"Established in the year 2018 North East Centre for Biological Sciences and Healthcare Engineering (NECBH), IITG possesses a vision to foster the development of research in Biological Sciences and Healthcare Engineering in North-East (NE) India."
"The mission of NECBH-outreach is to raise the quality of research in biological sciences and healthcare engineering in the entire North-Eastern (NE) India. The outreach program intends to provide an exposure and training to the researchers in NE region to the latest advances in modern day biological research and healthcare engineering. This initiative will have a positive impact on the future research in NE."
Creating experimental facilities with all sophisticated equipments to cater to the needs of identified areas of biological sciences.
Creating experimental facilities to cater to the needs of identified areas of healthcare engineering.
Addressing some advanced research issues in identified areas.
Creating outreach and training programs on the facilities available at NECBH.
Offering NE Twinning projects involving groups across NE region and IIT Guwahati.