

There is a provision for branch change. This is done after first year and depends on CPI after two semesters. Excerpts from the B Tech rules and regulations change of branch are noted below.

● Only those students will be considered eligible for change of branch/programme after the second semester, who have completed all the common credits required in the first two semesters of their studies in their first attempt, without having had to pass any course requirement in the summer term examination.
● Students may enlist their choices of branch/programme, in order of preference, to which they wish to change over. It will not be permissible to alter the choices after the application has been submitted.
● Change of branch/programme shall be made strictly in order of merit of the applicants. For this purpose the CPI obtained at the end of the second semester shall be considered. In case of a tie, the JEE rank of the applicants will be considered.
● The applicants may be allowed a change in branch/programme, strictly in order of inter se merit, subject to the limitation that the strength of a branch should not fall below the existing strength by more than ten percent and should not go above the sanctioned strength by more than ten percent.
● All changes of branch/programme made in accordance with the above rules will be effective from the third semester of the applicants concerned. No change of branch/programme shall be permitted after this.


Branch change after one year from Design to any other department is not permitted. Also, branch change to Design from any other discipline is not permitted.