Sanasam Ranbir Singh

Professor, Department of CSE
IIT Guwahati, Guwahati - 781039
Assam, India

Room No.: H-306
Phone: +91 361 2582369
Email: ranbir @

Qtr. No.: D-139, IITG Campus
Phone: +91 361 2584369

Personal Webpage: Click here to visit.


CSE, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 2010.

CSE, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 2002.

Computer Science and Engineering, NERIST, 2000.

Research Interests

Open Source Intelligence (Social Media/Social Network Analysis), Information Retrieval, NLP

Primary Research Group

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining

Ph.D. Students continuing


M.Tech. Students Ongoing


Ph.D. Students Completed

M.Tech. Students Completed

  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: Sanjeev Kumar ⋄ Thesis Title: "Incongruity based Sarcasm Detection on Social Media."
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: Rohan Jaiswal ⋄ Thesis Title: "Fake News Article Detection in Hindi Language"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: Aosenba ⋄ Thesis Title: "Fake news detection using User-based profiling"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: KUNAL SHRIKANT WANIKAR ⋄ Thesis Title: "Improving Faithfulness of Attention Based Explanations by Incorporating Hashtag Sentiment Information"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: GAURAV KUMAR ⋄ Thesis Title: "Incongruent News Article Detection using Dual Summarization"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: RONAK RAMESH CHABUKSWAR ⋄ Thesis Title: "Detecting Suicidal Ideation in Social Media"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: RAM AVTAR SAHU ⋄ Thesis Title: "Detecting Outliers in Indian Political Parties using Twitter Data"
  • Supervisors: Sanasam Ranbir Singh, ⋄ Scholar Name: BAWANE AKSHAY SHALIKRAM ⋄ Thesis Title: "Multimodal fake news detection"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: SWEETY TARACHANDJI DHALE ⋄ Thesis Title: "Identification of Sarcasm Targets using Attention Decoder"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: MAHIMA MALIK ⋄ Thesis Title: "Comparative study for transformers based models for Evidence Extraction task"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: ANKIT AGRAWAL ⋄ Thesis Title: "Twitter Sarcasm Detection Using Propensity and Antipathy Between Entities"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: ABANISH CHAUDHARY ⋄ Thesis Title: "Identification of Suicidal Tendencies of Individual Behavior"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: ASHUTOSH KUMAR SINGH ⋄ Thesis Title: "Predicting Missing Vessel Trajectories using Sequence to Sequence Model"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: ABHIJEET PANDEY ⋄ Thesis Title: "Utlizing Hashtag for Sentiment Analysis on Twiter"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: PRANAY SANGHVI ⋄ Thesis Title: "Identifying Bullying Hashtags on Twitter"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: PIYUSH SINGHAL ⋄ Thesis Title: "Analyzing the Characteristics of Popular Tweets"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: NEELESH KUMAR SHUKLA ⋄ Thesis Title: "A Study on Entity Role Detection"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: MIHIR UTTAMKUMAR NANAVATI ⋄ Thesis Title: "Political Landscape Analysis on Twitter"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: PARDEEP SINGH NAGRA ⋄ Thesis Title: "Online Multi-Channel Event Detection and Tracking System"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: HEMANT JOSHI ⋄ Thesis Title: "Comparative study of Entity Role Detection using HMM, CRF and LSTM"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: DHURV GAUR ⋄ Thesis Title: "Multimodal Sentiment Analysis using Acoustic and Textual Features."
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: LENIN LAITONJAM ⋄ Thesis Title: "Understanding the Characteristics of Manipuri Language from Text Mining Perspective."
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: SHUBHANSHU SHARMA ⋄ Thesis Title: "Disambiguating Sentence Semantics using Word2Vee Model."
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: PRASHANT SAHDEV ⋄ Thesis Title: "Evaluating Social Circles of an Ego as Topoligocal Cohesive Sub-graphs based on Ground Truth Social Circles"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: ASHUTOSH AGRAWAL ⋄ Thesis Title: "Exploring the Effect of Node Proximity Based Link Prediction Methods on Collaborative Filtering"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: SAPTARSHI BASU ⋄ Thesis Title: "Effect of User's Temporal Characteristics on Link Prediction"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: AKASH ANIL ⋄ Thesis Title: "Modeling Evolution of a Social Network using Temporal Graph Kernels"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: HARSHAD BABAN RAUT ⋄ Thesis Title: "Study of the characteristics of different types of facebook users by exploiting users' timeline activities"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: SAI MANOJ KUMAR Y ⋄ Thesis Title: "Document Reduction: Indexing with Representative Terms"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: DIPAK KUMAR MANGAL ⋄ Thesis Title: "Study of Spectral Based Link Prediction"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: ABHIRUP SEAL ⋄ Thesis Title: "Implicit Feedback Based Query Expansion"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: VINEET UPRARI ⋄ Thesis Title: "Exploring the Dynamics of Social Network"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: KOTIKALAPUDI S V D PRASAD ⋄ Thesis Title: "Mining Index Terms"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: SANKARARAO MAJJI ⋄ Thesis Title: "A Study on Understanding Web User's Behaviour by Exploring the User Desktop & Web Activities"
  • Supervisor: Sanasam Ranbir Singh ⋄ Scholar Name: RAVI ARORA ⋄ Thesis Title: "Identifying Web Document Segments Using Visual Proximity"

Sponsored Research Projects

Project Title: "VISHLESHAKEE 2: Unified Platform for Social Media Content Analytics "
PI: Sanasam Ranbir Singh
Co-PI: Sukumar Nandi, Priyankoo Sarmah, Abhishek Srivastava
Funding Agency: MEITY
Start Year: 2021
End Year: 2024
Project URL:

Project Title: "Quality of Living: Smart Home Environment Creation through Automatic Monitoring and Utilization of the Physical and Cognitive State of the Residents"
PI: Prof. Sukumar Nandi, Dr. Samit Bhattacharya
Co-PI: Dr. Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Prof. Rohit Sinha
Funding Agency: Meity
Start Year: 2020

Project Title: "Design of an Automatic Communication System Through Cloud Computing using Sensor Based Automatic Input for efficient operation of Ranganadi HEP with due Emphasis on Downstream Concerns up to confluence with Subansiri River"
PI: Prof. Arup Sarma
Co-PI: Prof. Rajiv Kumar Bhattacharji, Dr. Sanasam Ranbir Singh
Funding Agency: NEEPCO
Start Year: 2020
End Year: 2023

Project Title: "Design and development of social security threat assessment framework through opinion mining and sentiment analysis of Social Media Content"
PI: Dr. Sanasam Ranbir Singh
Co-PI: Prof. Sukumar Nandi, Dr. Priyankoo Sarma
Funding Agency: MeiTY
Start Year: 2016
End Year: 2020

Project Title: "Information Security Research and Development Centre (ISRDC) under Information Security Education and Awareness (ISEA) Project (Phase-II)"
PI: Prof. Sukumar Nandi, Prof. Santosh Biswas
Co-PI: Dr. Sanasam Ranbir Singh
Funding Agency: Meity
Start Year: 2015
End Year: 2021

Project Title: "Multi-Modal Broadcast Analytics: Structural Evidence of the Events of Security Concern"
PI: Dr. P Guha (EEE), Dr. S. Ranbir Singh (CSE)
Co-PI: Prof. SRM Prassana, Prof. S Nandi
Funding Agency: MeitY
Start Year: 2013
End Year: 2016

Project Title: "Aakash Application Development Lab"
PI: Dr. S. Ranbir Singh, Dr. T. Venkatesh
Funding Agency: MHRD, Dept. of Higher Education
Start Year: 2013
End Year: 2015

Project Title: "Text-to-Speech Synthesis for Assamese and Manipuri Languages"
PI: Prof. Prassana (EEE)
Co-PI: Dr. S. Ranbir Singh
Funding Agency: DeitY
Start Year: 2011
End Year: 2016

Project Title: "Mining representative terms of Web documents"
PI: Dr. Sanasam Ranbir Singh
Funding Agency: SG-IITG
Start Year: 2011
End Year: 2014


  • Monika Singh, Sujit Kumar, Tanveen, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Few Shot Prompting with Large Language Models for Numeral-Aware Headline Generation", The 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, (SemEval 2024), June, 2024

  • Saurabh Kumar, Sanasam Ranbir Singh , Sukumar Nandi, "IndiSentiment140: Sentiment Analysis Dataset for Indian Languages with Emphasis on Low-Resource Languages using Machine Translation", The 2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2024), June, 2024

  • Hemanta Barua, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Priyankoo Sarmah, "AssameseBackTranslit: Dataset for Back Transliteration in Romanized Assamese Language Social Media Text", The 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation?(LREC-COLING 2024), May, 2024

  • Deepen Naorem, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Priyankoo Sarmah, "Improving Linear Orthogonal Mapping Based Cross-Lingual Representation Using Ridge Regression and Graph Centrality", "Journal of Computer, Speech and Language", March, Link, 2024

  • Sujit Kumar, Saurabh Kumar, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "A Headline-Centric Graph-Based Dual Context Matching Approach for Incongruent News Detection", "EEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems", March, 2024

  • Hemanta Barua, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Priyankoo Sarmah, "Transliteration Characteristics in Romanized Assamese Language Social Media Text and Machine Transliteration,", "ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing", 23, 36, February, 2024

  • Loitongbam Gyanendro Singh, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Sentiment Analysis of Tweets using Text and Graph Multi-views learning", " Journal of Knowledge and Intelligence System", January, Link, 2024

  • Saurabh Kumar, Sanasam Ranbir Singh ,Sukumar Nandi, "?IndiSocialFT: Multilingual Word Representation for Indian languages in code-mixed environment", In?Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics, EMNLP 2023, December, Link, 2023

  • Sujit Kumar, Rohan Jaiswal, Mohit Ram Sharma, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Multiset Dual Summarization for Incongruent News Article Detection", International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON), December, 2023

  • Hemanta Baruah, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Priyankoo Sarmah, "Assamese Back Transliteration - An Emperical Study Over Canonical and Non-canonical Datasets", December, 2023

  • Telem Joyson Singh, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Priyankoo Sarmah, "Subwords to Word Back Composition for Morphologically Rich Languages in Neural Machine Translation", 37th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 37), December, 2023

  • Telem Joyson Singh, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Priyankoo Sarmah, "Can Big Models Help Diverse Languages? Investigating Large Pretrained Multilingual Models for Machine Translation of Indian Languages", International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON), Goa, India, 2023 , November, 2023

  • Ritesh Ratti, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Sukumar Nandi, "Protocol Aware Unsupervised Network Intrusion Detection System", ITCCN symposium of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2023), November, 2023

  • Ritesh Ratti, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Sukumar Nandi, "Network based Intrusion Detection using Time aware LSTM Autoencoder", The 21st IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (IEEE EUC 2023), November, 2023

  • Deepen Naorem, Okram Jimmy Singh, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Priyankoo Sarmah, "English-Manipuri Cross-lingual Embedding: A Preliminary Study", In Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, November, 2023

  • Sujit Kumar, Mohan Kumar, Sanasam Ranbir Singh , "Language-Independent Fake News Detection over Social Media Networks Using the Centrality-Aware Graph Convolution Network", International Conference on Mathematics and Computing, 697, August, Link, 2023

  • Durgesh Kumar, Loitongbam Gyanendro Singh, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Hashtag-Based Tweet Expansion for Improved Topic Modeling", "IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems", 10, 3, June, Link, 2023

  • Jennil Thiyam, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Prabin Kumar Bora, "Effect of attention and triplet loss on chart classification: a study on noisy charts and confusing chart pairs", "Journal of Intelligent Information Systems", 60, June, Link, 2023

  • Sujit Kumar, Durgesh Kumar, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Gated Recursive and Sequential Deep Hierarchical Encoding for Detecting Incongruent News Articles", " IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems", 1-12, 1, February, Link, 2023

  • Jennil Thiyam, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Prabin Kumar Bora , "Chart classification: a survey and benchmarking of different state-of-the-art methods", " International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) ", 20, Link, 2023

  • Sujit Kumar, Aditya Sinha, Soumyadeep Jana, Rahul Mishra, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Jack-flood at SemEval-2023 Task 5:Hierarchical Encoding and Reciprocal Rank Fusion-Based System for Spoiler Classification and Generation", Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023), Link, 2023

  • Anasua Mitra, Priyesh Vijayan, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Diganta Goswami, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Balaraman Ravindran, "Revisiting Link Prediction on Heterogeneous Graphs with a Multi-view Perspective", IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 358-367, December, Link, 2022

  • Sujit Kumar, Gaurav Kumar, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Detecting incongruent news articles using multi-head attention dual summarization", Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, November, 2022

  • Jennil Thiyam, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Prabin Kumar Bora , "Effect of attention and triplet loss on chart classification: a study on noisy charts and confusing chart pairs", " Journal of Intelligent Information Systems ", 60, 731–758, 6, September, Link, 2022

  • Sujit Kumar, Gaurav Kumar, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Text_Minor at CheckThat! 2022: Fake News Article Detection Using RoBERT", CLEF 2022: Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, September, Link, 2022

  • Anindita Borah, Sanasam Ranbir Singh , "Investigating political polarization in India through the lens of Twitter", "Social Network Analysis and Mining", 31, July, Link, 2022

  • Neelakshi Sarma, Ranbir Sanasam Singh, Diganta Goswami, "SwitchNet: Learning to switch for word-level language identification in code-mixed social media text", "Natural Language Engineering", 28, 337-359, May, Link, 2022

  • Lenin Laitonjam, Sanasam Ranbir Singh , "Manipuri-English comparable corpus for cross-lingual studies", "Language Resources and Evaluation", 57, 377-413, 23, February, Link, 2022

  • Ritesh Ratti, Sukumar Nandi, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Online Network Attack Detection using Statistical Features", the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), 13-16, December, 2021

  • Jennil Thiyam, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Prabin K. Bora, "Chart classification: an empirical comparative study of different learning models", The Twelfth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Article No.: 32, 1 - 9, December, Link, 2021

  • Anasua Mitra, Priyesh Vijayan, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Diganta Goswami, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Balaraman Ravindran, "Semi-Supervised Deep Learning for Multiplex Networks", ACM SIGKDD 2021, 1234 - 1244, August, Link, 2021

  • Jennil Thiyam, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Prabin K. Bora, "Challenges in Chart Image Classification: A Comparative Study of Different Deep Learning Methods", The 21st ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Article No.: 29, 1 - 4, August, Link, 2021

  • Bornali Phukon, Akash Anil, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Priyankoo Sarmah, "Synonymy Expansion using Link Prediction Methods: A case study of Assamese WordNet", "ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing", May, 2021

  • Neelakshi Sarma, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Diganta Goswami, "SwitchNet : Learning to Switch for Word Level Language Identification in Code-Mixed Social Media Text", "Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge University Press", April, 2021

  • Loitongbam Gyanendro Singh, Anasua Mitra, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Sentiment Analysis of Tweets using Heterogeneous Multi-layer Network Representation and Embedding", The 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP2020), November, Link, 2020

  • Debashis Naskar, Eva Onaindia, Miguel Rebollo, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Predicting emotion dynamics sequence on Twitter via deep learning approach", MoMM 20: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia, 20-24, November, Link, 2020

  • Loitongbam Gyanendro Singh, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Empirical study of sentiment analysis tools and techniques on societal topics", "Journal of Intelligent Information Systems", 15, October, Link, 2020

  • Ritesh Ratti, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Sukumar Nandi, "Towards implementing fast and scalable network intrusion detection system using entropy based discretization technique", The 11th International conference on computing, communication and networking technologies (ICCCNT) 2020, July, Link, 2020

  • Akash Anil, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Effect of Class Imbalance in Heterogeneous Network Embedding: An Empirical Study", "Journal of Informetrics", January, 2020

  • Loitongbam Gyanendro Singh, Akash Anil, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "SHE: Sentiment Hashtag Embedding Through Multitask learning", "IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems", January, 2020

  • Debashis Naskar, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Durgesh Kumar, Sukumar Nandi, Eva Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, "Emotion Dynamics of Public Opinions on Twitter", "ACM Transaction on Information System", 2020

  • Akash Anil, Uppindar Chugh, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "On Applying Meta-path for Network Embedding in Mining Heterogeneous DBLP Network", 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, September, 2019

  • Durgesh Kumar, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Prioritized Named Entity driven LDA for document clustering", 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, September, 2019

  • Neelakshi Sarma, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Diganta Goswami, "Identifying Languages in Assamese-Bengali-Hindi-English codemixed Social Media Text", "International Journal of Asian Language Processing", 29, September, 2019

  • Akash Anil, Shubham Singhal, Piyush Jain, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Ajay Ladhar, Sandeep Singh and Uppinder Chugh, "Network Sampling Using k-hop Random Walks for Heterogeneous Network Embedding", The ACM India Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data, 354-357, January, 2019

  • Neelakshi Sarma, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Diganta Goswami, "Influence of social conversational features on language identification in highly multilingual online conversations", "Information Processing and Management", 56, 151-166, January, 2019

  • Rajlakshmi Saikia, Sanasam Ranbir Singh and Priyankoo Sarmah, "Effectiveness of using language independent transcribers for spoken language identification for different Indian languages", "International Journal of Asian Language Processing", 28, 95-106, December, 2018

  • Neelakshi Sarma, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Diganta Goswami, "Word Level Language Identification in Assamese-Bengali-Hindi-English Code-Mixed Social Media Text", International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 261-266, November, 2018

  • Lenin Laitonjam, Loitongbam Gyanendro Singh and Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Transliteration of English Loanwords and Named-entities to Manipuri: Phoneme vs Grapheme representation", International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 255-260, November, 2018

  • Niladri Sett, Devesh, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Sukumar Nandi, "Exploiting reciprocity toward link prediction", "Knowledge and Information Systems", 55, 1-13, 1, April, 2018

  • Niladri Sett, Saptarshi Basu, Sukumar Nandi, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Temporal link prediction in multi-relational network", "World Wide Web", 21, 395-419, 1, March, 2018

  • Akash Anil, Sanasam Ranbir Singh and Ranjan Sarmah, "Mining Heterogeneous Terrorist Attack Network Using Personalized PageRank", "Web Intelligence", 16, 37-52, 1, January, 2018

  • Rajlakshmi Saikia, Sanasam Ranbir Singh and Priyankoo Sarmah, "Effect of Language Independent Transcribers on Spoken Language Identification for Different Indian Languages", IALP, 214-217, 5, December, 2017

  • Loitongbam Gyanendro Singh and Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Word Polarity Detection using Syllable Features for Manipuri Language", IALP, 206-209, 5, December, 2017

  • Loitongbam Gyanendro Singh, Nagaraj Adiga, Bidisha Sharma, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, S R M Prasanna, "Automatic Pause Marking for Speech Synthesis", TENCON, 1790-1794, 5, November, 2017

  • Loitongbam Gyanendro Singh, Lenin Laitonjam, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Automatic Syllabification for Manipuri language", COLING, 349-357, December, 2016

  • Rajlakshmi Saikia and Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Generating Manipuri English Pronunciation Dictionary Using Sequence Labelling Problem", IALP, 67-70, 21, November, 2016

  • Niladri Sett, Subhrendu Chattopadhyay, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, and Sukumar Nandi, "A time aware method for predicting dull nodes and links in evolving networks for data cleaning", Web Intelligence, 304-310, 13, October, 2016

  • Akash Anil, S. Ranbir Singh, Ranjan Sarmah, "Personalised PageRank as a Method of Exploiting Heterogeneous Network for Counter Terrorism and Homeland Security", Web Intelligence, 327-334, 13, October, 2016

  • Niladri Sett, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Sukumar Nandi, "Influence of edge weight on node proximity based link prediction methods: An empirical analysis", "Neurocomputing", 172, 71-83, 8, January, 2016

  • Akash Anil, Durgesh Kumar, Shubhanshu Sharma, Rakesh Singha, Ranjan Sarmah, Nitesh Bhattacharya, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Link Prediction using Social Network Analysis over Heterogeneous Terrorist Network", SocialCom, 267-272, 19, December, 2015

  • Akash Anil, Niladri Sett, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Modeling evolution of a social network using temporal graph kernels", SIGIR, 1051-1054, 3, July, 2014

  • Deepak Mangal, Niladri Sett, Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Sukumar Nandi, "Link prediction on evolving social network using spectral analysis", IEEE ANTS, 1-6, 15, December, 2013

  • Ranbir Sanasam, Hema Murthy,Timothy Gonsalves, "Inference Based Query Expansion Using Real Time Implicit Feedback", Communications in Computer and Information Science, 272, 158-172, , May, 2013

  • Sankara Rao, Ranbir Sanasam, "Proxy: Integrating Client Side Information and Query", "Proc. of the Eighth International Workshop on Information Integration on the Web, IIWeb2011, Hyderabad, India,", March, 28 2011 , 2011

  • Ranbir Sanasam, Hema Murthy,Timothy Gonsalves, "Feature Selection for Text Classification Based on Gini Coefficient of Inequality", FSDM, 21, June, 2010

  • Ranbir Sanasam, Hema Murthy ,Timothy Gonsalves, "Dynamic Query Expansion Based on User's Real Time Implicit Feedback,", "Proc. of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, KDIR2010, Valencia, Spain, ", October, 26-29 2010 , 2010

  • Bommepally, Kartik ,T. K., Glisa ,Prakash, Jeena J.,Singh, Sanasam Ranbir, Murthy, Hema A., "Internet Activity Analysis Through Proxy Log. ", NCC , Chennai, India., 2010, 2010

  • Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Hema A. Murthy, Timothy A. Gonsalves, "Effect of Word Density on Measuring Words Association", COMPUTE, 1-8, 18, January, 2008

  • Sanasam Ranbir Singh, Hema A. Murthy, Timothy A. Gonsalves, "Determining User's Interest in Real Time, ", "Proc WWW2008, April 21-25, Beijing, China.", April 21-25,2008, , 2008

  • Sanasam Ranbir Singh, "Estimating the Rate of Web Page Updates", IJCAI, 2874-2879, 6, January, 2007

  • Gourakishwar Ningthoujam, Ranbir Sanasam, Anjana Mahanta , Bhanu Prasad, "An Algorithm for Discovering Frequent Closed Itemsets in a Large Dataset,", "Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, ", Volume 18, Issue 4, , pp. 481 – 499., 2006, 2006

  • Sanasam Ranbir Singh, , "Modeling the Rate of Web Update as a Non-homogeneous Poisson Process ", National Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, CDAC, Mumbai, India., July 3-4 ,2006 , 2006

  • Gourakishwar Ningthoujam, Ranbir Sanasam ,Anjana Mahanta,, "CloseMiner: A new algorithm for discovering frequent close itemsets, ", IICAI 2005, Pune, , December 20-22 2005. , 2005

  • Gourakishwar Ningthoujam, Ranbir Sanasam, Anjana Mahanta, , "CloseMiner: Discovering frequent closed itemsets using frequent closed Tidsets. ", IEEE ICDM 2005 Houston, Texas, USA , November 27 - 30 2005 , 2005

  • Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay,Sanasam Ranbir Singh , "An algorithm for automatic web page clustering. ", IEEE INDICON 2004, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Dec. 20-22, 2004 , 2004

  • Ranbir Sanasam, Bidyut Kr. Patra ,Debasis Giri, , "Mining frequent closed itemsets using conditional frequent pattern tree. ", IEEE INDICON 2004, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, , Dec. 20-22, 2004. , 2004

  • Sanasam Ranbir Singh,Debasis Giri, , "Web Page Classification using Co-citations ", Recent Advances on Applied Mathematics and its Applications, VU, West Bengal India., March 18-19 2004 , 2004

  • Sanasam Ranbir Singh, , "Ranking Web Pages Based on the Users Access Record,", CSI National Conference, , Ongole, India., 01-02 Feb-2004 , 2004

  • Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay, Debasis Giri,Sanasam Ranbir Singh , "An approach to confidence based page ranking for user oriented Web search. ", "ACM SIGMOD ", Vol. 32, June 2,2003 , 2003

  • Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay, Debasis Giri, Sanasam Ranbir Singh , "User oriented Web page ranking mechanism.", ITPC, Katmandu May 23 -- 26 2003., , 2003

  • Anitha Nalluri, Bala Saraswathi A, Bharathi S, Hema A Murthy, Patricia J., Ranbir Singh S., Timothy A Gonsalves, Vidhya M.S.,Vivekanathan K., , "Indian Language Support for X-Window System,", ICON-02 Mumbai, India., pp. 263-272, , 2002

Books/Book Chapters

  • Ranbir Sanasam, Hema Murthy and Timothy Gonsalves, "Communications in Computer and Information Science", "Inference Based Query Expansion using Users Real Time Implicit Feedback", Vol. 272, 2012


  • Microsoft Outstanding Young Faculty Award for one year from August 2011