Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the India Japan Lab (IJL) of Keio University on 15th March 2022 to collaborate on research projects, Joint student Supervision, developing new certificate courses, students and faculty exchange visits, etc. According to the MoU, IIT Guwahati and India Japan Lab of Keio University will encourage faculty and students to work jointly for various capacity building activities for mainstreaming disaster risk resilience as part of training courses; developing new certificate courses on specific topics related to disaster risk reduction; joint student supervision; students and faculty exchange visit for knowledge sharing; undertaking research projects; joint publication of articles/educational books. Under this MoU, the Centre for Disaster Management and Research (CDMR) of IIT Guwahati will act as the nodal Centre from IITG.
Media Releases:

Group Photograph during MoU signing ceremony with Keio University, Japan

Group Photograph during MoU signing ceremony with Keio University, Japan