Computer Science & Engineering

About Course Structure Future Opportunities


The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, was formed in 1995. The major areas of research include Algorithms, Computational Geometry, Mobile Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Speech Processing, Natural Language Processing, Image Processing, Software Engineering, Formal Verification, Electronic CAD, Computer Systems & Security, Networks. The department offers a four year bachelor’s programme.

Course Structure

The B.Tech. programme in Computer Science & Engineering imparts the fundamentals of Computer Science through a set of core courses. It also equips the student in his/her chosen specialisation, through a set of electives. It is for a duration of eight semesters spanning four years and includes general engineering education as well as core Computer Science education. Apart from the courses, the B.Tech. curriculum includes a seminar (in the third year) and a final year dissertation. The course structure provides a optimal mix of compulsory and elective courses.

Future Opportunities

The CSE undergraduates are known to receive some of the highest packages throughout the institute. Companies such as Microsoft, Samsung, Amazon, Adobe are regulars in the placement season. Many of the undergraduates also opt for further studies. Students from previous batches have enrolled into universities such as CMU (Carnegie Mellon) and Cornell. Domestic universities such as IITB, IITM, IITD , IITK , IIITs and our very own IITG offer master’s and doctoral programmes.
