PH 302 Solid State Physics 3-0-0-6
Syllabus: Free Electron Theory: Drude model, Widemann-Franz law, thermal conductivity, Sommerfeld model, specific heat . Lattice vibration and thermal properties: Einstein and Debye theory of specific heat, lattice vibrations in harmonic approximation, dispersion relations in monatomic and diatomic chains, optical and acoustic modes, concept of Brillouin zone, phonons, crystal momentum, dispersion relations in three dimensional systems, anharmonic effects, thermal expansion. Crystal structures: symmetry operations, Bravais lattice, reciprocal lattice, Brilloin zone, Miller indices, Bragg and Laue diffractions, structure factor. Electronic properties: Electrons in a periodic potential, Nearly free electron model, Bloch’s theorem, Kronig- Penny model, Tight binding model, band theory, effective mass, concept of hole, classification of metal, insulator and semiconductor, semiconductors: intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, mobility and electical conductivity, Hall effect, statistics of semiconductors. Magnetic properties: Classical and quantum models of diamagnetism, quantum theory of Paramagnetism, Hund’s rule, crystal field effect, Curie law, concepts of Ferro, Ferri and antiferromagnetism, Heisenberg model and exchange interaction, spin waves and magnon dispersions. Superconductivity: Meissner effect, London equations, BCS ground state, flux quantization in superconducting ring, type-II superconductors, Josephson tunnelling, high temperature superconductors.