ME 609 : Optimization Methods in Engineering
Instructor : Narayan Rangaraj (
TAs for the course : D. N. Vadiraja (
J.S.Rao (
Course timings : Mon 9.00 a.m., Tue 8.00 a.m. and Thu 8.00 a.m.
Venue : Classroom H-1, Academic complex
The course will cover a mix of modeling, theory, algorithms and numerical methods, as per the interests and background of the class. The objective of the course is to familiarize the student with the principles of formulation and solution of optimization problems in engineering and provide the mathematical background to understand and design algorithms for their solution.
Course contents (35
Introduction to optimization (formulation and mathematical background) – 3 lectures
Classical methods of optimization based on calculus of functions of several variables – 9 lectures
Single variable optimization – self study
Optimality conditions (First order and second order necessary and sufficient conditions)
Steepest descent, Newton and Quasi Newton Methods
Trust region methods – [if time permits]
Linear programming – 9 lectures
Simplex method – revision and self study
Intro to Ellipsoid and Interior Point methods – [if time permits]
Duality and Sensitivity
Network flow LPs
Constrained optimization – 6 lectures
Kuhn Tucker conditions
Quadratic Programming
Sequential Quadratic Programming (Lagrange Newton methods)
Integer programming – 3 lectures
Integer programming formulations and examples
IP through LP relaxation
Branch and bound
Nontraditional optimization – 5 lectures
Simulated annealing
Lagrangean relaxation
Genetic algorithms – [if time permits]
Class text – Optimization Concepts and Applications in Engineering, Ashok D. Belegundu and Tirupathi R. Chandrupatla, Pearson Education, Delhi, 1999
Supplementary texts –
For LP - Linear Programming and Network Flows, [2nd edition], M.S.Bazaraa, J.J.Jarvis and H.D.Sherali, Wiley, 1990 or Operations Research, H. Taha
For non-traditional optimization - Modern Heuristics for Combinatorial Optimization, C. Reeves, Orient Longman, 1993
For Engineering Applications – Optimization for Engineering Design : Algorithms and Examples, K. Deb, Prentice Hall India, 1995
Mathematical Background – Introduction to Optimization, Edwin K.P.Chong and S.H.Zak
General Background, Geometric Programming, etc. – Optimization: Theory and Applications, S.S.Rao, Wiley Eastern, 1984
Evaluation scheme :
Final exam : 40% weightage
Mid term exam : 20%
4 Quizzes : 10% each Dates of the quizzes will be announced later.
2 quizzes 10% each and an independent project will be evaluated for 20 %.
Guidelines for independent project: The project can be done independently, or in groups of 2 (evaluation will be joint, but there could be a brief viva with either student in a group). The project has to do with either (a) a modeling and analysis of an optimization formulation to some engineering problem, or (b) development of code for an identified algorithm and demonstrating it. In either case, a one page write up on the course project has to be submitted, which will be approved by the instructor/TAs. Last date for giving the one page write ups – Monday 27-2-2006 5 p.m. in the department office. Approval given by 6-3-2006 (latest). The earlier you give your proposal, the better. Written submission of project by group – 3-4-2006 in the department office.
The project report will be evaluated on clarity of problem definition, proper description of the algorithm or model, presentation of learnings and/or results from the study and proper referencing as appropriate.