PH 304 Measurement Techniques 2-0-2-6
Syllabus: Sensors: resistive, capacitative, inductive, electromagnetic, thermoelectric, elastic, piezoelectric, piezoresistive, photosensitive and electrochemical sensors; interfacing sensors and data acquisition using serial and parallel ports. Low Pressure: Rotary, sorption, oil diffusion, turbo molecular, getter and cryo pumps; Mcleod, thermoelectric (thermocouple, thermister and pirani), penning, hot cathode and Bayard Alpert gauges; partial pressure measurement; leak detection; gas flow through pipes and apertures; effective pump speed; vacuum components. Low Temperature: gas liquifiers; Cryo-fluid baths; liquid He cryostat design; closed cycle He refrigerator; low temperature measurement. Analytical Instruments: X-ray diffractometer; Spectrophotometers; FT-IR; DSC; lock-in amplifier; spectrum analyzer, fluorescence and Raman spectrometer, scanning electron microscope, atomic force microscope, interferometers. Laboratory component: physical parameter measurement using different sensors; Low pressure generation and measurement; Calibration of secondary gauges; Cryostat design; CCR operation; data collection from analytical instruments in the department.