Ph.D. in Indian Knowledge Systems
The Centre will be offering a doctoral program in interdisciplinary research across Humanities, Sciences, Engineering, and Design. Students can apply against a research proposal mentioned in the advertisement. Candidates need to select at least one and maximum two Research Proposals listed depending on their interests and eligibility.
Interested faculty members can express their interest in an area of Indian Knowledge Systems for admitting PhD students. Eligibility criteria of prospective students will be defined year to year based on the requirement after following the selection criteria of the IIT Guwahati doctoral program.
Each proposal will have a separate committee to decide the shortlisting criteria and mode of selection. There will be a committee comprising of the proposed faculty members and one nominee of the HOC. This committee will submit shortlisting and selection criteria to the academic section for approval.
Selected candidates need to work with the proposed faculty members only and Supervisors will be decided at the time of selection.
Students will have to do course work. Relevant already existing courses of the parent department of the Supervisors can be taken by the registered students. Later depending on requirement courses new electives can be floated.