Curriculum for the B.Tech Program in

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Course No. Course Name L T P C Course No. Course Name L T P C
Semester I Semester II
CH101 Chemistry 3 1 0 8 BT101 Intoduction to Biology 3 0 0 6
CH110 Chemistry Laboratory 0 0 3 3 CS101 Introduction to Computing 3 0 0 6
EE101 Basic Electronics 3 1 0 8 CS110 Computing Laboratory 0 0 3 3
MA101 Mathematics - I 3 1 0 8 EE102 Basic Electronics Laboratory 0 0 3 3
CE101 Engineering Drawing 2 0 3 7 MA102 Mathematics - II 3 1 0 8
PH101 Physics - I 2 1 0 6 ME101 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 8
PH110/ME110 Physics Laboratory/ Workshop 0 0 3 3 PH102 Physics - II 2 1 0 6
Total   13 4 9 43 ME110/PH110 Workshop/ Physics Laboratory 0 0 3 3
            Total   14 3 9 43
            SA1xx Students Activity Course I 0 0 2 0


Course No. Course Name L T P C Course No. Course Name L T P C
Semester III Semester IV
DS2xx Introduction to Data Science 2 0 2 6 HS1xx HSS Elective I Level I 3 0 0 6

Statistical Foundations for Data


3 0 0 6 DS2xx

Introduction to Optimization

3 0 0 6
DS2xx Discrete Mathematics 3 0 0 6 DS2xx Introduction to AI 2 0 2 6
DS2xx Algorithms and Data Structure 3 0 0 6 DS2xx

Python Programming Laboratory

0 0 3 3
DS2xx Algorithms and Data Structure Lab 0 0 3 3 DS2xx

Database Management Systems

3 0 0 6
DS2xx Signals , Systems & Networks 3 0 0 6 DS2xx

Database Management

Systems Laboratory

0 0 3 3
Total   14 0 5 33 DS2xx

Applied Probability and

Random Processes

3 0 0 6
SA2xx Students Activity Course II 0 0 2 0 Total   14 0 8 36
  Minor I 3 0 0 6 SA3xx

Students Activity Course III

0 0 2 0
HS200 Sustainable Development Goals 2 0 0 0   Minor II 3 0 0 6


Course No. Course Name L T P C Course No. Course name L T P C
Semester V Semester VI

Multi-modal Data Processing

& Learning - I

3 0 0 6 DS3xx

Multi-modal Data Processing

& Learning - II

3 0 0 6
DS3xx Computer Systems 3 0 0 6 DS3xx Data Mining 3 0 0 6
DS3xx Machine Learning 3 0 0 6 DS3xx Deep Learning 3 0 0 6
DS3xx Machine Learning Laboratory 0 0 3 3 DS3xx Privacy & information Security 3 0 0 6
DS3xx Applied Time Series Analysis 3 0 0 6 DS3xx Advanced Machine Learning Laboratory 0 0 3 3

Big Data Analytics : Tools

& Techniques

2 0 2 6 DS3xx Internet of Things 2 0 2 6
HSS1xx HSS Elective II Level I 3 0 0 6 DS3xx Data Visualization 1 0 3 5
Total   17 0 5 39 Total   15 0 8 38
              Minor IV 3 0 0 6
SA4xx Students Activity Course IV 0 0 2 0            
  Minor III 3 0 0 6            


Course No. Course Name L T P C Course No. Course Name L T P C
Semester VII Semester VIII
DS4xx Bioinformatics 2 0 2 6 OExxx Open Elective 3 0 0 6
DS4xxx Data Analytics For Finance 3 0 0 6 OExxx Open Elective/Department Elective II 3 0 0 6
HS2xx HSS Elective I Level II 3 0 0 6 DSxxx Department Elective III 3 0 0 6
DS4xx Ethics, Fairness, Explainability & Verification of AI modals 3 0 0 6 DSxxx Department Elective IV 3 0 0 6
DSxxx Department Elective I 3 0 0 6 HS2xx HSS Electiev II Level II 3 0 0 6
DS498 BTP Project I 0 0 12 12 DS499 BTP Project II 0 0 12 12
Total   14 0 14 42 Total   15 0 12 42
  Minor V 3 0 0 6            


Semester-wise Credits
Semester I 43
Semester II 43
Semester III 33
Semester IV 36
Semester V 39
Semester VI 38
Semester VII 42
SEmester VII 42
Total 316


Identified Minor Courses to be offered from the proposed School of Data Science & AI.

1 Statistical Foundations for Data Science
2 Machine Learning
3 Deep Learning
4 Multi-modal Data Processing & Learning
5 Big Data Analytics : Tools & Techniques


Curriculum Development Committee

Name Department Role
Prof. Ratnajit Bhattacharjee EEE Convener
Prof. S. B. Nair CSE Member
Dr. V. Vijaya Saradhi CSE Member
Prof. Rohit Sinha EEE Member
Dr. Prithwijit Guha EEE Member
Prof. M. G. P. Prasad Mathematics Member
Prof. Siddhartha Pratim Chakraborty Mathematics Member
Dr. Ashok Singh Sairam Mathematics Member