Dr. Amit Shelke
Associate Professor
Tel: +91-361-258 2441 (O);
Fax: +91-361-258 2440
Ph.D (2011),
Civil Engineering, The University of Arizona,
(2007), Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology Kanpur, India
B.E. (2005), Civil Engineering, VNIT,
Professional Experience
a) Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,
India (2013-present)
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil
b) University of South Carolina, SC, USA
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of
Mechanical Engineering
c) J.W. Goethe University, Germany (2011-12)
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Institute for
Biological Sciences
Project/Thesis Supervision
Rajeev Anupoju (2020)
-Experimental and analytical investigation of
exterior beam-column joints subjected to shock
and impact loading
Lavish Pamwani (2019)-Damage
Sensitive Feature Extraction and Classification
in the Structural Systems using Time Series
Representation in Phase Space Portrait
Sponsored Research Projects Agencies
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
Shock & Detonics Division
Panel CDSW Terminal Ballistics Research
Laboratory (DRDO)
1) Kalimullah, Nur MM; Shelke, Amit; Habib,
Anowarul,"Multiresolution Dynamic Mode Decomposition (mrDMD)
of Elastic Waves for Damage Localisation in Piezoelectric
Ceramic",IEEE Access, vol. 9 120512-120524
2) Agarwal, V; Shelke, A; Ahluwalia, BS; Melandsø, F; Kundu,
T; Habib, A,"Damage localization in piezo-ceramic using
ultrasonic waves excited by dual point contact excitation
and detection scheme",Ultrasonics,vol. 108 106113.
3) Rajeev, Anupoju; Mohotti, Damith; Shelke,
Amit,"Implications of impact experiments on honeycomb
shielded exterior beam-column joint",Engineering
Structures,vol. 212,110470.
4) P. S. Sharath and R., Anupoju, S. N. Raman, T. Ngo, A.
Shelke,"Experimental and numerical investigation of an
exterior reinforced concrete beam-column joint subjected to
shock loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering,
vol. 137 (2020).
5) Lavish Pamwani, Amit Shelke,"Damage quantification in
moment resisting frame using phase space reconstructed from
independent component sources." Structural Control and
Health Monitoring,2019 vol. 26 issue 11 ppe2438.
6) Lavish Pamwani, Vikram Agarwal, Amit Shelke,"Damage
Classification and Feature Extraction in Steel
Moment-Resisting Frame Using Time-Varying Autoregressive
Model.” Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics
and Prognostics of Engineering Systems, 2019, vol.2 , issue
2. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
7) Pamwani, Lavish and Shelke, Amit, “Damage detection using
dissimilarity in phase space topology of dynamic response of
structure subjected to shock wave loading.” Journal of
Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of
Engineering Systems, 2018 vol.1,number 4,041004. American
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
8) Pamwani, Lavish and Habib, Anowarul and Melandso, Frank
and Ahluwalia, Balpreet Singh and Shelke, Amit,“
Single-Input and Multiple-Output Surface Acoustic Wave
Sensing for Damage Quantification in Piezoelectric Sensors.”
Journal of Sensors,
2018,vol.-18,number-7,pages-2017,Multidisciplinary Digital
Publishing Institute (MDPI).
9) Parsi, Sai Sharath and Rajeev, Anupoju and Uddin, Ahsan
and Shelke, Amit and Uddin, Nasim. ,“Probabilistic contact
force model for low velocity impact on honeycomb structure.”
Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure,2018, Taylor &
10) Kore, R., A. Waychal, S. Agarwal, P. Yadav, Ahsan Uddin,
N. Sahoo, and A. Shelke ,“Impact induced solitary wave
propagation through a woodpile structure.” Smart Materials
and Structures, 2016,25, no. 2: 025027.
11) Hofmann, Matthias, Shelke A. et al. ,“Scanning Acoustic
Microscopy—A Novel Noninvasive Method to Determine Tumor
Interstitial Fluid Pressure in a Xenograft Tumor Model.”
Translational oncology,2016, 9.3, 179-183.
12) Shelke, A., S, Banerjee, T, Zhenhua and Lingyu Yu.
,“Spiral lamb waveguide for spatial filtration of
frequencies in a confined space.” Experimental
Mechanics,2015, 1-11.
13) Anowarul, H., Shelke, A., M, Vogel, S, Brand, X, Jiang,
U, Pietsch and Kundu, T ,“ Quantitative ultrasonic
characterization of c-axis oriented polycrystalline AlN thin
film for smart device application.” Acta Acustica united
with Acustica,2015, 101-4-675-683.
14) Shelke, A., Uddin, A and Yang, J. ,“Impact
identification in sandwich structures using solitary wave
supporting granular crystal sensors.” AIAA,2014, 52(10),
15) Pflanzer, R., Hofmann, M., Shelke, A., Habib, A.,
Derwich, W., Schmitz-Rixen, T., Bernd, A., Kaufmann, R and
Jürgen Bereiter-Hahn. ,“Advanced 3D-sonographic imaging as a
precise technique to evaluate tumor volume.”Translational
Oncology,2014, 7(6), 681–686.
16) Shelke, A., Banerjee, S., Kabiri Rahani, E., Habib, A
and Kundu, T. ,“Ultrasonic wave guiding and wave modulation
using phononic crystal defects.” Journal of Intelligent
Material Systems and Structures, 2014,vol. 25,number 13,
page number 1541-1552.
17) Karatolios, K., Wittek, A., Nwe. T.H., Bihari, P.,
Shelke, A., Josef D.T., Schmitz-Rixen, J.Geks., B.Maisch.,
C.Blase., R.Moosdorf and S.Vogt.,“ Method for aortic wall
strain measurement with three-dimensional ultrasound speckle
tracking and fitted finite element analysis.” The Annals of
Thoracic Surgery, 2013,vol. 96, number 5, page number
18) Shelke, A., Blume, M., Mularczyk, M., Landes, C., Sader,
R and Jurgen Bereiter-Hahn ,“Visualization of localized
elastic properties in human tooth and jawbone as revealed by
scanning acoustic microscopy.” Ultrasound in Medicine &
Biology, 2013,39 (5), 853-859.
19) Bihari, P., Shelke, A., Nwe, T.H., Mularczyk, M.,
Nelson, K., Schmandra, T., Knez, P and Schmitz-Rixen T.
,“Strain measurement of abdominal aortic aneurysm with
real-time 3D ultrasound speckle tracking.” European Journal
of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 2013, 45(4), 315-323.
20) K. Karatolios A. Wittek C. Blasé, A. Shelke R. Moosdorf
S. Vogt. ,“Vascular modelling and wall motion analysis of
ascending and descending aorta with 3D-ultrasound speckle
tracking and finite element analysis.” European Heart
Journal, 2013, vol. 34, Issue suppl_1, 1, P247.
21) Habib, A., Shelke, A., M.Vogel, U., Pietsch, Xin Jiang
and Kundu, T.,“Mechanical characterization of sintered piezo-electric
ceramic material using scanning acoustic microscope.”
Ultrasound, 2012, 52 (8), 989-995.
22) Shelke, A., Vasiljevic, M., Kundu, T., Amjad, U., and
Grill, W. ,“Extracting quantitative information on pipe wall
damage in absence of clear signals from defect.” Journal of
Pressure Vessel and Technology, ASME, 2012, 134 (5), 051502.
23) Habib, A., Shelke, A., Pluta, M., Kundu, T., Pietsch,
U., and Grill. W. ,“Imaging of acoustic waves in
piezoelectric ceramics by coulomb coupling.” Japanese
Journal of Applied Physics,2012, 51, 07GB05.
24) Robillard, J.F., Bucay, J., Deymier, P. A., Shelke, A.,
Muralidharan, K., Merheb, B., Vasseur, J.O., Sukhovich, A.,
and Page, J. H. ,“ Resolution limit of a phononic crystal
super lens.” Physical Review B, 2011, 83 (22), 224301.
25) Shelke, A., Kundu, T., Amjad, U., Hahn, K., and Grill,
W. ,“ Mode selective emission and delamination detection in
aluminum plate using ultrasonic guided lamb wave.” IEEE
Transactions on Ultrasonic’s, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency
Control, 2011, 58 (3), 567-577.
26) Shelke, A., Banerjee, S., Kundu, T., Amjad, U., and
Grill, W. ,“Multi-scale damage state estimation in
composites using nonlocal elastic kernel: An Experimental
Validation.” International Journal of Solids and Structures,
2011, 48 (7-8), 1219-1228.
27) Shelke, A., Das, S., and Kundu, T.,“ Distributed point
source method for modeling scattered fields in presence of
an elliptical cavity.” Structural Health Monitoring: An
International Journal,2010, 9 (6), 527-539.
28) Shelke, A and N, Patra, “ Effect of compressive load on
uplift capacity of cast-in-situ bored piles.” Geotechnical
and Geological Engineering, 2011, 29(5), 927-934.
29) Shelke, A and N, Patra, “Effect of arching on uplift
capacity of pile groups in sand.” International Journal of
Geomechanics, ASCE, 2008, 8(6), 347–354.
30) Shelke, A and N, Patra, “Effect of arching on uplift
capacity of single piles.” Geotechnical and Geological
Engineering, 2008, 27(3), 365-377.