Head of the School Professor, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Email: head.mfsdsai Telephone: +91-361-258-3351/2503
iitg.ac.in, ratnajit
Ratnajit Bhattacharjee joined IIT Guwahati in the year 2002 and currently is a Professor in the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering. His research interests include Wireless communication, Wireless networks, Microstrip antennas, Microwave Engineering and Electromagnetics. He has co-authored about one hundred and seventy-five research papers. Twenty-one research students have completed their PhD under his supervision. He has served as General Chair for 5th edition of IEEE Applied Electromagnetic Conference, AEMC 2015 and 22nd National Conference on Communications, NCC 2016. He has served as Head, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, IIT Guwahati, from 2011 to 2014. He has delivered invited talks in a number of conferences, symposia and workshops. He has developed a web course on Electromagnetic theory and a video course on Microwave Engineering under NPTEL. He has also been involved with several research projects. He has served as the chief investigator for the MeitY sponsored project for setting up of an Electronics & ICT academy at IIT Guwahati. He is a member of the research advisory committee of SAMEER and lab research council of LRDE. He is presently Head for the Mehta Family School of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, IIT Guwahati and also Head of the Computer and Communication Centre, IIT Guwahati. Prior to joining IIT Guwahati, he served as a faculty member at REC (at present NIT) Silchar from 1991 to 2002.
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