CS 221 |
Digital Design |
3-0-0-6 |
Pre-requisites : NIL Syllabus: Review of Boolean algebra and logic minimisation;
design of combinational logic blocks (MUX, DeMUX,
encoder, decoder, adders, multipliers, etc.); design using combinational
logic blocks; sequential circuit design: flip-flops, FSM, registers,
counters, state tables and diagrams, state minimization, excitation functions
of memory elements, synthesis of synchronous sequential circuits;
representation and synthesis using ASM charts; specification and synthesis of
asynchronous sequential machines; basics of FPGA architecture; progamming using HDLs. Textbooks: 1. R. H. Katz and G. Borriello,
Contemporary Logic Design, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall of India, 2004. 2. M. M. Mano and M. D. Ciletti,
Digital Design, 4th Ed., Pearson Education. References: 4. F. Vahid, Digital
Design, 1st Ed., Wiley India, 2011. 5. S. Palnitkar,
Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis,Pearson, 2nd Ed, 2003. 6. A VHDL Primer, PHI Learning, 3rd Ed, 2009. |