A four year Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) programme in Chemical Science and Technology, the first of its kind in the IIT system, is being offered by the Department of Chemistry at IIT Guwahati from the year 2007. This programme will prepare the students for the emerging need of qualified persons with adequate knowledge in both Chemistry and its technology related issues, in both academics and industry. It will also provide students practical training in basic science and engineering. The technological course components include applied catalysis, drug design, medicinal chemistry, nanomaterials and nanoscience, fine and bulk chemicals, green chemical and technological practices. During the course, the students will be trained to do frontline research in interdisciplinary areas, which include materials science, environmental science and molecular biology. Graduates will have diverse job opportunities in the chemical industry, in pharma companies, in Biotech companies, in environment related businesses, and in R&D.
The admissions to the Undergraduate Programmes in Bachelor of Technology for all Indian and Foreign nationals are made through the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE)
Syllabus | Click here |
Minor syllabus for B. Tech.(CST) | Click here |
Syllabus for preparatory courses | Click here |
CH 434 | Click here |