CS 512, Design and Analysis of Algorithms

 Monsoon 2020

Course Description

This will be an online course. Please note the following important points.

  1. Pre-recorded videos of lectures will be shared via Microsoft Stream. Each video is of duration approximately 30 minutes.
  2. Online classes will be held according to schedule mainly as tutorials, for discussion and clearing doubts. Each class will also be of duration approximately 30 minutes.
  3. It is important that you watch at least one lecture video before each class, starting with the first.
  4. Online interactions will be through Microsoft Teams.
  5. The mode of evaluation will be mainly in-class quizzes and homework assignments.


Purandar Bhaduri, ext: 2360, email: pbhaduri

Teaching Assistants:

  1. Dipojjwal Ray (email: dipojjwal)
  2. Manok Deka (email: manoj.deka)
  3. Imlijungla Longchar (email: ilongchar)


Algorithm Design, Jon Kleinberg and Éva Tardos, Pearson India (2013).

Online Resources

  1. Offical lecture slides for the textbook Algorithm Design (created by Kevin Wayne and are distributed by Pearson). Some additional slides which are missing from the above site (e.g., Priority Queues, Union-Find) can be found from an older site.

  2. Lecture slides on Applied Algorithm Design by Pietro Michiardi.

  3. Coursera page for Algorithms at Princeton: Part I (Instructor: Kevin Wayne) and Part II (Robert Sedgewick) (free enrolment)


Quizzes:       60%

Homework:  40%

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