| CS536 | ADVANCED COMPILER | July 2022 -Nov 2022 | Instructor: Dr. A. Sahu (email:asahu) |
TAs: [M Tech II: Abhijeet Padhy, Surbhi Jain, and PhD: K Chitra]
Course Structure: Focus on Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of Aho-Ulman Book
- Introduction to code optimization, efficient code generation and parallelizing compilers. Data-flow analysis : Classical theory, bi-directional flows, unified algorithms etc. Efficient code generation: Algorithms, register allocation heuristics and automated tools.
- Parallelism detection : Data dependence, control dependence, various restructuring transformations on loops. Inter-procedural analysis : Constant propagation, data dependence etc. Selected case studies.
Lectures (Thanks to (a) Aho-Ulman, author of OS Book, for providing PPT/PDF Slides)
- Introduction to CS536 Advanced Compiler: Book, Grading, Policy CS536-Lec-01.pdf
- Basic Compiler and Why Compilers CS536-Lec-02.pdf
- Prog. Lang. Basic, Memory Layout of a C Program, Compiling Multiple C Files, AST CS536-Lec-03.pdf
- AST and SDT CS536-Lec-04.pdf
- SDT CS536-Lec-05.pdf
- SDT and Symbol Table CS536-Lec-06.pdf
- SDT Annotation, Graph, Evaluation CS536-Lec-07.pdf
- ST and IR CS536-Lec-08.pdf
- Assignment I : A1
- IR: I Lang, I Code and I Rep CS536-Lec-09.pdf
- Type Translation and Flow Control CS536-Lec-11.pdf
- Control Flow CS536-Lec-12.pdf
- Control Flow CS536-Lec-13.pdf
- Flow Graph and Basic Blocks CS536-Lec-14.pdf
- Basic Blocks Optimization and Register Allocation CS536-Lec-15.pdf
- Assignment II : A2
- Register Allocation CS536-Lec-16.pdf
- MidSem-Sol.pdf
- Register Allocation and Instruction Selections CS536-Lec-17.pdf
- Instruction Selections and Processor Types CS536-Lec-18.pdf
- Machine Independent Optimizations CS536-Lec-19.pdf
- Machine Independent Optimizations CS536-Lec-20.pdf
- Loop Optimizations CS536-Lec-21.pdf
- Loop Optimizations CS536-Lec-22.pdf
- Loop Optimizations CS536-Lec-23.pdf
- Assignment III : A3
- LP and Instruction Scheduling NoSlides-CS536-Lec-24.pdf
- Control Flow and Data Flow Analysis CS536-Lec-25.pdf
- Global Data Flow Analysis CS536-Lec-26.pdf
- Control Flow and Data Flow Analysis CS536-Lec-27.pdf
- Optimization for Parallelsim and locality CS536-Lec-28.pdf
- Loop Iteration Space and Locality CS536-Lec-30.pdf
- Loop Iteration Space and Locality CS536-Lec-31.pdf
- Loop Iteration Space and Locality CS536-Lec-32.pdf
- Matrix Modeling of Data Reuse and Dependency CS536-Lec-33.pdf
- Matrix Modeling of Data Reuse and Dependency CS536-Lec-34.pdf
- Matrix Modeling of Data Reuse and Dependency CS536-Lec-35.pdf
- EndSem-Sol.pdf
Text Book
- Aho, Alfred Vaino; Lam, Monica Sin-Ling; Sethi, Ravi; Ullman, Jeffrey David (2006). Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (2 ed.). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Addison-Wesley.
Reference Books
- S. Muchnick, Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation, Morgan Kaufmann, 1997.
- M. J. Wolfe, High Performance Compilers for Parallel Computing, Addison-Wesley, 1995
- V. Sarkar, Partitioning and Scheduling Parallel Programs for Multiprocessors, MIT Press, 1989.
- The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project (LLVM Website https://llvm.org/ )
- Compilers for Machine Learning (C4ML): (C4ML.org)
- Compilers for Machine Learning (C4ML) Courses: (C4ML @IITH)
Help and Support :
fft.c lbm.c supportingcode.c
dotguide.pdf, example.dot
EBook1.pdf, EBook2.pdf, EBook3.pdf
Class timing, Venue and Rules
- Venue and timing : Room 5203 and Monday 4-5PM, Tue:4-5PM, Fri:3-4PM
- Rule: 75% attendance is mandatory
- Grading: 5% class participation, 35% mid sem, 40% end sem, 20% Coding Assignments in LLVM Framework