North-East seismicity of India is a combined effect of Indian-Eurasian Plate boundary in the north and the Burmese arc in the east. The region has been considered among the top six most seismically active regions of the world. As per the report by United Nations published under International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (INDNDR) for the year 1991-2001, more than 18 earthquakes (EQ) of magnitude greater than 7 have occurred in the north east India in the last century (Kayal, 1998). Shillong Plateau is a complex seismotectonic province which is surrounded by Naga Thrust in the south-east, Dauki Fault in south and south-west and Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) in the north. The plateau is a continuous source of moderate to great earthquake occurrence. Majority of the events occurring in the Shillong Plateau are referred as Plate boundary earthquakes due to their close proximity to both the Himalayan arc in the north and the Burmese arc in the east. This work is an attempt to understand ongoing seismic activity along different casaultive faults surrounding the Shillong Plateau in terms of slips. Further, local soil conditions are examined in the light of past damages reported in the Shillong plateau.