Prospective Student and Staff
Make an impact with Data Science & AI - .
To become part of the School as a student, research scholar, or a staff, we encourage you to
see the information at the below links.
- BTech admissions: Know more about our curriculum here and the admission process here
- Masters admissions: We have an interdisciplinary MTech programme offered together with Department of Mathematics and Department of EEE. More details can be obtained from this link.
- PhD admissions: Know more about our PhD programme here. To know about the admission process go here. Please check our Faculty list to know about the research pursued in the School.
- Internships & Project/Research Associate: Apply to our School's summer internship program. More details available here.
- Post-doctoral Researcher:
- As per Institute's policy, our School can admit researchers as Institute Postdoctoral Fellows(IPDFs). Under this scheme, IPDF will carry out advanced research at IIT Guwahati with a Faculty member of our School as a mentor. Due to limitation in the number of IPDFs, a faculty member can mentor maximum of one IPDF at a time.
- Faculty members of our School also accept mentorship for young Post-Doctoral researchers under various schemes like National PDF, sponsored projects etc. Interested researchers are welcome to contact our Faculty.
- Core Faculty: Thank you for your interest in this. Please see here to know more.
- Visiting Faculty: We will be delighted to have you visit us. Please contact our Head to know about the possible options.
- Administrative Staff: We will release advertisement when there is a requirement.