Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
Central Instruments Facility (CIF) has an objective to provide a central facility with the latest and the most advanced analytical techniques for cutting edge research in various areas of science and technology. CIF was formed with two major instruments namely, a 400MHz FTNMR and a scanning electron microscope. Today, CIF houses 26 highly sophisticated and modern analytical equipment’s with a wide range of analytical techniques and methods for research in chemical/material analysis/testing/characterization. It has enabled its users to excel and keep pace with global developments and also publish their research findings in high impact factor peer reviewed journals. Henceforth, contributing towards social upliftment at large.CIF is used by 11 of the 14 Academic/Research Departments and Centres of the Institute. The facilities of CIF are extensively used by undergraduate, post graduate, doctoral students and faculty members. The facilities of CIF are also used by 38 external institutes from all over India. The facility is extended to external organizations mainly the academic institutions in the country on a minimal chargeable basis. Also a few private industries are benefitted from the facilities of CIF through consultancy projects