Second Semester of Academic Year 2024-2025
MA 373 Financial Engineering II
Course Webpage

Instructor:   Dr. N. Selvaraju

Syllabus: This is a second course on financial engineering and a follow up of the course MA372 (Stochastic Calculus for Finance). It covers mainly the continuous time models, incomplete market models, and the interest rate models.   Detailed Syllabus

Lecture Timings: This course has weekly THREE contact hours (in A1-Slot).
Tuesday 16:00 - 16:55
Wednesday 15:00 - 15:55
Thursday 14:00 - 14:55

Venue:  Lectures: Room 5102 (Core 5), Academic Complex

Evaluation Plan:
Quizzes 20 marks
Instructor Assessment (including Attendance) 05 marks
Mid-Semester Examination
30 marks
End-Semester Examination
45 marks
Total 100 marks

General Instructions:

For any queries or help in MA 373 course, contact the instructor (Office: E204, Academic Complex, Extn. 2611).