Pinaki Mitra

Associate Professor, Department of CSE
IIT Guwahati, Guwahati - 781039
Assam, India

Room No.: H-10
Phone: +91 361 2582352
Email: pinaki @

Personal Webpage: Click here to visit.


Computer Science, Simon Fraser University, Canada, 1994.

Computer Science, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 1989.

Computer Science, Jadavpur University, 1987.

Work Experiences

Assistant Professor
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati , December 2004 - October 2008.

Assistant Professor
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati , December 2004 - October 2008.

Assistant Professor
Institute of Management Kolkata, July 2000 - December 2004.

Research Scientist
Center for Microprocessor Training Education and R, May 1999 - June 2000.

Research Scientist
Project on Storage Retrieval and Understanding of , April 1996 - May 1999.

Grande Prairie Regional College, Alberta, Canada, September 1994 - February 1995.

Post-doctoral Fellow
MRCO Research Group, Carleton University, Canada, March 1995 - May 1995.

Research Interests

Computational Geometry, Parallel Algorithms, Randomized Algorithms, Optimization

Primary Research Group

Theoretical Computer Science

Secondary Research Group(s)

Computer Systems

Courses Offered

  • 2016-2017 ⋄ Odd Semester ⋄ CS461 : Computer Graphics
  • 2016-2017 ⋄ Odd Semester ⋄ CS462 : Computer Graphics Laboratory
  • 2015-2016 ⋄ Even Semester ⋄ CS350M : Computer Systems

Ph.D. Students continuing

  • Subrata Nandi
  • Pradeep Kumar Sharma

M.Tech. Students Ongoing


Ph.D. Students Completed

M.Tech. Students Completed

  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: Vutukuru Abhijith ⋄ Thesis Title: "Optimizing Recomputation Time for Clustering in VANETs"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: Shubham Agarwal ⋄ Thesis Title: "Detecting network intrusions using Deep Learning "
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: Gaurav Kumar ⋄ Thesis Title: "SGBC: Sub Grid Based Clustering for Efficient Reclustering in VANETs with Variable Vehicle Velocity"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: PINAKI DASH ⋄ Thesis Title: "Intelligent Transport System"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: GALETI NISHANTH ⋄ Thesis Title: "Parallelization of Heuristics for the Optimization of Travelling Salesperson Problem"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: ANURAG YADAV ⋄ Thesis Title: "Parallelization of Metaheuristics for the optimization of Permuted Perceptron Problem"
  • Supervisors: S. V. Rao, Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: RAJAT SHUKLA ⋄ Thesis Title: "Interactively Animating Static Images."
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: LAKHARA KAMAL SAVARMAL ⋄ Thesis Title: "Simulation Study and Analysis of Blockchain based Healthcare System"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: DHANANJAY SHUKLA ⋄ Thesis Title: "Occlusion-Aware Object Structuring and Completion of Cartoon Images"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: BARAHATE PRAYAS GUNVANT ⋄ Thesis Title: "Cube attack on stream cipher"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: MANISHA DOLEY ⋄ Thesis Title: "Discrimination of High-rate DDoS attack from Flash crowd using Self-Similar nature of traffic."
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: K KAVITHA ⋄ Thesis Title: "QoE Enhancement in Peer Assisted Adaptive Streaming System"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: KANKAN BARMAN ⋄ Thesis Title: "A Reactive Mitigation Method For EDoS Attack in Cloud Environment"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: ANIK RANJAN MONDAL ⋄ Thesis Title: "Digital Representation and Generation of Indian Classical Violin Music"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: ASHISH KUMAR ⋄ Thesis Title: "System and Methods For Converting Speech into SQL"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: SACHIN KUMAR ⋄ Thesis Title: "System and Methods for Converting English Text into SQL"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name:Thesis Title: "Just In Time Indexing"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: SWARUP KUMAR MALLICK ⋄ Thesis Title: "Application Behavior Enforcement Based On Network Characteristics"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: RINKU DAS ⋄ Thesis Title: "Privatizing user credential information of web services in a shared user environment"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: KSHATRESH KUMAR SAINI ⋄ Thesis Title: "Impact of Different Degree of Twists on Bilinear Pairing."
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: ARUN KUMAR TRIPATHI ⋄ Thesis Title: "Business Process Based Database Recovery Model"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: VISHAL KURUP ⋄ Thesis Title: "Mail Plugin for IBM Mashup Center"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: BALBIR KUMAR ⋄ Thesis Title: "BSP Tree for Orthogonal Cubes"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: T. S. PRIYESHKUMAR ⋄ Thesis Title: "Hash Based Single Password Authentication Protocol"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: MR. SUMAN DAS ⋄ Thesis Title: "Proxy Signature Scheme Based on Morphism of Polynomials"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: C. SURENDRANATH CHOWDARY ⋄ Thesis Title: "Efficient Isomorphic Matching Algorithm for Molecular Graphs"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: MS. K. LAKSHMI ⋄ Thesis Title: "Mining and Indexing of Molecular Database based on UCK of Indexed Subgraphs"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: SANTOSH K. SWAIN ⋄ Thesis Title: "Elliptic Curve, Supersingularity and Zero Knowledge Proof"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: M. THIRUMALA SRIKANTH ⋄ Thesis Title: "Performance Study of RSA - OAEP & its Relatives"
  • Supervisors: , ⋄ Scholar Name: K. NARENDRA ⋄ Thesis Title: "Structure Recognition in Molecules"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: SRINIVAS YADAM ⋄ Thesis Title: "Clustering Using Maxcut"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: S.V. VARUN ⋄ Thesis Title: "Tree three spanners for Interval and Bipartite Graph"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: M. DURGAPRASADA RAO ⋄ Thesis Title: "Generator Computation, Safe Primes and Application to Elliptic Curves"
  • Supervisor: Pinaki Mitra ⋄ Scholar Name: T. SUDHEER ⋄ Thesis Title: " Association Rule Mining with Non-Uniform Support"

Sponsored Research Projects

Project Title: "Microsoft Research India Rx Lab Programme 2010 (CSE Summer Interns)"
Co-PI: Dr. P. Mitra
Funding Agency: Microsoft Research Lab India.
Start Year: 2010-2011


  • Pinaki Mitra, "IEMS3:An Image Encryption Scheme using Modified SNOW 3G Algorithm", 2nd International Conference on Network Security and Blockchain Technology, January, 2023

  • Pinaki Mitra, "A deadlock-free and adaptive prime perspective turn model for 3D-mesh based Networkon-Chips", International Conference on Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing (ANTIC-2022), February, Link, 2022

  • Pinaki Mitra, "Key-Dependent Feedback Configuration matrix of primitive ??LFSR and resistance to some Known Plaintext Attacks", "IEEE Access", January, Link, 2022

  • Galeti Nishanth, Pinaki Mitra, "Parallelization of Metaheuristics for the Optimization of Travelling Salesman Problem", "STM JOURNALS", 8, 20--26, December, 2021

  • Pinaki Dash, Pinaki Mitra, "Intelligent Transport Systems", "STM JOURNALS", 11, 23--28, December, 2021

  • Pinaki Mitra, "DAISS: Design of an Attacker Identification Scheme in CoAP Request/Response Spoofing", TENCON 2021-2021 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 941-946, December, Link, 2021

  • Brijesh Singh, Arijit Sur, Pinaki Mitra, "Steganalysis of Digital Images Using Deep Fractal Network", " IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems", 1--8, 29, Link, 2021

  • Pinaki Mitra, "A comparison of different metaheuristics for the quadratic assignment problem in accelerated systems", "ELSEVIER", November, Link, 2020

  • Pinaki Mitra, "Solving Quadratic Assignment Problem Using Crow Search Algorithm in Accelerated Systems", International Conference on Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences MIND 2020:, 285–295, June, Link, 2020

  • Brijesh Singh, Mohit Chhajed, Arijit Sur, Pinaki Mitra, "Steganalysis using Learned Denoising Kernels", "Multimedia Tools and Applications", 80, 4904--4917, 02, Link, 2020

  • Panthadeep Bhattacharjee, Pinaki Mitra, "iM ass: An Approximate Adaptive Clustering Algorithm for Dynamic Data Using Probability Based Dissimilarity", Front. Comput. Sci., 15, 02, Link, 2020

  • Panthadeep Bhattacharjee, Pinaki Mitra, "A Survey of Density Based Clustering Algorithms", "Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS)", 15, 1--27, 29, Link, 2020

  • Panthadeep Bhattacharjee,Pinaki Mitra, "BISDBx: towards batch-incremental clustering for dynamic datasets using SNN-DBSCAN", "Pattern Analysis and Applications", 1433-755X, 1, Link, 2019

  • Pradeep Kumar Sharma,Santosh Biswas,Pinaki Mitra, "Energy efficient heuristic application mapping for 2-D mesh-based network-on-chip", "Microprocessors and Microsystems", 64, 88 - 100, 1, Link, 2019

  • Brijesh Singh, Prasen Kumar Sharma, Rupal Saxena, Arijit Sur, Pinaki Mitra, "A New Steganalysis method using Densely Connected ConvNets", 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (Premi 2019), 11941, 277-285, Link, 2019

  • Ritvik Rawat, Brijesh Singh, Arijit Sur,Pinaki Mitra, "Steganalysis for Clustering Modification Direction Steganography", "Multimedia Tools and Applications", 1573-7721, Link, 2019

  • Panthadeep Bhattacharjee, Pinaki Mitra, "BISDBx: towards batch-incremental clustering for dynamic datasets using SNN-DBSCAN", "Pattern Analysis and Applications (PAAA) (SCI-e)", 23, 975–1009, 01, Link, 2019

  • Panthadeep Bhattacharjee,Pinaki Mitra, "Incremental Mining Algorithms: Adapting to Dynamic Data", Ph. D Forum, ADCOM, 110 – 113, 31, Link, 2018

  • Pinaki Mitra, "Characterizing the Existence of P4", "Research and Reviews: Discrete Mathematical Structures (RRDMS)[STM Journal]", 1(3), 39 -- 41, September – December 2014, 2014

  • Sachin Kumar,Ashish Kumar,Pinaki Mitra,Girish Sundaram, "System and Methods for Converting Speech to SQL", CoRR, abs/1308.3106, 13, Link, 2013

  • P. Mitra, "A Comparative Analysis of Huffman Coding", "The IUP Journal of Computer Sciences", Vol VI, No. 1, pp. 17 -- 22, January, 2012, , 2012

  • P. Mitra, G. Sundaram and A. Tripathi, "Business Process Based Database Recovery and Experimental Results", "Int. J. of Database Management Systems (IJDMS)", Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 118-130, November, 2011 , 2011

  •, "Zero Knowledge Interactive Proof for Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) ", "International J. of Advanced Computing (IJAC), 2010", vol. 1, 2010, 2010

  • P. Mitra, G. Sundaram, S. G. Kumar and V. Kurup, "Mail Plugin for IBM Mashup Center", "International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies", Vol. 1, No.2, pp. 139-148, 2010, 2010

  • P. Mitra and S. Swain, "Supersingularity and Cyclicity of Elliptic Curves", National Workshop on Network Security (NWNS) 2010, Tezpur University, 2010, 2010

  • K. Narendra, S. V. Rao, P. Mitra and P. Viswanath, "Speeding up of Polynomial Time Isomorphic Matching of Molecular Graphs", International Conference on Data Management, ICDM 2010, Gazhiabad, 2010, 2010

  • P. Mitra, C. S. Chowdary, "Novel Method for Improving the Exact Matching of the Molecular Graphs", "International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, 2009", 2009, 2009

  • P Mitra and M. Samal, "Approximation Algorithm For Correlation Clustering", NDT 2009, 2009, 2009

  • P Mitra and K. Baid, "Targeted Advertising for Online Social Networks", NDT 2009, 2009, 2009

  • P. Mitra and C. Chaudhuri, "Efficient Algorithm for the Extraction of Association Rules in Data Mining", ICCSA 2006, Glasgow, U.K, LNCS 3981, pp. 1-10, , 2006

  • P. Mitra and Nanigopal Das, "Distributed Join Algorithm on Expander Networks", ReTIS 2006, pp. 7-12, 2006, 2006

  • P. Mitra, A. Mukhopadhyay and S.V. Rao, "Efficiently Computing the closest point to a query ring", manuscript (accepted in CCCG 2003, Halifax, Nova Scotia), 2003, 2003

  • P. Mitra and A. Mukhopadhyay, "Computing the Closest Point to a Query Hyperplane in Higher Dimensions", LNCS 2669, Part III, ICCSA 2003, Montreal, pp. 787 -- 796, May, 2003 , 2003

  • P. Mitra & B. B. Chaudhuri, "Efficiently Computing the Closest Point to a Query Line", "Pattern Recognition Letters 19 (1998)", pp. 1027-1035, 1998, 1998

  • P. Mitra & S. C. Nandy, "Efficient Computation of Rectilinear Geodesic Voronoi Neighbor in Presence of Obstacles", FST&TCS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1180, Springer Verlag, 1996, pp. 76 --87, 1996, 1996

  • H. ElGindy & P.Mitra, "Orthogonal Shortest Route Queries Among Axes Parallel Rectangular Obstacles", "Int. J. of Comput. Geom. & Appl", pp. 3-24, 1994, 1994

  • P. Mitra, "Answering Gabriel Neighbour Queries", "Pattern Recognition Letters", Vol. 13, pp. 557-560, 1992, 1992

  • P. Mitra, "Efficient Parallel Shortest Path Algorithms for K-Chordal Graphs", International Parallel Processing Symposium 1992, pp. 88-94, 1992, 1992

  • P. Mitra, M. Durgaprasada Rao and M. Kranthi Kumar, "Algorithms to Compute a Generator of the Group (Zp*, �p) and Safe Primes", "International Journal of Information Processing",

  • P. Mitra M. Nasipuri & D. K. Basu, "improved Image Data Compression for Multimedia Applications", "International Journal of Information & Computing Science",

  • P.Mitra and K. Baid, "Generation of Targeted Advertising for Online Social Networks", "International Journal of Web Applications", pp. 129-136,

  • P. Mitra & S. C. Nandy, "Efficient Computation of Rectilinear Geodesic Voronoi Neighbor in Presence of Obstacles", "J. of Algorithms, 28(2) : 315, 1998 August",

  • P. Mitra & L. Hafer, "Efficient Computation of the Medial Axes", "Technical Report # CMPT TR 98-07, Simon Fraser University",

  • P. Mitra, G. Sundaram, S. G. Kumar and V. Kurup, "Mail Plugin for IBM Mashup Center", International Conference on Internet Studies, Taipei, Paiwan,

  • P. Mitra and N. Amarnadh, "Upper Bound on Dilation of Triangulations of Cyclic Polygons", ICCSA 2006, Glasgow, U.K, LNCS 3980, pp. 1-10,

  • P. Mitra & B.K. Bhattacharya, "Efficient Approximate Shortest Path Query Among Isothetic Rectangular Obstacles", WADS'93, pp. 518 -- 529,

  • P. Mitra M. Nasipuri & D. K. Basu, "Improved Image Data Compression for Multimedia Applications", International Seminar on International Business Through Internet (IBTI-99), pp. 31 -- 41,

Books/Book Chapters

  • Pinaki Mitra, "Information Security and Privacy in the Digital World - Some Selected Topics", "Recent Results on Some Word Oriented Stream Ciphers: SNOW 1.0, SNOW 2.0 and SNOW 3G", 6, 2022

  • Pinaki Mitra, "Lightweight Cryptographic Techniques and Cybersecurity Approaches", "Lightweight Cryptographic Techniques in 5G Software-Defined Internet of Things Networking", 5, Srinivasan Ramakrishnan, IntechOpen Rijeka: Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia London: 5 Princes Gate Court, London, SW7 2QJ, UK, 2022

  • Behrouz Zolfaghari, Khodakhast Bibak, Takeshi Koshiba, Hamid R. Nemati, Pinaki Mitra, "Statistical Trend Analysis of Physically Unclonable Functions : An Approach via Text Mining"", First Edition, 4, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), 2021

  • Pinaki Mitra, "Recent Trends in Communication Networks", " Introductory Chapter: Recent Trends in Communication Networks", 1--5, 8, Pinaki Mitra, IntechOpen, 2020

  • Behrouz Zolfaghari,Pinaki Mitra, "A Flexible Framework for the Design of Programmable Parallel LFSRs", 20, june, LAMBERT Publishing, 2019

  • Pinaki Mitra, "Recent Advances in Cryptography and Network Security"", Edited version, 31, october, Pinaki Mitra, IntechOpen, 2018

  • Pinaki Mitra, "CUTTING EDGE RESEARCH IN TECHNOLOGIES", "An Analysis of Data Link Control Protocols", 4, 85 -- 92, Constantin Volosencu, InTech, 2015


  • Reviewer of ASTESJ (Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal) - The decision has been taken after a keen evaluation of research experience and scientific vision in the field of CTM (Computer Science Theory and Methods), CSI (Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications), CIS (Computer Science, Information Systems)

  • Bronze Certificate from Income Tax India

  • IACC-2017 (Reviewer)

Other Activities

Institute Responsibilities

Short Term Course
  • 2014-2016, TEQIP Departmental Coordinator, CSE Department