Submitted by admin on Tue, 04/17/2018 - 13:20
One can put their specific CCC related issues/matters in the following respective email aliases according to their respective types.
- For all network, Internet related issues: netadmin[AT]
- For all mail and Microsoft products related issues: mailadmin[AT]
- For all all web related issue including moodle, noticeboard, Complaint Booking etc : webmaster[AT]
- For all phone related issues: phones[AT]
- For all PC/Peripherals/LAN related issues, register a complain in the online Complain Booking System under the category "PC/Peripheral/LAN".
- For all Network related issues of register a complain in the online Complain Booking System under the category "Network Services".
- For all office automation related issues and ERP account management issues : AutomationTeam[AT]