CS 514, Mathematics for Computer Science

Autumn 2011 - 2012


Purandar Bhaduri, ext: 2360 (email: pbhaduri)

K. Sreenivasan, ext: 2365 (email: sreenivasan)

Teaching Assistants

1. Shilpa Choudhary (email: c.shilpa)

2. Suchetana Chakraborty (email: suchetana)

3. Pravati Swain (email: pravati)


1.      Mathematics for Computer Science by Eric Lehman, F Thomson Leighton and Albert R Meyer, 2011. A copy of the book can be downloaded from the website. This will be the main textbook. Lecture notes from the MIT course based on the book.


2.   Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6/e by Peter V. O'Neil, Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd (2008), ISBN 9788131503102. This will be the text for the linear algebra part.

Reference Books



Assignments                                     15%

Midsem                                            35%

Endsem                                            50%


Midsem Solutions

Homework Policy

Late assignments would be penalised by deducting (10 × no. of days of lateness) % of the marks. Any form of copying will incur zero marks.


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