Professor, Department of CSE
IIT Guwahati, Guwahati - 781039
Assam, India
Room No.: H-105
Phone: +91 361 2582356
Email: sbnair @
Qtr. No.: F-15, IITG Campus
Phone: +91 361 2584356
Personal Webpage: Click here to visit.
AI & Robotics, Amravati University, 1998.
Master of Engineering
Electronics, Amravati University, 1988.
Project Title: "Real-time monitoring and supportive supervision of VHND and RI using mobile technology"
PI: Prof. P. K. Das, Prof. Shivashankar B. Nair
Funding Agency: UNICEF
Start Year: 2014
End Year: 2015
Project Title: "An assistive computer user interface for the visually challenged"
PI: Dr. J. K. Deka, Dr. S. B. Nair, Dr. P. K. Das
Funding Agency: MSJE
Start Year: 2007-2008
End Year: 2009
Project Title: "A High-End Interface for Robots/Devices Embedded on the Net"
PI: Prof. G. Barua
Co-PI: Dr. Shivashankar B. Nair
Funding Agency: Microsoft Academic Alliance
Start Year: 2003
End Year: 2004
Project Title: "Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Assisting Agent for Microsoft Windows Desktop"
PI: Prof. G. Barua
Co-PI: Dr. Shivashankar B. Nair
Funding Agency: Microsoft Academic Alliance
Start Year: 2002
End Year: 2003
Project Title: "Resource Centre for Indian Language Technology Solutions"
PI: Prof. G. Barua. Dr. S.B. Nair
Co-PI: Prof. P. K. Das, Prof. S.V. Rao
Funding Agency: DeitY
Start Year: 1999-2000
Project URL:
Suraj Kumar Pandey, Shivashankar B. Nair, "RoboDA: A Dataset for Domain Adaptation in Robot Vision", "IETE Technical Review, Taylor & Francis", (Accepted), December, 2024
Menakshi Bagchi, Shivashankar B. Nair, Pradip K. Das, "On a Dynamic and Decentralized Energy-Aware Technique for Multi-Robot Task Allocation", "Robotics and Autonomous Systems", 180, October, Link, 2024
Gayathri Rangu, Shivashankar B. Nair, "Immuno-inspired Selective Aggregation for Decentralized Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning", Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, GECCO 2024, 307 - 310, July, Link, 2024
Suraj Kumar Pandey, Shivashankar B. Nair, "Onboard Class Incremental Learning for Resource-Constrained Scenarios using Genetic Algorithm and TinyML", Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, GECCO 2024, 299 - 302, July, Link, 2024
Rangu Gayathri, Divya Kulkarni, Jayprakash S. Nair, Shivashankar B. Nair, " A Hybrid Federated Reinforcement Learning Approach for Networked Robots", Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. ICSTE 2023., 1071, 493-500, October, Link, 2023
Suraj Kr. Pandey, Shivashankar B. Nair, "Enhancing Siamese Neural Networks for Multi-class Classification: An Immuno-inspired Approach", Hot Off the Press Track, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2023, July, 2023
Divya Kulkarni, Shivashankar B. Nair, "Transfer Learning for Embodied Neuroevolution", Workshop on Neuroevolution at work, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2023, 2128-2135, July, Link, 2023
Gayathri Rangu, Shivashankar B. Nair, "On Mobile-Agent-based Swarm Reinforcement Learning in a Heterogeneous Robotic Network", Proceedings of the 2023 6th International Conference on Advances in Robotics (AIR ’23), 80, 1-6, July, Link, 2023
Menaxi J. Bagchi, Divya Kulkarni, Shivashankar B. Nair, Pradip K. Das, "On Embedding a Dataflow Architecture in a Multi-Robot System", Sixth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), Italy, 2022, December, Link, 2022
Divya D. Kulkarni, Tushar Semwal, Shivashankar B. Nair, "Immuno-Inspired Management of Halls of Fame for Embodied Evolution", "Swarm and Evolutionary Computation", 10, 1-17, April, Link, 2022
Suraj Kr. Pandey, Shivashankar B. Nair , "Immuno-Inspired Augmentation of Siamese Neural Network for Multi-class Classification", Image and Vision Computing. IVCNZ 2022, 13836, February, Link, 2022
Divya D. Kulkarni, Shivashankar B. Nair, "An Immuno-Inspired Transfer Learning Paradigm", IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), July, Link, 2021
Suraj Kr. Pandey, Sonia, Tushar Semwal, Shivashankar B. Nair, "Smart Patch: An IoT Based anti Child Trafficking Solution", IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things & Intelligence System, (IoTIS), January, Link, 2021
Akul Agrawal, Divya D. Kulkarni, Shivashankar B. Nair, "On Decentralizing Federated Learning", IEEE SMC International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC, October, Link, 2020
Divya D. Kulkarni, Shivashankar B. Nair, "Mutational Puissance Assisted Neuroevolution", Neuroevolution at Work, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) Companion, 1841-1848, July, Link, 2020
Tushar Semwal, Shivashankar B. Nair, "A Decentralized Artificial Immune System for Solution Selection in Cyber-Physical Systems", "Applied Soft Computing", 86, 1-18, January, Link, 2020
Divya D. Kulkarni, Shivashankar B. Nair, " Agrilogistics – A Genetic Programming Based Approach", EAI endorsed International Conference on Smart City for Life (SC4Life), December, Link, 2019
Tushar Semwal, Shivashankar B. Nair, "An Immuno-inspired Distributed Artificial Classification System", 9th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving – SocProS, September, Link, 2019
Ishita, Divya D. Kulkarni, Tushar Semwal, Shivashankar B. Nair, "On Securing Mobile Agents Using Blockchain Technology", Second International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms (ICACCP), February, 2019
Tushar Semwal, Divya D Kulkarni, Shivashankar B. Nair, "On an Immuno-inspired Distributed, Embodied Action-Evolution cum Selection Algorithm", Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 141-148, July, 2018
Rahul Shivnarayan Mishra, Tushar Semwal, Shivashankar B. Nair, "A distributed epigenetic shape formation and regeneration algorithm for a swarm of robots", Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 1505 - 1512, July, 2018
Tushar Semwal, Gaurav Mathur, Promod Yenigalla and Shivashankar B. Nair, " A Practitioners Guide to Transfer Learning for Text Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks", SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2018), May, 2018
Tushar Semwal, Shivashankar B. Nair, "MAVNet: A Mobile Agent based framework for Vehicular Networks", 3rd International Conference On Internet of Things: Smart Innovation and Usages (IoT SIU 2018), February, 2018
Tushar Semwal, Shashi S. Jha, Shivashankar B. Nair, " On Ordering Multi-Robot Task Executions within a Cyber Physical System", "ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS)", November, 2017
Shashi S. Jha, Shivashankar B. Nair, "TANSA: Task Allocation using Nomadic Soft-Agents for Multi-Robot Systems", "IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence", Volume : PP, Issue : 99, 1-11, November, 2017
Sonia, Shivashankar B. Nair, Rashmi Dutta Baruah, "An Immuno-inspired Online Feature Selection Mechanism", IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), October, 2017
Sonia, Rashmi Dutta Baruah, Shivashankar B Nair, "A reward and penalty based approach for Online Feature Selection", 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics (CYBCON), June, 2017
Nitu Gangwar, Tushar Semwal, Shivashankar B. Nair, "CARE: An IoT based System for Passenger Service and Comfort in Railways", 9th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), January, 2017
Tushar Semwal, Nikhil S., Shashi Shekhar Jha, Shivashankar B. Nair, "TARTARUS: A Multi Agent Platform for Bridging the gap between Cyber and Physical Systems", Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems Conference (AAMAS-2016, A* rank conference), Singapore [Tartarus], (9-13th March 2016). , 2016
Shashi Shekhar Jha, Shivashankar B. Nair, " An Idiotypic Solution Sieve for Selecting the Best Performing Solutions in Real-World Distributed Intelligence,", IEEE Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (Malaysia) (To appear in IEEE-Xplore) {No. of Pages 06}[Typhon], 2 – 4 December 2015 , 2015
Sonia, Achyut Mani Tripathi, Rashmi Dutta Baruah and Shivashankar B. Nair, " Ultrasonic Sensor-based Human Detector using One-class Classifiers", 2015 IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS), Douai, France, IEEE Xplore. {No. of Pages 06}, December 1-3, 2015 , 2015
Shashi Shekhar Jha, Shivashankar B. Nair, "On a Multi-Agent Distributed Asynchronous Intelligence-Sharing and Learning Framework", "LNCS Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XVIII, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg", Vol. 9240, Chapter 9, pp. 166-200, 2015, 2015
Tushar Semwal, Manoj Bode, Vivek Singh, Shashi Shekhar Jha, Shivashankar B. Nair, "Tartarus: A Multi-Agent Platform for Integrating Cyber-Physical Systems and Robots, ADVANCES IN ROBOTICS", 2nd International Conference of Robotics Society of India, Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Advances In Robotics (AIR ’15), ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 20, 2015, 2015
Manoj Bode, Shashi S. Jha, Shivashankar B. Nair, "On Movement of Emergency Services amidst Urban Traffic, Transactions on Ambient Systems", " EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ambient Systems 15(8): e4 {No. of Pages 10}", December, 2015 , 2015
Samir Borgohain, Shivashankar B. Nair, "An Immuno-inspired approach towards Sentence Generation", "Proceedings of the 2015 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO ’15), Sara Silva (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA", pp. 97-104., 2015, 2015
Manoj Bode, Shashi S. Jha, Shivashankar B. Nair, "A Mobile Agent based Autonomous Partial Green Corridor Discovery and Maintenance for Emergency Services amidst Urban Traffic", In Proceedings of the First International Conference on IoT in Urban Space 2014 (URB-IOT ’14), Rome, Italy, ICST, Brussels, Belgium, Belgium, , pages 13-18, 2014, 2014
Tonmoy R. Saha, Shivashankar B. Nair, "On Grounding Symbols for Robots", 2014 Fourth International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT 2014), 2014, 2014
Shashi Shekhar Jha and Shivashankar Nair, "Orchestrating the Sequential Execution of Tasks by a Heterogeneous set of Asynchronous Mobile Agents", "[12th German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies, Stuttgart, Germany, 23-25th September 2014], Multiagent System Technologies, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer", Volume 8732, 2014, Pp 103-120, 2014, 2014
Shashi Shekhar Jha, W. W. Godfrey and Shivashankar B. Nair, " Stigmergy based Synchronization of a Sequence of Tasks in a Network of Asynchronous Nodes", "Cybernetics & Systems: An International Journal Taylor & Francis Publn. {No. of Pages 34}", Vol. 45, Issue 5, pp. 373-406, 2014, 2014
W. W. Godfrey, Shashi Shekhar Jha and Shivashankar B. Nair, " On Stigmergically Controlling a Population of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents Using Cloning Resource", "Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XIV, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014 Springer. {No. of Pages 22}", pp. 49-70, 2014, 2014
Kunal Shrivastava, Nishant Singhal, Pradip K. Das, Shivashankar B. Nair, "A Speech Recognition Client-Server Model for Control of Multiple Robots", Advances in Robotics (AIR-2013), International Conference of the Robotics Society of India, ACM Digital Library Pune, India, pp. 1-6, July 4-6, 2013 , 2013
Shashi Shekhar Jha, Kunal Shrivastava and Shivashankar Nair, "On Emulating Real-world Distributed Intelligence using Mobile Agent based Localized Idiotypic Networks", The First International Conference on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration (MIKE 2013), Virudhunagar, India, Springer International Publishing, LNAI, {No. of Pages 12}, Vol. 8284, pp. 487-498., 2013, 2013
Shashi Shekhar Jha, Shrinivasa Naika C.L. and Shivashankar Nair, "Driving Robots Using Emotions", "Transactions on Computational Science XXI, Special Issue on Innovations in Nature-Inspired Computing and Applications, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science", Vol. 8160, pp 64-89, 2013, 2013
Kunal Shrivastava, Shashi Shekhar Jha and Shivashankar Nair, "Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation using an Artificial Immune System", Proceedings of Conference on Advances In Robotics (AIR ’13), International Conference of the Robotics Society of India, Published byACM, Article 82, pp. 1-7., 2013, 2013
Saurabh Prajapati, Shrinivasa Naika C.L., Shashi Shekhar Jha and Shivashankar Nair, "On Rendering Emotions on a Robotic Face", Proceedings of Conference on Advances In Robotics (AIR ’13) , International Conference of the Robotics Society of India, Published by ACM, Article 19, 1-7 pages, 2013, 2013
W.W. Godfrey, Shashi S. Jha, Shivashankar B. Nair, "On A Mobile Agent Framework for an Internet of Things", Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication System and Technologies, CSNT 2013, Gwalior, India, Published in IEEE Xplore, pp. 345-350, 2013, 2013
Shrinivasa Naika C.L, Pradip K Das, Shivashankar B Nair, "Asymmetric Region Local Binary Pattern For Person-dependent Facial Expression Recognition", International Conference on Computing, Communication and Applications (ICCCA-2012), IEEE Conference Publications Dindigul, India , pp. 1-5, February 22 – 24, 2012 , 2012
Shashi Shekhar Jha, Shrinivasa Naika C. L., Vibhor Nikhra and Shivashankar B. Nair, "On Using Emotions in Decision-Making by Situated Robots", Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2012), Pune, India, IEEE Xplore, pp. 372-377, 4 – 7 December, 2012, , 2012
Shrinivasa Naika C.L, Pradip K Das, Shashi Shekhar Jha, Shivashankar B. Nair, " Automatic Facial Expression Recognition using Extended AR-LBP,", Sixth International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP-2012), Communications in Computer and Information Science, Eds. Venugopal, K. R., Patnaik, L. M, Springer Berlin Heidelberg,, Vol. 292, Part 3, pp. 244-252, August 10th – 12th 2012 , 2012
Shivashankar B. Nair, "Bio-inspired Artificial Intelligence", Proceedings of the 3rdNational Conference on Emerging Trends and Applications in Computer Science, (NCETACS – 2012) Shillong, India, IEEE Xplore, 30-31st March, 2012 , 2012
Shashi S. Jha, Shivashankar B. Nair, " A Logic Programming Interface for Multiple Robots", 3rd National Conference on Emerging Trends and Applications in Computer Science, (NCETACS – 2012), Shillong, India, IEEE Xplore, pp.152-156, 30-31st March, 2012 , 2012
Shivashankar B. Nair, Godfrey, W. Kim, D.H, "On Realizing a Multi-Agent Emotion Engine", " International Journal of Synthetic Emotions, (IJSE), IGI Global", Vol. No. 2(2), pp.1-27, July-December 2011 , 2011
W. Godfrey, Shivashankar B. Nair, " A Bio-inspired Technique for Servicing Networked Robots", " International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. {No. of Pages 22}", Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 258-279, 2011, 2011
Shrinivasa Naika C.L, Vibhor Nikhra, Shashi Shekhar Jha, Pradip K Das, Shivashankar B Nair, " An Intelligent Face Tracking System for Human-Robot Interaction using Camshift Tracking Algorithm", "International Journal of Machine Intelligence, ISSN:0975-2927,E-ISSN:0975-9166, Bioinfo Publishers. {No. of Pages 05}", Vol.3, Issue 4, pp. 263-267, 2011, 2011
Jatin Matani, Shivashankar B. Nair, Typhon, "A Mobile Agents Framework for Real world Emulation in Prolog", "In C. Sombattheera et al. (Eds.): 5th Multi-disciplinary International Workshop in Artificial Intelligence (MIWAI-2011), LNAI 7080, Springer, Heidelberg ", pp 261-273,, Dec. 7-9th, 2011 , 2011
W. Wilfred Godfrey, Shivashankar B. Nair, " A Mobile Agent Cloning Controller for Servicing Networked Robots", "2011 International Conference on Future Information Technology, IPCSIT vol.13 (2011), IACSIT Press, Singapore", pp.91-95, September 16-19th, 2011 , 2011
S. Borgohain, Shivashankar B. Nair, "Towards a Pictorially Grounded Language for Machine Translation", " International Journal of Asian Language Processing, (IJALP). {No. of Pages 22} ", Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 87-109, 2010, 2010
W. Godfrey, Shivashankar B. Nair, " A Pheromone based Mobile Agent Migration Strategy for Servicing Networked Robots", Proceedings of the 5th International ICST Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems, BIONETICS 2010, Volume 87, pp 533-541, 2010, 2010
W. Godfrey, Shivashankar B. Nair, D.H. Kim, " Multi mobile agent multi robot network", "Emerging Trends in Robotics and Communication Technologies, Chennai, India", 3 to 5 December 2010 , 2010
Shivashankar B. Nair, Godfrey, W., Kim, Dong Hwa, "Towards a Dynamic Emotional Model", Proceeding of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics Seoul,S.Korea, pp.1932-1936,, 5-8th July 2009 , 2009
(Invited Paper) Nair, Shivashankar B, "Emotional Robot Development: Emotion Agents", Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation Clusters, Daedeok, S. Korea, {No. of Pages 09}, pp.478-486., 12-13thMay 2009 , 2009
B. Sukumar, Nair, Shivashankar B, "Wireless Sensor Node Localization and Terrain Mapping using Mobile Robots", International Conference on Information and Communication Systems, ICICS-2009, Amman, Jordan. (Accepted), 20thDec. 2009. , 2009
Shivashankar B. Nair, "Towards a Mobile agent based Emotional Being", the 3rdInternational Conference for Creation of New Interdisciplinary Paradigms on Human Centred Advanced Intelligent Research and Education, Hu-CARE-2008, Daejeon, S. Korea, Dec. 4-5th, 2008 , 2008
Daejeon, S. Korea. W. Godfrey, Shivashankar B. Nair, "An Immune System based Multi-Robot Mobile Agent Network", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg ISSN 0302-9743 (The 7th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems, Phuket, Thailand, ICARIS 2008)., Volume 5132/2008, pp. 424-433, 10-13th August 2008, , 2008
P. Soni, R.K. Rathore, Shivashankar B. Nair, "A Framework for the Realization of Networked Robotics and Human Beings", International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, ISARC 2007, Kochi, India., pp. 331-338, September 19th-21st , 2007
Akshat Kumar, Shivashankar B. Nair, "An artificial immune system for a multiagent robotics system", (The 6th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems in Santos/SP, Brazil, Artificial Immune Systems, ICARIS 2007). , 26th-29th August, 2007 , 2007
R.D. Baruah, Shivashankar B. Nair, "EZeeCom: Enabling spontaneous social interactions over mobile ad hoc networks", Proceedings of the ACM sponsored International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference 2007, IWCMC 2007 Turtle Bay Resort, Honolulu, Hawaii, ACM Press, , August 12-16, 2007, , 2007
R.D. Baruah, Shivashankar B. Nair, "RoboSapienNet – Towards Building A Social Network of Human Beings and Robots ", Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks Next Generation Networks , Grand Hyatt Singapore, ISBN: 1-4244-1005-3, pp.1-6, July 2, 3 and 4, 2007 , 2007
K V D Pradeep Kumar, M. Saravanan, Shivashankar B. Nair, "A Communication Protocol for A mobile Adhoc Network of Robots", Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Applications of IT (EAIT 2006), Science City, Kolkata, Elsevier Press, pp. 223-226, February 10-11, 2006 , 2006
Chingtham Tejbanta Singh, Shivashankar B. Nair, " An Artificial Immune System for a Multi Agent Robotic System ", "World Academy of Science, Engineering And Technology, WASET, ISSN: 1307-6884 ", Volume 6, pp. 308-311, June, 2005 , 2005
N. Toppo Shivashankar B. Nair,, " A Framework for Sharing Intelligence Among Mobile Robots on a Network", Session on Network based Intelligent Control, Proceedings of the 2nd IASTED International Multi-Conference on Automation, Control and Information Technology (ACIT 2005) Novosibirsk, Russia, pp.93-98, 20- 24th June 2005 , 2005
R. P. Badapanda, Shivashankar B. Nair, Kim Dong Hwa, "A Framework for Rapid Deployment of Devices and Robots on a Network", Proceedings of the 1st International Computer Engineering Conference New Technologies for the Information Society ICENCO-2004, (IEEE Egypt Section), Cairo University Cairo, EGYPT, pp. 625-629, December 27-30, 2004 , 2004
A. Sarje, A. Chawre, Shivashankar B. Nair, "Reinforcement Learning of Player Agents in RoboCup Soccer Simulation", Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, HIS-2004, IEEE-CS Press, Kitakyushu, Japan. , December 05-08th, 2004 , 2004
Tushar Semwal, Shivashankar B. Nair, "An Immuno-inspired Distributed Artificial Classification System", 9th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving – SocProS, September, Link
Godfrey, W., Shivashankar B. Nair, "Mobile Agent Cloning for Servicing Networked Robots", 13th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2010), November 12-15th, Kolkata, India, 2010, published in – Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI, Vol. 7057, Desai, Nirmit; Liu, Alan; Winikoff, Michael (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp.336-339, 2012. {No. of Pages 04},
Chingtham Tejbanta Singh, Shivashankar B. Nair, "Modelling a Multi-Agent Mobile Robotic test bed using a Biologically Inspired Artificial Immune System", The Eighth Pacific Rim Workshop on Multi-Agents, PRIMA 2005, 26th-28th September 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin/Heidelber (Print) 1611-3349 (Online), Volume 4078/2009,Multi-Agent Systems for Society (Book), pp.270-283,
Shivashankar B. Nair, "Handbook of Research on Synthesizing Human Emotion in Intelligent Systems and Robotics", "On Realizing Emotional Memories", On Realizing Emotional Memories, 116-151, 11, Jordi Vallverdú, IGI Global, 2014
Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight, Shivashankar B. Nair, "Artificial Intelligence"", 3/e, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009
Prof. Shivashankar B. Nair, Dr. W. W. Godfrey, Mr. Shashi S. Jha, "A Technique for Synchronizing Task execution by a set of Asynchronous Nodes", India, 415792, 31, June, 2012
Prof. Shivashankar B. Nair, Dr. W. W. Godfrey, Dr. Shashi S. Jha, "A Mobile Agent Framework for an Internet of Things", India, 377728, 18, June, 2012,
Best Student Paper Award, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2021
Awarded Korean Brain Pool Professorship by the S. Korean Federation of Science & Technology for research in Emotional Robotics
2014, Editor, IETE Technical Review (Journal, Taylor & Francis)