TEQIP-III Sponsored Short Term Course on |
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Download from here | Brochure | Application Form | Endorsement Form Overview and Objective Objectives of this course is two-fold. First, to provide mathematical understanding of various NLP methods. Second, to make participants familiar with commonly used tools and models for NLP through hands-on-sessions.
Retrieving relevant information for natural language texts, extracting knowledge from it and representing them in a structured way are challenging problems. Natural Language Processing (NLP) analyses the above stated challenges and develop models to overcome them. Primary objective of the course is to introduce NLP fundamentals and relevant deep learning models for solving NLP problems. Being an application oriented course, multiple Hands-on-sessions are planned to make sure participants spend time in familiarizing themselves with available tools and work on some basic problems. Thus, another objective is to focus on learning by practicing. However, we do not want participants to use tools blindly but want to make sure they have minimal understanding of the commonly used statistical and machine learning models.
Eligibility, Registration & Selection
The course is open to faculty members of TEQIP-III mapped institutions. Please refer to "Institution List" link in the NPIU website for list of TEQIP-III mapped institutions. However, PhD scholars/PG students from these institutions may be accommodated subject to the vacancy of seats. There will be a refundable registration fee of 2500 INR for the participants from TEQIP-III mapped institutions. Seats that remain unfilled will be open to faculty/students of other institutions with a non-refundable registration fee of 2950 INR (2500 INR + 18% GST). There will be a total of 40 seats for the course based on application followed by shortlisting. The registration fee will cover course materials and working lunch.
No separate emails will be sent to the shortlisted candidates. Registration Fee DD will be returned back (via speed post), if the candidate is not shortlisted. Boarding & Lodging
For participants from TEQIP-III mapped institutions, based on request, accommodation can be arranged free of cost in the Institute Guest House for faculty members and student hostels inside IITG campus for research scholars/PG students. Participants from non-TEQIP institutes should make their own arrangements for boarding and lodging. However, we shall assist them to get accommodation inside campus if requested.
No DA/TA will be paid to the participants from IIT Guwahati. Dr. Ashish Anand [HomePage] Associate Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam 781039. Email: anand [dot] ashish [at]iitg.ac.in Phone (Office): +91 361 258 2374 Dr. Amit Awekar [HomePage] Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam 781039. Email: awekar[at]iitg.ac.in Phone (Office): +91 361 258 2373 Accommodation and Registration Support Team Name: Gouri Sankar Majumder Email: gourisankar[at]iitg.ac.in Name: Nidhi Ahlawat Email: nidhi18[at]iitg.ac.in Research Scholar Department of Computer Science and Engineering IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam 781039. |