumar Nandi, "CARA: Cellular Automata Based Remote-User Authentication Scheme", in the COMmunication Systems softWAreand middlewaRE, January 2006 (IEEE Press).
Suresh Reddy Guvvala and Sukumar Nandi, "Modular Approach for Anomaly Based NIDS", in theCOMmunication Systems softWAre and middlewaRE, January 2006 (IEEEPress).
B Paul, S. V. Rao and S. Nandi, "An Efficient Distributed Algorithm for Finding Virtual Backbones in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks", in Proceedings of the 12th Annual IEEE International Conference on High Performance (HiPC 05), LNCS 3769, pp.302-311, December 2005.
Suresh Reddy and Sukumar Nandi,"Enhanced Network Traffic Anomaly Detector", in the 2nd International Conference on Distributed Computing & Internet Technology, LNCS 3816, pp. 397-403, December 2005.
Vivek Ramachandran and Sukumar Nandi,"Detecting ARP Spoofing: An Active Technique", in the 1st International Conference on Information Systems Security, LNCS3803, pp. 239-250,December 2005. (83 citations)
Sumeet Parmar, Mohit Chawla, Himanshu Agrawal and Sukumar Nandi, "Tackling Latency and Energy issues in MAC Layer for Wireless Sensor Networks", The First IEEE International Workshop on Next Generation Wireless Networks2005 (IEEE WoNGeN '05), December 2005.
Nityananda Sarma, and Sukumar Nandi,"Enhancing QoS Support in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks",International Conference on Telecommunications and Networking (TENE2005), Springer Netherlands, pp. 268-274, December 2005.
Somnath Tripathy and Sukumar Nandi,"CASE: Cellular Automata based Symmetric Encryption", in the Third International Conference on Innovative Applications ofInformation Technology for Developing World (AACC 2005), December2005.
Mantha V S Deekshitulu, SukumarNandi, and Atanu Roy Chowdhury, "MAC Layer Fairness Issues in Multi-Hop Wireless Ad hoc Networks", in the Third InternationalConference on Innovative Applications of Information Technology for Developing World (AACC 2005), December 2005.
V Chenna Kesavulu, Biswanath Dey, and Sukumar Nandi, "Secure Cluster Head Election Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Netowrks", in the Third InternationalConference on Innovative Applications of Information Technology forDeveloping World (AACC 2005), December 2005.
Thirumala Reddy M, Sukumar Nandi, "An Efficient Mobile Controlled and Network Assisted Handoff Proposalfor IEEE 802.11 Networks", in the Third International Conference on Innovative Applications of Information Technology forDeveloping World (AACC 2005), December 2005.
Vinod Kone, Atanu Roy Chowdhury andSukumar Nandi, "A Caching Mechanism To Improve The Reliability Of Multicasting In Multi-hop MANET", in the International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communications, December 2005.
Vivek Ramachandran and Sukumar Nandi,"Bleeding Edge DDoS Mitigation Techniques for ISPs", in the 8th International Conference on Information Technology, December2005.
Jiawei Xie, A Gupta, A Das and S Nandi, "Efficient Integration of the Multicast Routing Protocoland the Reliable MAC Protocol for MANETs", the 19thInternational Tele-traffic Congress, August - September, Beijing, 2005.
Jiawei Xie, A Das, S Nandi and A Gupta, "Improving the Reliability of IEEE 802.11 BroadcastScheme for Multicasting in Mobile Ad hoc Networks", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1, pp.126-131, March 2005.
G Prapulla, R Bhattacharjee and S Nandi, "Exponential step size LMS Algorithm based fractionally spaced DFE for equalization of π/4-DQPSK Signals", 11th National Conference on Communications, Kharagpur, January 2005.
S S Thakur, S Nandi, D Goswami and R Bhattarcharjee, "An Asynchronous Wakeup Power Saving Protocolfor Multi-Hop Ad hoc Networks", 12th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, LNCS 3356,pp. 180-189, December 2004.
K Mehta and S Nandi, "A Secure Location Service for Geographic Ad Hoc Routing", 7thInternational Conference on Information Technology, LNCS 3356,December 2004.
S S Thakur, S Nandi, D Goswami and R Bhattarcharjee, "Clock Synchronization in IEEE 802.11 Ad hoc Networks", 7thInternational Conference on Information Technology, LNCS3356, pp. 180-189,December 2004. (6 citations)
S Nandi, A Kumar and N Tewari, "QoSin Wireless Multi-Hop Networks: Coordinated Anticipatory Packet Scheduling (CAPS)", IEEE India Annual Conference (INDICON), pp.386-391, December 2004 (IEEE Press).
K S S Reddy, S Nandi, G Sivakumar, "A Hierarchical Anomaly Detection System for Securing Email Systems",International Conference on Emerging Technologies, Bhubaneswar,December 2004.
S Jaiswal, and S Nandi, "A Survey on Recent Trends in Energy Efficient Medium Access Controlfor Wireless Sensor Networks", 12th InternationalConference on Advanced Computing and Communications, December 2004.
G Narasimha Rao, Ratnajit Bhattacharjee, and Sukumar Nandi, "A VLSI Architecture for Rayleigh and Rician Fading Emulators", 12thInternational Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications,December 2004.
S Tripathy and S Nandi, "Broadcast on Demand: A heuristic for real-time multiple data broadcast strategy in mobile environments", Asia Pacific Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Technologies (ObComAPC-2004),December 2004.
G Narasimha Rao, Ratnajit Bhattacharjee, and Sukumar Nandi, "VLSI Architecture for Rayleigh and Rician Fading Generators", IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference (TENCON), pp. c121-c124, November 2004.
S Jaiswal, and S Nandi,"Simulation-based Performance Comparison of TCP-variants over Mobile IPv6 based Mobility Management schemes", the 29th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), pp. 284-291,November 2004. (12 citations)
Jiawei Xie, A Das and S Nandi, "An Improvement to the Reliability of IEEE 802.11 Broadcast Scheme for Multicasting in Mobile Ad hoc Networks", the First Annual IEEE Communication Society International Conference on Sensor and Ad hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), pp. 359-366, October 2004.(7 citations)
Gurav Jain, Ratnajit Bhattacharjee,Sukumar Nandi, and Paulo Mendes, "Seamless Local Internet Mobility", the Ninth IEEE International Conference on Communications Systems (ICCS 2004), pp. 97-101, September 2004.(4 citations)
S Jaiswal, F Boavida, J Orvalho and S Nandi, "Quality of Service Model and Signaling for Cellular IP Access Network", in the proceedings of Workshop on Challenges of Mobility, IFIP TC6 World Computer Congress 2004, Springer Boston,Vol. 169/2005, pp. 191-204, August 2004.
Zhifei Li, S Nandi, and A K. Gupta,"Achieving MAC Fairness in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks using Adaptive Transmission Control", in the Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2004), pp. 176-181,June-July 2004. (34 citations)
Zhifei Li, S Nandi, and A K. Gupta,"Modeling the Short-term Unfairness of IEEE 802.11 in Presenceof Hidden Terminals", in the Third IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference (Networking 2004), LNCS3042, pp. 613-625, May2004 (18 citations).
Zhifei Li, S Nandi, and A K. Gupta,"Improving MAC Performance in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks using Enhanced Carrier Sensing (ECS)", in the Third IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference (Networking 2004), LNCS3042, pp. 600-612, May2004. (32 citations)
H Q Wang, K C Yow and S Nandi,"Providing Quality of Service to Real-time Traffic through Multipath Discovery", First International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU 2004), January 2004.
H Misra, D J Malakar and S Nandi,"Survey of TCP Performance and its improvement over Mobile AdHoc Networks", in International Conference on Recent Trends and New Directions of Research in Cybernetics and Systems Theory,January, India 2004.
L Zhuowei, A Das and S Nandi,"Utilizing Statistical Characteristics of N-grams for Intrusion Detection", International Conference on Cyberworlds, pp.486-493, December 2003 (IEEE Press). (23 citations)
Yang Peng, Kin Choong Yow and Sukumar Nandi, "A Hierarchical Routing Protocol Providing Stability and Distribution for MANET", in International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing and Fourth Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Vol. 2, pp. 1066 - 1070, 15-18December 2003 (IEEE Press). (6 citations)
Jiawei Xie, S Nandi and A Gupta,"Gateway-Based Multicast Protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Networks",in the fifth IEEE International Conference on Mobile Wireless and Communications Networks, October 2003. (4 citations)
Zhi Zhou, Kin Choong Yow and SukumarNandi, "A Secure Location Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks",in International Conference on Mobile Wireless and CommunicationsNetworks, October 2003. (1 citations)
Li Zhifei, S Nandi and A Gupta,"Study of IEEE802.11 Fairness and its Interaction with Routing Mechanism", in International Conference on Mobile Wireless and Communications Networks, October 2003. (12 citations)
A Ganguli, S Nandi and P Meher, "AnImprovement of ODMRP for reliable delivery of busty traffic",in IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference (TENCON), pp.1067-1071, October 2003.
K. Bhattacharyya and S. Nandi,"Digital Watermarking Using Information Theoretic Approach",International Conferences Information Technology: Prospects andChallenges in The 21st Century, May 2003
R Jain, N Jain and S Nandi, "Secure Group Browsing", International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Education, Science, Medicine, and Mobile Technologies on the Internet, January 2003.
R Chawla and S Nandi, "TCP FECN:A Unified Solution for Wireless Networks", 8th InternationalConference on Communication Systems, Singapore, vol. 2, pp. 815-819, November 2002 (IEEE Press). (6 citations)
M S Meitei, M Barooah, and S Nandi,"A New Architecture for Hyper-Documents with Granular, Secureand Flexible Management", Fifth International Conference onInformation Technology, India, December 2002.
P S Neog and S Nandi, "Agent Application Security in Ubiquitous Service Environment", Fifth International Conference on Information Technology, India, December2002.
S Nandi and S Kondam,"Customizedand Dynamic Information Systems - A web enabled approach",International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering,LasVegas, 2002.
M Agarwal, M Bansal and S Nandi,"Fast Recovery For TCP Feedback In MANETs", International Conference on Telecommunication, Slovenia, November 2001.
A M Reddy and S Nandi, "Extractionof Personal Information: A Bottom-up Approach", International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, December 2001.
D Panda and S Nandi, "Intelligent Agent for Price Control in Duch Autions", International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, December 2001.
M Kiran Babu and S Nandi, "An Enhanced Differentiated Services for Internet", 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, December 2001.
A Kaushik and S Nandi, "A Clusterized Image Retrieval Scheme", Fourth International Conference on Information Technology, December 2001.
K. Bhattacharyya and S. Nandi,"Authenticated Key Exchange Using Password-Only", inIDEAL- 2000, Hongkong, December 2000.
H Raj and S Nandi, "Visual Authentication - A New Paradigm", Third International Conference on Information Technology, India, December 2000.
I Chakraborty and S Nandi, "An Efficient Authenticated Asymmetric Key Exchange Scheme", Third International Conference on Information Technology, December 2000.
D. K. Bhattacharyya and S. Nandi, "CA based password-only authenticated key exchange", IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS: Design and Implementation), pp.820-827, 2000. (4 citations)
G Nirmal Kumar, C Prem Kumar, S Nandi and Ch Rambabu, "Password Based Authenticated Key Exchange",International Conference on Information Technology, December 1999.
V Verma, P Kaushal and S Nandi,"Global Electronic Money: Is It Possible?", International Conference on Information Technology (as paper for paneldiscussion), 1999.
D K Bhattacharyya, R K Das and S Nandi, "FFT based Encryption Scheme", International Conference on Information Technology, pp. 249-254, December 1999.
D K Bhattacharyya, R K Das and S Nandi, "An Efficient Image Clustering Technique",International Conference on Information Technology, pp. 244-249,December 1999.
D. K. Bhattacharyya and S. Nandi, "CA Based Encryption Scheme", in Proc. of NCET'99, pp. 26-33, 1999.
M Y Jaggi and S Nandi, "An Efficient Network Management System", International Conferenceon International Business Through Internet, 1999.
V Verma, P Kaushal and S Nandi,"Global Money: Is It Possible?", International Conferenceon International Business Through Internet, 1999.
P Kaushal, V Verma and S Nandi,"CAMPNET: An Electronic Payment Systems", InternationalConference on International Business Through Internet, 1999.
S Nandi, Ch Rambabu and P PalChaudhuri, " A VLSI architecture for cellular automata basedReed-Solomon decoder", Fourth International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks (I-SPAN), pp.158-165, 1999 (IEEE Press). (10 citations)
N Sudha, S Nandi and K Sridharan, "A parallel algorithm to construct Voronoi diagram and its VLSI architecture", in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 3, pp. 1683-1688, 1999. (23 citations)
D. K. Bhattacharyya and S. Nandi, "An Efficient Design of Image Database", International Conferenceon Management of Data, pp. 67-75, December 1998.
D. K. Bhattacharyya and S. Nandi, "A Secure Authentication Scheme using Cellular Automata", Sixth International Conference on Advanced Computing, December 1998.
N Sudha, S Nandi, P K Bora and K Sridharan, " Efficient computation of Euclidean distancetransform for applications in image processing", IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference (TENCON), pp. 49-52, December 1998.(12 citations)
N Sudha and S Nandi, " A parallel skeletonization algorithm and its VLSI architecture",Fifth International Conference on High Performance Computing, pp.65-72, December 1998 (IEEE Press). (2 citations)
R. K. Das, D. K. Bhattacharyya and S.Nandi, "A New Image Enciphering Scheme", in proceedings SIP'98, IASTED, Las Vegas, October 28-31, 1998.
D. K. Bhattacharyya and S. Nandi, "A new Block Ciphering Scheme", in proceeding International Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 300, 1998 (IEEE Press).
D. K. Bhattacharyya and S Nandi, "A new class of t-error correcting/d-error detecting (d>t) and all unidirectional error detecting codes", Pacific Rim International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Systems, pp. 41-46,December 1997 (IEEE Press).
D. K. Bhattacharyya, S. Nandi and M. C. Bora, "Application of RMDM and its Drawbacks", 5th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and UrbanManagement, pp. 866-877, December 1997.
D. K. Bhattacharyya, S. Nandi and M. C. Bora, "Efficient Design of One-Way Hash Function Using Cellular Automata", 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing, pp.121-130, December 1997.
D. K. Bhattacharyya and S Nandi, "An Efficient Class of SEC-DED-AUED Codes", 3rdInternational Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks (I-SPAN), pp. 410-416,December 1997 (IEEE Press). (19 citations)
D. K. Bhattacharyya and S. Nandi, "A new Ciphering Scheme", Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Telematics, NERIST, pp. 1-15, March 1997.
D. K. Bhattacharyya, S. Nandi and M. C. Bora, "An Architecture of Multimedia Information System",4th International Conference on Advanced Computing,pp.178-181, December 1996.
S. Nandi, S. Chattopadhyay and P. PalChaudhuri, "Programmable cellular automata based testbed for fault diagnosis in VLSI circuits", 9th IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design, pp. 61-64, January 1996.
S. Mitra, S. Das, S.Nandi and P. PalChaudhuri, " Architecture of a VLSI chip for modeling aminoacid sequence in proteins", 9th IEEE International Conferenceon VLSI Design, pp. 316-317, January 1996.
S. Nandi and P. Pal Chaudhuri, "Theory and applications of cellular automata for synthesis of easily testable combinational logic", 4th Asian Test Symposium, pp. 146-152, November 1995 (IEEE Press). (4 citations)
S. Nandi and P Pal Chaudhuri, "An efficient t-Error Correcting, d-Error Detecting and all Unidirectional Error Detecting (t-EC/d-ED/AUED) Codes", First Conference on FAULT TOLERANT SYSTEMS, Madras, pp. 146-152, 1995.
S. Nandi, "A Efficient t-Error Correcting and all Unidirectional Error Detecting (t-EC/AUED) Codes", IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference (TENCON), August 1994.
S. Nandi, B. Vamsi and P. Pal Chaudhuri, " A CAD tool for design of on-chip store and generate scheme", 7th IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design, pp. 169-174, January, 1994.
S. Nandi and Pal Chaudhuri, "Additive cellular automata as an on-chip test pattern generator", 2nd Asian Test Symposium, pp. 166-171, November 1993 (IEEE Press).(13 citations)
S. Nandi, B. Vamsi and P. Pal Chaudhuri, "Proof of a Conjecture on Group Cellular Automata", Proceedings Third National Seminar on Theoretical Computer Science, pp.120-130, June 1993.
S. Nandi, B. Vamsi, S. Chakraborty and P. Pal Chaudhuri, " Delay Fault Test Generation with Cellular Automata", Sixth IEEE International conference on VLSI Design, pp. 281-286, January, 1993. (5 citations)
S. Nandi, B. Vamsi and P. Pal Chaudhuri, "Cellular Automata as Stuck-Open Fault Test Generator", Indian Computing Congress, Hyderabad, pp. 80-88, December 1992.
S. Nandi, P. Pal Chaudhuri, S. Roy and M. Sharma, " Exhaustive two-pattern generation with cellular automata", First Asian Test Symposium, pp. 230-234, November 1992 (IEEE Press). (8 citations)
Other publications
Pranav Kumar Singh, Sukumar Nandi, Sunit K. Nandi, Uttam Ghosh, Danda B. Rawat, "Blockchain Meets AI for Resilient and Intelligent Internet of Vehicles", in IEEE COMSOC MMTC Communications - Frontiers Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 12-24, November 2021.
Pranav Kumar Singh, Roshan Singh and Sukumar Nandi, "V-CARE: A Blockchain Based Framework for Secure Vehicle Health Record System", in IEEE COMSOC MMTC Communications -Frontiers, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 12-18, July 2020.
Tutorials, Keynote and Invited Talks
Sukumar Nandi, "Federated Learning: Uses and Challenges" keynote talk in the 9th International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA 2021), 25-26 June 2021.
Sukumar Nandi, "Machine Learning for Electronics Design Automation" keynote talk in the 3rd International Conference On Computing and Communication Systems (I3CS 2020), 10-11 August 2020.
Sukumar Nandi, "Security in Named Data Networking and its Challenges", invited talk in the 53rd Annual Convention of Computer Society of India (CSI 2020), 16-18 January 2020.
Sukumar Nandi, "Vehicular Communication and Future Prospects", invited talk in the 52nd Annual Convention of Computer Society of India (CSI 2017), 19-21 January 2018.
Sukumar Nandi, "Internet of Things: Challenges and Research issues", invited talk in International Conference on Communication, Devices and Computing 2017 (ICCDC 2017), 2-3 November 2017.
Sukumar Nandi, "Denial-of-Service Attacks in 802.11 Wi-Fi Networks", Keynote talk in India International Conference on Information Processing, 12-14 August 2016.
Sukumar Nandi, "Approximate Computing: An Emerging Paradigm for High-performance Energy-efficient Designs", Invited talk in International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication, 18-19 February 2016.
Sukumar Nandi, "Physical & MAC Layer Attacks In Wi-Fi Networks Along With Their Countermeasures", invited talk in the Workshop on Information and Cyber Security, 28-30 January 2016.
Sukumar Nandi, "Joint Transmit Power and Rate Scheduling in Wireless Mesh Network for Performance Optimization ensuring Fairness" Invited talk in International Symposium on Advanced Computing and Communication, 14-15 September 2015.
Sukumar Nandi, "Future Internet Architecture: Requirements and Feasibility", invited talk in the International Conference on Electronic Design, Computer Networks and Automated Verification, 29-30 January 2015.
Sukumar Nandi, "IPv6 Security Considerations:Future Challenges", invited talk in the 3rd NKN Annual Workshop, 15-17 December 2014.
Sukumar Nandi, "Path Diversity and its Effect over High Speed Wireless Mesh Backbone: Towards a New Routing Framework", invited talk in the National Workshop on Advances in Communication and Computing, 26-27 September 2014.
Sukumar Nandi, "On-line testing of digital VLSI circuits",Invited talk in workshop on Nanotechnology and Biochip, 1-3 July 2014 (IIEST Shipur).
Sukumar Nandi, "Beyond Conventional Routing Protocols: Selective Greedy Path Selection for Mesh Networks", Invited talk in International Conference on Computational Intelligence: Modelling, Techniques and Applications, 27-28 September 2013
Sukumar Nandi, "Detection and Mitigation of Induced Low Rate TCP- Targeted DoS Attack", Invited talk in National Workshop on Network Security, 15-16 March 2013.
Sukumar Nandi, "Education For All – In the era of Information Technology – India’s Growth in terms of Development and Employment", Presentation and panel discussion in the Northeast Information and Communication Technology Event, 4-5 October 2012.
Sukumar Nandi, "Network layer specific attacks and their detection mechanisms", Invited talk in 2nd National Conference on Emerging Trends and Applications in Computer Science (NCETACS), March 2011.
Sukumar Nandi, "Traffic Characteristics under Connectionless Service", 4th IEEE International Symposium on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), December 2010.
Sukumar Nandi, "Detection of ARP attacks", Invited Talk in National Workshop on Network Security, June 2010.
Sukumar Nandi, "Non-Cryptographic Security Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks", Invited Talk in National Conference on Current Trends in Information Technology, May 2007.
Sukumar Nandi, "Security issues in Wireless Sensor Networks", Invited Talk in National Conference on Trends in Advanced Computing, March 2007.
Sukumar Nandi, "Web Application Security", Tutorial in the 8th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, 27-30 December2006.
Sukumar Nandi, "Security issues in Wireless Networks", Invited Talk in National Workshop on Trends in Advanced Computing, January 2006.
Sukumar Nandi and Vivek Ramachandran, "E-Commerce Web Application Security", Tutorial in the 8thInternational Conference on Information Technology, December 2005.
Sukumar Nandi, "Wireless Networks", Tutorial in National Workshop on Trends in Advanced Computing, September 2005.
Unpublished manuscripts
Zhifei Li, A K. Gupta and S Nandi, " ERBAR: an Enhanced Receiver-Based Auto-Rate MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks " full version. (1 citations)
Zhifei Li, A K. Gupta and S Nandi, " FMAC/CSR: a Fair MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks " full version.
Zhifei Li, A Das, A K. Gupta and S Nandi, "Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11 DCF: Throughput, Delay, and Fairness " short version, full version. (10 citations)
Research and Consultancy
Ph D student achievement
Dr Sandip Chakraborty received Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) Innovative Student Projects Award - 2014 (Doctoral Level) for his Ph D thesis work on "Capacity Enhancement, QoS and Rate Adaptation in IEEE 802.11s: A Performance Improvement Perspective" under my supervision.
B Tech student achievement
Abhijeet Kumar and Nishit Tewari secured second position in Intel India Student Research Contest 2003-04 for their B Tech project work on "End2End QoS in Multi-hop Wireless Ad hoc Networks" under my supervision.
M. Tech
Sl No | Name of Student | Institute | Title of Thesis | Year | Co-guide, If any | |
1 | Major R. Sundharam | IIT Kharagpur | Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata in Fault Diagnosis in Digital Circuits | 1993 | Prof. P. Pal Chaudhuri, IIT KGP | |
2. | G Nirmal Kumar | IIT Guwahati | Design and Implementation of a new Authenticated key Exchange Scheme | 1999 | ||
3. | C Prem Kumar | IIT Guwahati | Study and Implementation of Algebraic Geometric Codes | 1999 | ||
4. | B Giri | IIT Guwahati | Synthesis for testability of Digital Circuits using Additive group CA | 2000 | ||
5. | A Kaushik | IIT Guwahati | Efficient Clusterised Image retrieval Technique | 2000 | ||
6. | Kiranbabu | IIT Guwahati | An Enhanced Differentiated Services of Ethernet | 2000 | ||
7. | P S Neog | IIT Guwahati | A secure Mobile Agent System | 2002 | ||
8. | M Shukla | IIT Guwahati | Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Analysis and Improvement of Routing Protocol | 2002 | ||
9. | M Power | IIT Guwahati | Secure E-Banking Solution and Implementation | 2002 | ||
10. | T R Kiran | IIT Guwahati | Design and Implementation of NMS using Smart Packets | 2002 | ||
11. | S Sekhar | IIT Guwahati | An Efficient and Reliable Group Management (ERGM) Protocol | 2002 | ||
12. | M Baruah | IIT Guwahati | Structured and Dynamic Information System | 2002 | ||
13. | S S Thakur | IIT Guwahati | Clock Synchronization and Scalability issues in MANET | 2004 | D Goswami, IIT Guwahati | |
14. | Suresh Reddy G | IIT Guwahati | Anomaly based Network Intrusion Detection Systems | 2005 | ||
15. | S N Parmar | IIT Guwahati | Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks | 2005 | ||
16. | V S Deekshitulu M | IIT Guwahati | Improving MAC Layer Fairness in Multi-hop Wireless Ad hoc Networks | 2005 | ||
17. | A Roy Chowdhury | IIT Guwahati | Reliable Broadcast Issues in Multi-hop Mobile Ad hoc Networks | 2005 | ||
18. | Janakiraman P S | IIT Guwahati | Partitioning Circuits on Dynamically Reconfigurable FPGAs | 2005 | ||
19. | V V Damodar | IIT Guwahati | Logic and Power Optimization by Output Phase Assignment in Domino Logic Synthesis | 2005 | ||
20. | Kola Vidya Sagar | IIT Guwahati | System-On-Chip Wrapper/TAM co-optimization Using rectangular packing approach | 2005 | ||
21. | M Thirumala Reddy | IIT Guwahati | Handover issues in 802.11 and 802.16 | 2006 | ||
22. | V Chennakesavulu | IIT Guwahati | Security issues in Wireless sensor Networks | 2006 | ||
23. | Brajesh Gupta | IIT Guwahati | Data centric routing protocols in Wireless sensor Networks | 2006 | ||
24. | Giriraj Chauhan | IIT Guwahati | Signal Stability based QoS Routing (SSQR) for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | 2007 | ||
25. | Kiran Kumar Gunda | IIT Guwahati | Seamless QoS Aware Handoff between IEEE802.11 and IEEE802.16 Networks | 2007 | ||
26. | Pradnyesh Sawant | IIT Guwahati | Fault Tolerance in Server Cluster Backend for Thin Client Environment | 2007 | H S Paul, IIT Guwahati | |
27. | Swapnil Pathare | IIT Guwahati | A Secure System for Ad-hoc Networking Using ECC | 2007 | ||
28. | Rajesh Singarapu | IIT Guwahati | Medium Access Control Protocol for Query based Wireless Sensor Networks. | 2007 | ||
29. | Vijay Choudhary | IIT Guwahati | Mobile Agent Security in Untrusted Platform | 2008 | ||
30. | Deepika Gupta | IIT Guwahati | Detection of Compromised Nodes and Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks | 2008 | K Kapoor, IIT Guwahati | |
31. | Srinivasrao Koritala | IIT Guwahati | Mitigation of Distributed Attack Traffic | 2008 | ||
32. | Bhanoji Kandalam | IIT Guwahati | Collision avoidance in Wireless Sensor Networks | 2008 | ||
33. | Sounak Paul | IIT Guwahati | A Dynamic Balanced-Energy sleep scheduling scheme in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network | 2008 | ||
34. | Narashima Reddy Anumula | IIT Guwahati | Proxy-signature schemes | 2008 | ||
35. | Sawant Kiran Prakash | IIT Guwahati | Verification of Network Security protocols | 2008 | H K Kapoor, IIT Guwahati | |
36. | Amrita Bose Paul | IIT Guwahati | Routing Issues in Wireless Mesh Networks | 2008 | ||
37. | Dhananjay Uday Kotwal | IIT Guwahati | Seamless QoS Aware Handoff between IEEE802.11 and GSM Networks | 2009 | ||
38. | Rajat Kumar Gupta | IIT Guwahati | A Fast Handoff Mechanism for IEEE 802.11 Networks | 2009 | ||
39. | Shobhit Agarwal | IIT Guwahati | A Multi factor security protocol for Automatic Teller Machine | 2009 | ||
40. | Kapil Kumar Chittora | IIT Guwahati | Distributed Intrusion Detection Systems | 2009 | ||
41. | Tarun Kochar | IIT Guwahati | A single chip implementation of AES cipher and Whirlpool hash functions | 2009 | ||
42. | Piyush Singhai | IIT Guwahati | ECDLP Based Proxy Multi-Signature Scheme | 2009 | ||
43. | Maneesh Chandra Soni | IIT Guwahati | Security of VoIP Network | 2009 | ||
44. | Kunal Gupta | IIT Guwahati | Mobile Agent Security: Secure Agent Migration in Hostile Network | 2009 | ||
45. | Shantanu S Joshi | IIT Guwahati | Context aware handoff in heterogeneous wireless networks | 2010 | ||
46. | Chandrakant Sharpa | IIT Guwahati | SINR based QoS Aware Handoff between IEEE802.11 and GPRS Netwaors | 2010 | ||
47. | Vengala Satishkumar | IIT Guwahati | Secure Network Steganographic Scheme Exploiting TCP Sequence Numbers | 2010 | A Sur, IIT Guwahati | |
48. | Anand S Nair | IIT Guwahati | Packet Length Based Network Steganography and its Detection | 2010 | A Sur, IIT Guwahati | |
49. | Ritesh Ratti | IIT Guwahati | Active Detection Mechanisms for Attacks in Autonomous Systems | 2010 | S Biswas, IIT Guwahati | |
50. | Roopa S | IIT Guwahati | Active Detection Mechanisms for Network-specific Attacks | 2010 | S Biswas, IIT Guwahati | |
51. | Vikrant Kumar Singh | IIT Guwahati | Anomaly detection through clustering | 2010 | S Biswas, IIT Guwahati | |
52. | Santosh kumar | IIT Guwahati | Network Anomaly Detection using one-class small hypersphere SVM | 2010 | S Biswas, IIT Guwahati | |
53. | Sandip Chakraborty | IIT Guwahati | MAC LAyer Fairness in IEEE 802.11 DCF based Wireless Mesh Netwroks | 2011 | ||
54. | Vivek S. Ramteke | IIT Guwahati | Implementing VLAN Attacks and its Detection | 2011 | S Biswas, IIT Guwahati | |
55. | Vaibhav Gupta | IIT Guwahati | Detection and mitigation of Induced Low Rate TCP attack | 2011 | S Biswas, IIT Guwahati | |
56. | Ankush Rai | IIT Guwahati | Specification Based Distributed IDS for Attacks on Spanning Tree Protocol | 2011 | A Sur, IIT Guwahati | |
57. | Prithu Banerjee | IIT Guwahati | Modeling and detection of Network specific Attacks | 2012 | S Biswas, IIT Guwahati | |
58. | Mahasweta Mitra | IIT Guwahati | Modeling and detection of Network specific Attacks | 2012 | S Biswas, IIT Guwahati | |
59. | Vikas Kumar | IIT Guwahati | Stealth MITM attack detection mechanism in WLAN | 2012 | ||
60. | Soumyadeep Ghosh Dastidar | IIT Guwahati | Modeling and Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Systems | 2012 | K Sreenivasan, IIT Guwahati | |
61. | Nanu Alan Kachari | IIT Guwahati | A Study on Contemporary Email Security | 2012 | ||
62. | Ashish Bhandari | IIT Guwahati | DES based IDS for throughput Degradation Attack on TCP | 2012 | S Biswas, IIT Guwahati | |
63. | Shanchamo Yanthan | IIT Guwahati | Prevention of Blackhole Attack in AODV Protocol | 2013 | ||
64. | Sanjib Das | IIT Guwahati | An Intrusion Detection System for DNS Cache Poisoning Attack | 2013 | ||
65. | Bhriguraj Borah | IIT Guwahati | Security in Windows System Call and SSDT | 2013 | ||
66. | C. Vanlalchhanhima | IIT Guwahati | Scalable Secure Multicast Key Distribution Using Node Balancing | 2013 | ||
67. | Subhrendru Chattopadhyay | IIT Guwahati | Performance enhancement in WMN | 2014 | ||
68. | Barun Haldar | IIT Guwahati | Security issues in Clouding Computing | 2014 | ||
69. | Jyoti Prasad Baisya | IIT Guwahati | Security issues in IPv6 | 2014 | ||
70. | Anshu Chauhan | IIT Guwahati | Approximate computing | 2015 | G Trivedi, IIT Guwahati | |
71. | Susmita Mandal | IIT Guwahati | Routing issues in Delay Tolerant Networks | 2015 | ||
72 | Akhil GV | IIT Guwahati | A Routing Mechanism in DTN using Social Metrics | 2016 | S Biswas, IIT Guwahati | |
73 | Abhijit Gharami | IIT Guwahati | Reinforcement Learning Framework for DTN | 2016 | S Biswas, IIT Guwahati | |
74 | Dipankar Bora | IIT Guwahati | Implementation of High Speed Approximate Computing Architecture for Secure Hash Alghorithm-1 | 2016 | G Trivedi, IIT Guwahati | |
75 | Harsh Patel | IIT Guwahati | Processor Design for Monitoring and prediction of sesmic activities | 2016 | G Trivedi, IIT Guwahati | |
76 | Shridhar R. Kulkarni | IIT Guwahati | Detection and Prevention of Overlapping Fragmentation Attack in 6LoWPAN | 2017 | ||
77 | Amit Pratap Singh | IIT Guwahati | Performance comparison of single path AODV and multipath AOMDV Routing protocol using NS-3 | 2017 | ||
78 | MD ZAKI ANWER | IIT Guwahati | Congestion Control in Named Data Networking using PIT Occupancy | 2019 | ||
79 | INDU KUMARI | IIT Guwahati | A Framework for Pseudonym Management to preserve Privacy in VANET | 2019 | ||
80 | Sunil Naik | IIT Guwahati | Design and Development Of Fuzzy Logic-Based IDS For IoT Network | 2020 | ||
81 | Snehalata Agasti | IIT Guwahati | Low Rate DDoS Attack Detection in IoT Ecosystem using Welch’s Power Spectral Density Analysis | 2020 | ||
82 | Deshmukh Shubham Madhukar | IIT Guwahati | Automatic Container Migration based on Access Control Policies in Cloud-based Client-Server Environment | 2021 | ||
83 | Sudeshna Chaudhuri | IIT Guwahati | Network Intrusion Detection using Distributed Seniors | 2021 | ||
84 | Rewatkar Karna Rajesh | IIT Guwahati | Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms in low power architecture using Pruning and Quantization | 2021 | Dr. Gaurav Trivedi, IIT Guwahati | |
85 | Ketan Karnakota | IIT Guwahati | Identifying and classification of DarkNet traffic using memory cells in RNNs | 2022 | ||
86 | Rohit Negi | IIT Guwahati | User privacy, integrity and verification on E-voting using Blockchain | 2022 | ||
87 | Saurabh Jaiswal | IIT Guwahati | Prediction Based Conditional Handover for 5G MM-Wave Networks | 2022 | ||
88 | Akash soni | IIT Guwahati | Visual Lip Reading using CNN-LSTM based Word Prediction | 2022 | Dr Prithwijit Guha, IIT Guwahati | |
89 | Vinay Kumar | IIT Guwahati | A Study of Image Captioning Models for Sentence Generation in English and Hindi | 2022 | Dr Prithwijit Guha, IIT Guwahati | |
90 | Dhairya Khale | IIT Guwahati | Blockchain based system for transaction and ownership of Land Assets | 2023 | ||
91 | Keshav Parihar | IIT Guwahati | Network-Assisted Peer Discovery for D2D Communications | 2023 | ||
92 | Paila Mouli Swaroop | IIT Guwahati | Certificate Verification using Blockchain | 2023 | ||
93 | Roshan Singh | IIT Guwahati | Design and Development of an X-Chain Solution for Blockchain Interoperability in IoT | 2023 | ||
94 | Ananda Mukherjee | IIT Guwahati | Visual Lip Reading | 2023 | Dr Prithwijit Guha, IIT Guwahati | |
95 | M Shanmukh Rao | IIT Guwahati | Under water Image Processing | 2023 | Dr Prithwijit Guha, IIT Guwahati | |
96 | Lijo Raju | IIT Guwahati | Leveraging Blockchain for an Optimized EV Charging System | 2024 | ||
97 | Hirman Krishna Mahanta | IIT Guwahati | Distributed Load Balancing and Seamless Switching in Relay-Assisted D2D Networks | 2024 | ||
98 | T Venkata Sai Sri Ram | IIT Guwahati | A Transfer Learning Based Approach to detect Zero-Day Attack in IoT | 2024 | ||
99 | Rahul Asati | IIT Guwahati | An Intrusion Detection System for MQTT enabled IoT | 2024 | ||
100 | Vaibhav Ishwar Gavit | IIT Guwahati | Visual Lip Reading for Assamese Numeric Sequences: Datasets and Models | 2024 | Dr Prithwijit Guha, IIT Guwahati | |
101 | Gyan Ratna | IIT Guwahati | UWID25k: A Datset for Underwater Image Description Synthesis | 2024 | Dr Prithwijit Guha, IIT Guwahati | |
102 | Guruprasad Sajjan | IIT Guwahati | Refinement of Image Captions Using Depth-Infused Object Relational Transformer | 2024 | Dr Prithwijit Guha, IIT Guwahati |
Ph. D.
Sl No | Name of Student | Organization | Title of Thesis | Year | Co-Supervisor | Present information | ||
1. | D. K. Bhattacharyya | Tezpur University | Some Studies on Information Representation and Architecture | March 1999 | Prof. M.C. Bora, Tezpur University | Professor CSE and Former VC (Acting),Tezpur Unievrsity | ||
2. | N. Sudha | IIT Guwahati | Euclidean Distance Transform and its applications: Algorithms and Cellular Architectures | July 2000 | Professor, School of Computing, SASTRA University. | Ex-Asst Prof, NTU. Ex-Asst Prof, IITM | ||
3. | S Tripathy | IIT Guwahati | Cryptographic Algorithms for Resource Constrained Devices | October 2007 | Professor CSE, IIT Patna | |||
4. | N Sarma | IIT Guwahati | Quality of Service Issues in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | January 2009 | Professor, Dept of CSE, Tezpur Unievrsity | |||
5. | A Bhattacharjee | NIT Silchar | Traffic engineering in connectionless service paradigm | March 2012 | Asst. Professor, NIT Silchar | |||
6. | Neminath Hubballi | IIT Guwahati | Design of Network Intrusion Detection System: An Effective Alarm Generation Prospective | March 2012 | S Biswas, IIT Guwahati | Asso. Professor CSE, IIT Indore | ||
7. | Bidyut Kumar Patra | IIT Guwahati | Mining Arbitrary Shaped Clusters in large data sets | April 2012 | Asso. Professor CSE, IIT (BHU) Varanasi | |||
8. | Pravati Swain | IIT Guwahati | Performance analysis of IEEE 802.11 DCF Power Saving Techniques in IBSS | March 2014 | P Bhaduri, IIT Guwahati | Asst. Professor CSE, NIT Goa | ||
9. | Ferdous Ahmed Barbhuiya | IIT Guwahati | Design and Development of Intrusion Detection System: A Discrete Event System Approach | April 2014 | S Biswas, IIT Guwahati | Professor CSE and Dean (Admin), IIIT Guwahati | ||
10. | Sandip Chakraborty | IIT Guwahati | Capacity Enhancement, QoS and Rate Adaptation in IEEE 802.11s: A Performance Improvement Perspective | May 2014 | Associate Professor, IIT Kharagpur | |||
11. | Maushumi Barooah | IIT Guwahati | An Architectural Framework for Seamless Hand-off between UMTS and WLAN Network | September 2014 | Professor, Dept of Computer Application, AEC Guwahati | |||
12. | Abhijit Sarma | IIT Guwahati | Seamless Handover techniques between 802.16 and 802.11 | November 2014 | Former Associate Professor CS, Guahati University | |||
13. | Mamata Samal | IIT Guwahati | Quality analysis of Correlation Clustering | May 2015 | V V Saradhi, IIT Guwahati | IIITDM, Jabalpur | ||
14. | Suddhasil De | IIT Guwahati | Improvements in Coordination Functionality of Tuple Space model for Mobile Middleware | May 2015 | D Goswami, IIT Guwahati | Asst. Professor CSE, NIT Patna | ||
15. | Rajendra Pamula | IIT Guwahati | Data Pruning Based Outlier Detection Techniques | November 2015 | J K deka, IIT Guwahati | Associate Professor CSE, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad | ||
16. | Niladri Sett | IIT Guwahati | Exploiting Tie-strength and Structure Towards Link Prediction in Social Networks | March 2017 | S R Singh, IIT Guwahati | Assistant Professor, CSE, SRM University, Andhra Pradesh | ||
17. | Mayank Agarwal | IIT Guwahati | Intrusion Detection System for Attacks in Wi-Fi Networks: A Discrete Event System Approach | May 2017 | S Biswas, IIT Guwahati | Assistant Professor, CSE, IIT Patna | ||
18. | Amrita Bose Paul | IIT Guwahati | Trust based intrusion detection systems for a class of routing protocols in wireless networks | February 2019 | S Biswas, IIT Guwahati | Professor, Dept of Computer Application, AEC Guwahati | ||
19. | Sunil Dutt | IIT Guwahati | Analysis, Design and Modeling of Approximate Adders for Error-resilient Applications | May 2019 | G Trivedi, IIT Guwahati | Assistant Professor, IIT Goa | ||
20. | Sukanta Dey | IIT Guwahati | Design Methodology for On-Chip Power Grid Interconnect: AI/ML Perspective | March 2021 | G Trivedi, IIT Guwahati | Intel USA | ||
21. | Subhrendru Chattopadhyay | IIT Guwahati | SDN for Large Scale IoT Networks | April 2021 | Assistant Professor, IDRBT, Hyderabad | |||
22. | Puneet Bakshi | IIT Guwahati | Improving Privacy in e-Governance in a Country like India using Attribute-based Cryptographic Schemes | August 2021 | Joint Director, CDAC Pune | |||
23. | P K Singh | IIT Guwahati | Towards Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Connectivity, Location Privacy and Trust Management in Vehicular Networks | September 2021 | Associate Professor and Dean(AER) CIT Kokrajhar | |||
24. | Madhurima Buragohain | IIT Guwahati | Impact of PIT size and Policies on network performance in Named Data Networking | May 2022 | Dept. of CSE, AEC, Guwahati | |||
25. | Debanjan Roy Choudhury | IIT Guwahati | Cost-effective Video streaming for Internet of Connected Vehicles using Heterogeneous Networks | August 2023 | D Goswami, IIT Guwahati | CISCO, Bangaluru | ||
26. | Pradeepkumar Gajendra Bhale | IIT Guwahati | Attack Detection and Mitigation for IoT Ecosystems: Adaptive, Scalable, and Light weight Approaches | April 2024 | S Biswas, IIT Bhilai | Assistant Prof, IIIT Pune | ||
27. | Dhrubajyoti Pathak | IIT Guwahati | Development of Natural Language Processing Tools and Resources for Assamese | June 2024 | Priyankoo Sarmah, IIT Guwahati | Technical Officer, IIT Guwahati | ||
28. | Ritesh Ratti | IIT Guwahati | Unsupervised Methods for Network Intrusion Detection System | June 2024 | S R Singh, IIT Guwahati | Senior Data Scientist, HelloFresh, Germany | ||
29. | Bikramjit Choudhury | IIT Guwahati | Security issues in IOT | On-going | ||||
30. | Sanjib Narzary | IIT Guwahati | Machine Translation for BODO | On-going | Bidisha Som, IIT Guwahati | |||
31. | Manoj Das | IIT Guwahati | D2D Communications | On-going | ||||
32. | Saurav Gupta | IIT Guwahati | Blockchain applications in IoT | On-going | ||||
33. | Pankaj Choudhury | IIT Guwahati | Automatic Image Caption generation in Assamese | On-going | P Guha, IIT Guwahati | |||
34. | Biswanath Dey | NIT Silchar | Wireless Sensor Networks | On-going | Prof Sivaji Bandyopadhyay, NIT Silchar | |||
35. | Shalu Kumari | IIT Guwahati | Second Language Learning Strategies | On-going | Bidisha Som, IIT Guwahati | |||
36. | Nilanjana Chowdhury | IIT Guwahati | Language Dominance and Language Profeciency | On-going | Bidisha Som, IIT Guwahati | |||
37. | Saurav Kumar | IIT Guwahati | Federated Learning in IoT | On-going | D Goswami, IIT Guwahati | |||
38. | Suvodeep Misra | IIT Guwahati | Speculative Design | On-going | Debayan Dhar, IIT Guwahati | 39. | Bibungshri Boro | IIT Guwahati | NLP issues in Bodo | On-going | Shakuntala Mahanta, IIT Guwahati |
40. | Saurabh Kumar | IIT Guwahati | Sentiment Analysis | On-going | S Ranbir Singh, IIT Guwahati | |||
41. | Vivekananda G | IIT Guwahati | Security in Edge Computing | On-going | John Jose, IIT Guwahati | |||
Details of Sponsored/Consultancy Projects involved
Title: Information Security Education and Awareness Project Phase III
Principal Investigator: T Venkatesh
Co-Principal Investigators: Sukumar Nandi, John Jose
Date of Start: July 2024
Date of Completion: July 2029
Title: Design and Development of AI/ML Co-Processor and Post Quantum Cryptography Co-Processor (An initiative towards Electronics System Design and Manufacturing in North-East Region)
Principal Investigator: Gaurav Trivedi
Co-Principal Investigators: Sukumar Nandi
Investigators: John Jose, A Sahu, P Guha, H Nanade, P Agarwal and others
Date of Start: August 2023
Date of Completion: August 2026
Title: Traceable Value Chain for safe pork in the North Eastern Region of India
Principal Investigator: Sukumar Nandi
Co-Principal Investigators: S Ranbir Singh
Date of Start: November 2022
Date of Completion: November 2025
Title: Enhancing Security Features of On-Chip Networks in Modern Multicore Processors
Principal Investigator: John Jose
Co-Principal Investigators: Sukumar Nandi
Date of Start: February 2022
Date of Completion: February 2025
Title: VISHLESHAKEE 2: Unified Platform for Social Media Content Analytics
Principal Investigator: Sanasam Ranbir Singh
Co-Investigators: Sukumar Nandi,Priyankoo Sarmah,Abhishek Srivastava
Date of Start: September 2021
Date of Completion: September 2024
Title: “Technologies for Underwater Exploration” A Technology Innovation Hub (TIH) for implementation and realizing the part of objectives of National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS)
Principal Investigator: Director, IIT Guwahati
Co-investigators: Sukumar Nandi and 40 other faculty members
Date of start: September 2020
Date of Completion: September 2025
Title: Quality of Living: Smart Home Environment Creation through Automatic Monitoring and Utilization of the Physical and Cognitive State of the Residents
Principal Investigator: Sukumar Nandi
Co-Investigators: Samit Bhattarcharya, Sanasam Ranbir Singh and Rohit Sinha
Date of Start: March 2020
Date of Completion: March 2023
Title: Archiving
Modelling and Visualization of the Eco-Cultural Heritage of the Majuli River Island of Assam – Two-organizations project Under IHDS of ICPS
Principal Investigator: Sukumar Nandi
Co-Investigators: Samit Bhattarcharya and Rajib Kumar Bhattachajya
Date of Start: April 2019
Date of Completion: March 2022
Title: Information Security Research and Development Centre (ISRDC) under Information Security Education and Awareness (ISEA) Project (Phase-II)
Principal Investigators: Sukumar Nandi
Principal Co-Investigator: Santosh Biswas
Co-Investigator: Sanasam Ranbir Singh
Date of Start: March 2015
Date of completion: December 2020
Title: Design and development of opinion mining and sentiment analysis of Social Media Content to assess security threat
Principal Investigator: Sanasam Ranbir Singh
Co-Investigators: Sukumar Nandi, Priyankoo Sarmah
Date of Start: March 2016
Date of Completion: September 2020
DeitY, Govt. of India
Title: e-Varaha: Information System for Safe Pork Production in North Eastern India
– Seven-organizations project Under Agri & Food
Principal Investigator: Sukumar Nandi
Co-Investigators: Sanasam Ranbir Singh, T Venkatesh, Samit Bhattarcharya, P K Iyer
Date of Start: November 2016
Date of Completion: December 2019
Title: Multi-Modal Broadcast Analytics - Structured Evidence Visualization for Events of Security Concern
Principal Investigators: Prithwijit Guha
Principal Co-Investigator: Sanasam Ranbir Singh
Co-Investigator: S Nandi, S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna
Date of Start: March 2013
Date of completion: March 2017
Title: Digital preservation and analysis and technology development of language of the North East – A five-institute Consortium project
Principal Investigators: Shakuntala Mahanta
Principal Co-Investigator: S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna
Co-Investigator: S Nandi, Priyankoo Sarma
Date of Start: February 2013
Date of completion: February 2017
Title : On-line Testing of Complex VLSI Circuits using FDD Theory of Discrete Event System
Principal Investigator : Santosh Biswas
Co-Investigator : S Nandi, J K Deka
Date of Start: February 2013
Date of completion: February 2017
Title : Speech based multi-level person authentication system
– A three-institute Consortium project
Principal Investigators : S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna
Principal Co-Investigator: S Nandi
Co-Investigator : R Sinha
Date of Start: April 2012
Date of completion: March 2016
Title : Ergonomics lab for assessing physical aspects of design
Principal Investigator: D Chakrabarty
Co-Investigator: S Nandi
Date of Start: April 2010
Date of completion: March 2013
Title : Virtual anthropology lab
Principal Investigator: S Sharma
Co-Investigator: S Nandi
Date of Start: April 2010
Date of completion: March 2013
Title : Indo-Brazil summer internship
Principal Investigators: S Nandi (as Dean of Academic Affairs upto August 2012)
Date of Start: February 2010
Date of completion: December 2013
Title : Development of Person Authentication System based on Speaker Verification in Uncontrolled Environment
Principal Investigators : S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna
Co-Investigator : R Sinha, S Nandi
Date of Start: April 2009
Date of completion: March 2012
Title : Design,Development and Verification of Network Specific Intrusion Detection system using FDD of Discrete Event Systems
Principal Investigators : S Nandi
Co-Investigator : S Biswas
Date of Start: April 2009
Date of completion: August 2012
Title : Fault tolerance with checkpoint and recovery protocols in Cluster based Distributed System.
Principal Investigators : D Goswami
Co-Investigator : S Nandi
Date of Start: September 2007
Date of completion: September 2010
Title : A Testbed for Mobile e-Learning System
Principal Investigators : S Nandi
Co-Investigator : D Goswami, J K Deka, S V Rao
Date of Start: April 2007
Date of completion: March 2010
Title : Information Security Education and Awareness
Principal Investigators : S Nandi
Co-Investigator : G Sajith
Date of Start: May 2006
Date of completion: March 2013
Title : Philips M Tech and Ph D Fellowships
Principal Investigators: S Nandi (as Head CSE upto September 2007)
Date of Start: January 2006
Date of completion: December 2009
Title : Seamless Handover Issues in Next Generation Wireless Networks
Principal Investigators : S Nandi
Co-Investigator : G Barua and R Bhattacharjee
Date of Start: September 2005
Date of completion: July 2006
Title : Designing of a PC based Integrated VLSI CAD Tools for Low Power Logic Synthesis and Testing
Principal Investigators : S Chattopadhyay
Co-Investigator : S Nandi
Date of Start: February 2002
Date of completion: December 2005
Title : Campus-Wide Electronic Payment Systems
Principal Investigators : S Chattopadhyay and S Nandi
Date of Start: March 2002
Date of Completion: December 2005
Title : Campus-Wide Electronic Payment Systems
Principal Investigators : S Chattopadhyay and S Nandi
Date of Start: March 2001
Date of Completion: March 2004
Title : Web Technology for Computer Networking
Principal Investigator : Prof. G Barua
Co-Investigator : S Nandi
Date of Start: March 1999
Date of Completion: March 2002
Title : Design and Fabrication of Chips for Information Transmission and Processing
Principal Investigator : S Nandi
Date of Start: 12.03.1998
Date of Completion: 11.03.2001
Title: Development of Framework for Logging and Analysis of Network Traffic to secure IT infrastructure
Principal Investigator: S Biswas
Co-Investigator: S Nandi
Date of Start: August 2009
Date of Completion: April 2012
Title : Establishing Campus wide network and servers for Cotton College
Principal Investigator: S Nandi
Date of Start: July 2007
Date of Completion: August 2008
Title : ERP Consultancy for OPTCL
Principal Investigator: Prof G Barua
Co-Investigator: S Nandi
Date of Start: August 2006
Title : Establishing Campus Network, servers and course curriculum development of computer courses for Standard II – Standard X.
Principal Investigator: S Nandi
Date of Start: April 2005
Date of Completion: August 2007
Title: Integrated Software development for their factory
Principal Investigator: S Nandi
Date of Start: November 2003
Title: Total computerization of their head office
Principal Investigator: Prof. G Barua and S Nandi
Date of Start: July 2001
Date of Completion: December 2003
Title: Implementation of QoS features in ns-2 simulator
Principal Investigator: S Nandi
Date of Start : July 2001
Date of Completion: May 2002
Details of Short-Term Course, Workshop and Conference organized
Dates of Conference: June 23 - 25, 2023
Position: General Chair
Dates of Conference: December 19-21, 2021
Position: General Co-Chair
Dates of Conference: 27 February - 1 March 2020
Position: General Chair
Dates of Conference: January 9 - 11, 2019
Position: Program Co-Chair
Science and Technology (BEST) 2018
Dates of Conference: March 24-25, 2018
Position: General Co-Chair
Dates of Conference: March 16 – 17, 2017
Position: Co-Convener and Advisor
Dates of Conference: January 29 – February 1, 2017
Position: Program Co-Chair
Dates of Conference: December 16-18, 2016
Position: General Co-Chair
Dates of Conference: November 10-12, 2016
Position: Convener
Dates of Conference: June 8-10, 2016
Position: Convener
Dates of Conference: May 24-27, 2016
Position: General Co-Chair
Dates of Conference: December 15-19, 2012
Position: General Co-Chair
Title : Sixth Appraisal Workshop of Information Security Education and Awareness
Chief-Investigator: S Nandi
Co-investigator:G Sajith
Date of Workshop: 17 - 21 February 2012
Dates of Conference: 3 - 5 February 2012
Position: Organizing Secretary
Title : DIT Workshop on Speaker Verification: Development and Applications
Chief-Investigator: S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna
Co-investigator: S. Dandapat, R Sinha, S Nandi
Date of Workshop: 13 - 17 February 2012
Title : Fifth Appraisal Workshop of Information Security Education and Awareness
Chief-Investigator: S Nandi
Co-investigator:G Sajith
Date of Workshop: 07 - 11,March 2011
All India Council For Technical Education
Title : Multimedia Communication
Co-ordinators: S Nandi and A Sur
Month of Course: 20 - 26 October 2010
Title : Fourth Appraisal Workshop of Information Security Education and Awareness
Chief-Investigator: S Nandi
Co-investigator: G Sajith
Date of Workshop: 15-19 February 2010
Title : Third Appraisal Workshop of Information Security Education and Awareness
Chief-Investigator: S Nandi
Co-investigator: G Sajith
Date of Workshop: 19-20 March 2009
Title : Network Traffic Capturing & Analysis
Chief-Investigator: S Nandi
Co-investigator: G Sajith
Date of Workshop: 20-21 February 2009
Title : Second Appraisal Workshop of Information Security Education and Awareness
Chief-Investigator: S Nandi
Co-investigator: G Sajith
Date of Workshop: 19-20 March 2008
Dates of Conference: December 18-21, 2007
Position: General Co-Chair
Title : First Appraisal Workshop of Information Security Education and Awareness
Chief-Investigator: S Nandi
Co-investigator: G Sajith
Date of Workshop: 1st December 2007
Dates of Conference : December 27-30, 2006
Position : General Vice Chair
Title : Electronic Design Automation - Tools and Techniques
Co-ordinators: S Chattopadhyay and S Nandi
Month of Course: July 2001
Title : Electronic Payment Systems - An Overview
Co-ordinators: S Chattopadhyay and S Nandi
Month of Course: November 2001.
Title : Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Workshop & Lecture Series On Disaster Management
Co-ordinator: S Nandi
Month of Course: September/October 2001.
Details of technology development/transfer; patents, Industrial Experience
I had designed a 32-bit Programmable Cellular Automata chip in 1992-1993. This chip had already been fabricated with ITI, Bangalore 3 micron gate array library. Details of the 32 bit PCA chip with 90 and 150 rules are: (i) 64pinDIP, (ii) area equivalent 1284two input NAND gates, (iii) power - 316 mW, (iv) current - 57 mA, and (v) operating clock speed of 10 MHz. It was used in hardware laboratory experiments in 1994 and 1995 at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
I was one of the primary members of the team for designing Single Byte Error Correcting and Double Byte Error Detecting, and Double Byte Error Detecting and Correcting Chips. All chips were implemented using FPGA at Center for Development of Telematics (CDoT) laboratory and handed over to CDoT for use in VSAT applications (1994).
During my tenure as Project Officer at IIT, Kharagpur I was one of the primary member of the team for development of software package like DFTEXPERT, KBIST, KGPFSMSYN etc for VLSI circuit testing (1991-1995).
During my post Ph D tenure at IIT Kharagpur, I was also one of the consultants for software testing of Cadence Design Systems (1995).
I had guided to design two Cellular Automata based chips; (i) Reed Solomon Decoder for (127, 113, 7) code and (ii) Classical Goppa Code Decoder as result of the DST sponsored project (1998-2001).
I was one of the principal members to set-up Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) group under CeMNeT in School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (June 2002 - May 2003).
Teaching Experience
List of courses taught at Undergraduate level
List of courses taught at Postgraduate level
Short-term/Refresher Courses
Introduction to Micro-processor.
Advances in Micro-processor.
Electronic Design Automation - Tools and Techniques.
Setting up teaching and Research laboratories
Mini-Computer (HCL-MAGNUM and Micro-VAX) laboratory set-up at BIT, Mesra, Ranchi during 1989-1990.
SUN-SPARC for DOE sponsored project research laboratory set-up at Department of Computer Sc. & Engg., IIT Kharagpur during 1993-1994
All laboratories (Hardware & Software) setup of Computer Sc. & Engg., Computer Center and Campus Wide Networking of IIT Guwahati (1996- March 2015)
Several research laboratories at IIT Guwahati such as:
GARUDA Grid project (136 CPU with AMD 8218 processor 4MB Main memory per CPU, SAN Storage with 6TB storage space and LTO-3 Tape Library)
Wireless Sensor Network project (having 20 CROSSBOW sensor mote with programming capability)
ERNET project (having routers, Layer 3 switches, Web servers and NMS servers for providing Internet services etc. till 2007)
Information Security Education and Awareness Projects (with servers, routers, switches).
Using different types of instruments, systems, computers etc.
System Expose: SUN 3/60, SUN 3/280, SUN SPARC 10,SUN ULTRA SPARC 1200, DEC ALPHA, HP 9000/550, HP 807, HP 712, HP J200, HP K240, HP C240, SGI (INDIGO, OCTANE), Pentium PC's, PARAM 10000 etc.
Operating System Expose: SUN-OS, SOLARIS, HP-UX, OSF/1, IRIX, NOVELL Netware 4.11, Windows servers, LINUX etc.
Software Packages Used: VTI Tools & Nelsis VLSI design package, Vinyas, MicroSim, Sis-tools for logic circuit design & synthesis, VHDL, Network Simulator-2 (ns-2), GloMoSim etc
Hardware & Network accessories: Oscilloscope up to 500MHz, Function Generators, Logic Analyzer, Universal EPROM programmers, 8085/8086 Development systems, Actel Programmer, XILINIX programmer, Repeater, Switch, Modem, Router, EPABX (Lucent) and IP-DISLAM etc.