CS 223

Computer Architecture and Organization



Pre-requisites : CS221


Functional units of a computer: CPU, memory, I/O; instruction set architecture: instruction format, addressing modes, ISAs for common CPUs and assembly languages; data representation: signed number representation, fixed and floating point representations; processor design: datapath components, control unit, pipelining and hazards; memory: concept of hierarchical memory organization, cache memory, mapping functions and replacement algorithms, main memory organisation, virtual memory; Input-Output: I/O transfers - program controlled, interrupt driven and DMA, I/O devices - secondary storage; Introduction to multi-core architectures.


1.     D. A. Patterson, J. L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, 4th Ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2010.

2.     W. Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance, 8th Ed., Pearson, 2010.


1.     C. Hamacher, Z. Vranesic, S. Zaky, Computer Organization, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2011.

2.     M. Mano, Computer System Architecture, 3rd Ed., Pearson, 1992.