BD LSRFortessa™ is a cell analyzer which offers the flow cytometry with performance, and consistency. It is equipped with four laser lines (355nm, 405nm, 488nm and 640nm) and is capable of detecting 18 parameters; 2 scatter and 16 fluorescent detectors.
The BD FACSAria™ Fusion without BSC system is capable of high speed and single cell sorting on up to 18 parameters (forward & side scatter and 16 fluorescence detectors). It is equipped with four lasers: 355nm, 405nm, 488nm and 640nm. It has the capability of four-way sorting into tubes or single cell sorting directly into plates or slides.
1. Cell apoptosis analysis, Cell proliferation assay and Cell Cycle analysis.
2. Isolation of Immune Cells for Immunotherapy and Immunophenotyping studies.
3. Study of Stem cell population.
4. Intracellular cytokine detection.
5. IPF Diagnosis.
6. Protein engineering.
7. Study Bacterial Physiological Responses.
1. BD FACSDiva™ software