PH 303 Quantum Mechanics-II 2-1-0-6
Syllabus: Approximation methods for stationary states: time-independent perturbation theory, the variation method and the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin (WKB) method. Time Dependent Perturbation Theory: The Schrodinger and the Heisenberg pictures, Heisenberg equations of motion, the interaction picture; Two-level systems, sinusoidal perturbation, Fermi's Golden Rule; the adiabatic and sudden approximation. Special topics in radiation theory: semi-classical treatment of interaction of radiation with matter, Einstein's coefficients, spontaneous and stimulated emission and absorption, application to lasers. Scattering Theory: Born approximation, scattering cross-section, partial wave analysis, phase shifts Foundations of Quantum mechanics: EPR paradox; Bell’s theorem, the no-clone theorem, Schrodinger’s Cat.