Global Initiative of Academic Network (GIAN) |
Course on
23th - 27th April, 2018
Venue: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Teaching Faculty
Foreign Faculty |
Host Faculty |
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Prof. Piet Lens |
Prof. K. Pakshirajan |
Dr. Debasish Das |
Professor of Environmental Biotechnology at UNESCO-IHE, Institute for Water Education, The Netherlands | Professor and Head Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India. | Associate Professor, Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India |
Brief Info | Brief Info. | Brief Info. |
will play a key role in the 21st century as the world faces two critical
problems: volatile fuel prices and global climatic changes. Both of these
are linked to the overdependence on fossil fuels: petroleum, natural gas,
and coal. Despite a significant amount of research into biofuels, the field
has not yet been able to replace fossil fuels. Recent advances might change
this scenario. The combination of fuel cell and biomass fermentation
technologies has emerged as a primary candidate for the renewable generation
of heat and power on a decentralized basis. Biofuel cells are devices
capable of directly transforming chemicals to electrical energy via
electrochemical reactions involving biochemical pathways. Biocatalysts,
including proteins, enzymes or whole cell organisms, can also offer cost
advantages over metallic catalysts. Widespread usage of a biocatalyst would,
however, tend to lower the cost of biofuel production, which is not true of
transition metal catalysts.
This course will provide deeper insight into recent advancements in biofuel cells and thereby contribute to the understanding of this important topic. The course content includes a brief introduction on the first, second, third and fourth biofuel generations. The course is intended, however, to largely concentrate on advances made in recent years in the area of biofuel cells together with a discussion surrounding their practical application. Furthermore, the course will be extremely useful for researchers, scientists, engineers and graduate students, who are working in the areas of biofuels, more specifically on biofuels cell.
primary objectives of the course are as follows:
largely concentrate on and give an overview of the advances made in recent
years in the area of biofuel cells together with a discussion surrounding
its practical applications.
introduce participants to the state-of-the-art biofuel cell research
including current knowledge gaps.
discuss some of the full-scale applications of biofuel cells technology and
identify potential opportunities for the combination of biofuels and fuel
provide details on the advanced materials for biofuel cell application
including biotechnological process development and optimization of process
i) Executives, engineers and researchers from process industries and government organizations, including R&D laboratories.
ii) Students at all levels (BTech/MSc/MTech/PhD) or Faculty from reputed academic institutions and technical institutions.
Registration pocedure:
1. Go to
GIAN website (http://www.gian.iitkgp.ac.in/GREGN/index)
time users need to register and pay a one - time fee of
INR 500/-
Select course: “Biofuel cell
technology: fundamentals and applications”. Once you enroll for the
course, an Enrolment/Application
number will be generated, and the course coordinators will be notified.
course coordinators will shortlist the candidates out of the applicants. The
shortlisted candidates will be notified by email.
3. The
selected candidates must pay the applicable fees using
Demand Draft (DD) drawn in
favour of “Registrar, INDIAN
write your Name and Enrolment/Application number at the back of the DD, and
post/courier it, to reach
23rd March
4. Fill
the course registration form in GIAN portal. Email the course registration
form to the Course Co-ordinator along with the DD
23rd March 2018
1000 /- (Refundable)
Participants from abroad :
USD 500 /-
Industry/ Research Organizations:
INR 15,000 /-
Institutions: INR
7,500 /-
The fee
is to be paid using Demand Draft. The Demand Draft for the students (only)
will be returned back to them if and when they physically attend the course.
accommodation and lodging necessities will be provided for students, at a
per day per person cost of approximately INR 250 /-
The course registration fees is to be deposited to-
Professor Kannan PakshirajanDepartment of Biosciences and Bioengineering
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Guwahati, India
In the form of a demand draft in favour of "REGISTRAR, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GUWAHATI" Payable at GUWAHATI
2. Course Dates: 23/04/2017 to 27/04/2018
3. Examination Date: To be updated
Tentative Lecture Schedule:
Day 1:
Introduction to biofuels (1 hr, PL), Biofuel cells and its classification (1
hr, PL) and Biomass for biofuel and its pretreatment (1 hr, KP)
Day 2:
Enzymatic fuel cells (1 hr, PL), Microbial and hybrid fuel cells (1 hr, PL)
and Biofuels as feedstock for biofuel cells (1 hr, PL)
Day 3:
Bioethanol production from up-stream to down-stream and continuous recovery
(1 hr, KP), Biobutanol (1 hr, DD) and Biofuels and environmental issues (1
hr, PL)
Day 4:
Biofuel production and wastewater treatment (1
hr, KP), Fuel cells utilizing
biogas and landfill gases (1 hr, PL)
and nano materials, polymer based materials and metal oxides for fuel cell
applications (1 hr, PL)
Day 5: Syngas fermentation (1 hr, PL), Biohydrogen in fuel cells (1 hr, PL) and Case studies on practical application of fuel cells for electricity generation (1 hr, PL)
Prof. Piet Lens
Prof. Kannan Pakshirajan
Dr. Debasish Das:1 hr lectures
Accomodation based on nominal charges (per day) will be avilable to all participants at IIT Guwahati campus. Student participants will be accomodated in boys / girls hostels. Participants from academic, R & D institutes and industry will be accomodated in IITG guest house on twin sharing basis. Partipants need to borne their own accomodation and fooding expenses. At hostels all arrangments such as bed, mattress, toileteries will be made available. For more information please contact the course coordinator.
How to Reach IIT Guwahati
Campus Map of IIT Guwahati
Brief Information about the Faculties
Prof. Piet Lens
Piet Lens
is a Professor of Environmental Biotechnology at UNESCO-IHE, Institute for
Water Education (The Netherlands), Professor of New Energy Technologies at
National University of Ireland (NUI Galway, Ireland) and Professor of
Bioengineering at Tampere University of Technology (TUT, Finland). Prof.
Lens obtained his Ph.D in Environmental Engineering from Ghent University
His research focuses on biofilms, sulfur biotechnology, metal speciation,
bioavailability and removal, natural treatment systems, anaerobic wastewater
and waste gas treatment for resource recovery and reuse. Prof. Lens is the
initiator of the Marie Curie Training Site “Sulfur and Metals -HEMEP”, the
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral programme “Environmental Technologies for
Contaminated Soils, Sediments and Solid Waste (ETECOS3)”, the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN-EJD) PhD programme on
Advanced Biological Waste-to-Energy Technologies (ABWET) and the Erasmus
Mundus Master Course on “International Master of Science in Environmental
Technology (IMETE)”. Besides innovative research, he is also a leader in
education and capacity-building, organising numerous study-days,
conferences, summer schools and short courses.
Prof. Lens is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the review journal “Reviews in
Environmental Science and Bio/Technology” and founding editor of the IWA
Publishing series “Integrated Environmental Technology”. He has
(co-)authored over 400 scientific publications and edited nine book volumes.
Prof. Kannan Pakshirajan
Prof. Kannan Pakshirajan is Professor and Head of the Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam. He specializes on biological removal of pollutants (organic/inorganic) and resource recovery from wastes. His areas of research interest are Environmental Biotechnology, Biological removal and recovery of inorganic compounds from wastewaters, Biofuels and other Biotechnological Products: production, process design, kinetics and environmental applications. He is a recipient of many awards and honours. These include, among others, Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Award for Young Scientist, National Academy of Sciences India (NASI) Young Scientist Award and Hiyoshi Young Leaf Award, Japan.Dr. Debasish Das
Dr. Debasish Das is Associate Professor in the Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India. He specializes on bioprocess development for biofuel production. His research areas include novel microalgal isolates as cell factory for biodiesel production, development of Clostridium sp. as a cell factory for butanol production, lignocellulosic ethanol fermentation involving recombinant hydrolytic enzymes expressed and isolated from Escherichia coli, metabolic modeling of biological systems, engineering simultaneous transport of hexose and pentose sugars in Zymomonas mobilis for biofuel production from lignocellulosic waste.Course coordinator
Professor Kannan Pakshirajan
Department of Biosciences and
Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati, India
Professor Kannan Pakshirajan
Department of Biosciences and
Institute of Technology Guwahati
Tel: +91-361-2582210; Fax: +91-361- 2690762.