Welcome. You are in Swaroop's homepage. This page was first activated on 7th May 2003. My homepage is  visually not very attractive but it contains all updated information pertaining to me and my activities.


I am Swaroop Nandan Bora, a Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India.


My contact:


Office: E-306, Academic Complex, IIT Guwahati

Guwahati-781 039, Assam, India

Phone: +91 361 258 2604

Fax: +91 361 269 0762

Email: swaroop@iitg.ac.in,, swaroopnandan@gmail.com


Official Residence: Quarter No. F-67

IIT Guwahati Campus, Guwahati-781 039, Assam, India


City Residence: Rajbari Path, Ganeshguri, Guwahati-781 005, Assam, India


I have been working in IIT Guwahati since January 18, 1999.





My CV (Last updated March 8, 2025)




Teaching Assignment for January-May Semester, 2024-2025 Academic Year: MA 542 Differential Equations to M.Sc. (Mathematics and Computing) students 


TTC lectures
Academic Qualifications

Employment History

Research area and areas of interest
Conference Presentations

Conference Attended

Student Supervision

Courses Taught at  IITG

Invited Lectures

Books and Lecture Notes

Undergoing Projects


Countries Visited


 Others: (some not updated recently)

Administrative Responsibilities
Event Organizing
Mathematics Education Trust, Assam (META)
Some useful Links
Sites related to Assam, my home state



Other Activities


If you are interested in contacting me, mailto:swaroop@iitg.ac.in


Last updated on March 8,  2025.