Dr. Hemangee K. Kapoor

Professor (HAG) of CSE

Member of ACM DEI council
Ex-Associate Dean Alumni and External Relations
Ex-Associate Dean Students Affairs

Contact Address :

Department of CSE
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,   
Guwahati (Assam),
Pin. 781 039, India.

Tel: +91 (0)361 258 2363
Fax: +91 (0)361 269 2787
     hemangee [at] iitg [dot] ac [dot] in
[picture: Hemangee]



Aswathy successfully defended her thesis on 24-Feb-2025. The examiners praised her work

I received the ACM India Outstanding Contributions in Computing by a Woman (OCCW) Award 2024
     Prof. Hemangee Kapoor is being recognized "for her contributions to emerging nonvolatile memory technologies and
her active leadership and involvement in the mentoring of women in the field."

My CACM viewpoint article co-auhtored with Prof. David Patterson appears in April 2024 issue
     Click here to read

My current research interests include:
A link to my summarising talk on Computer Architecture course: Click here

Current Professional Activities
Achivements and Honours

Here is a list of my publications and project students

Sponsored projects:

Ph.D. Students

  1. Shirshendu Das (Jan 2011 - Jan2016) : (Assistant Professor at IIT Hyderabad)
       Effective Utilization of LLCs by Managing Associativity, Placement and Mapping
  2. Shounak Chakraborty (Jan 2012 - Feb 2018) : (ERCIM Fellow at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway)
       Energy and Thermal Management of CMPs by Dynamic Cache Reconfiguration
  3. Sukarn Agarwal (July 2014 - March 2020) : (Postdoc at University of Edinburgh, UK)
       LiNoVo: Longevity Enhancement of Non-Volatile Caches by Placement, Write-Restriction & Victim Caching in CMPs
  4. Sanjay Moulik (Jan 2014 - March 2020) : Assistant Professor at IIIT Guwahati (joint student with Dr. Arnab Sarkar)
       New Approaches to Energy and Temperature Aware Scheduling Techniques for Real-time Multi-core Systems
  5. Khushboo Rani (July 2017 - Jan 2021) (++Postdoc at NUS Singapore)
       LongLiveNoC: Wear Levelling, Write Reduction and Selective VC allocation for Long lasting Dark Silicon aware NoC Interconnects
  6. Palash Das (July 2015 - April 2022) (Assistant Professor at IIT Jodhpur)
       Near-Memory acceleration of Convolutional Neural Networks by exploiting Parallelism, Sparsity, and Redundancy
  7. Sheel Sindhu Manohar (Jan 2016 - Dec 2022) (Assistant Professor at Shiv Nadar University)
       Content and Coherence Based Strategies for Optimizing Refreshes in Volatile Last Level Caches
  8. Arijit Nath (July 2016 - Sep 2023) (Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati)
       Enhancing Endurance of NVMs by Coarse-To-Fine Grained Write Reduction and Intra-line Wear Leveling
  9. Aswathy N. S. (July 2018 - Feb 2025)
       Scheduling Policies for Improving Performance, Utilisation, and Longevity of DRAM and PCM Memories


I have been involved in organising the following events:


Recent courses:
Winter 2024
  • UG (CS223) : Computer Organisation and Architecture
Autumn 2023
  • UG (CS221) : Digital Design
and some older courses ...
