Pre-requisites: MA 224 (Real Analysis) & MA 371 (Financial Engineering I)
Stochastic processes, filtrations, conditional expectations, martingales and
stopping times, Brownian motion and its properties; Ita-integral and its extension to
wider classes of integrands, isometry and martingale properties of the integral;
Ita-calculus, Ita-formula and its application in calculating stochastic integrals;
Stochastic differential equations, existence and uniqueness of solutions;
Risk-neutral measure, Girsanov's theorem for change of measure, martingale
representation theorems, representation of Brownian martingales, Feynman-Kac
formula; Stock prices as geometric Brownian motions, Black-Scholes
option pricing, delta hedging, derivation of the Black-Scholes differential
equation, the Black-Scholes formula and simple extensions of the model;
Application of Girsanov's theorem to Black-Scholes dynamics, self-financing
strategies and model completeness, risk neutral measures, the fundamental
theorem of asset pricing; The Black-Scholes model, the Black-Scholes
option pricing formula and the market price of risk.
Continuous time optimal stopping and pricing of American options.