Advanced Algorithms
CS520 at IITG by R. Inkulu
[WS]: 3-5; [more]
Greedy apprx
Metric k-center clustering
[WS]: 30-32
Set cover
[WS]: 15-17
Shortest superstring
Minimizing the maximum lateness
[WS]: 28-30
Minimizing the makespan
[WS]: 34-35; [note]
Minimum cost Steiner tree
[Vaz]: 27-30
Metric TSP
[WS]: 35-40
Local search based apprx
Minimizing the makespan
[WS]: 32-34
Max cut
[KT]: 676-679
Maximum independent set of disks
Minimum degree spanning tree
[WS]: 43-46
Vizing's edge coloring
[WS]: 47-51
Metric uncapacitated facility location
[WS]: 232-238
Metric k-median clustering
sketched [WS]: 238-242 --- AR
Apprx using grids
Point set diameter
Smallest k-enclosing disk
[PelMaz '05]: 3-5
Covering with disks: Hochbaum-Mass shifting
[P]: 151-153
Apprx with dynamic programming
[WS]: 57-61
Minimizing the makespan
[WS]: 61-66
[WS]: 66-70
Arora's PTAS for Euclidean TSP
[WS]: 255-267
Mitchell's guillotine cuts
[Mitch '99]: 2-8
Randomized approximation
Las Vegas algorithms for max SAT and max cut
[WS]: 100-102, 104-106; [more]
Derandomization via conditional expectations: max SAT
[WS]: 103-104
Rounding and the power of two choices: max SAT
[WS]: 106-112
An ADO for weighted undirected graphs
[ThoZwi '05]: 7-10
Monte Carlo algorithm for approximate median
Iterative reweighing: geometric set cover
A few more techniques for apprx
Isolating cuts: edge multiway cut
[WS]: 194-195
Minimum k-cut using Gomory-Hu tree
[Vaz]: 40-44
Baker's shifting technique for planar graphs
[wiki]; [note]
Tree metrics: uniform buy-at-bulk
[WS]: 210-218
Spanners for undirected graphs
A light apprx shortest path tree
[Khuller et al. '95]: 3-9
Highly connected subgraphs
[Hoch]: 240-242, 248-262 --- student presentations
LP rounding
Intro to LP
[note] --- a review
Set cover
[WS]: 9-14, 19-22
A scheduling problem
[WS]: 74-78
Prize-collecting Steiner tree
[WS]: 80-83, 113-116
Metric uncapacitated facility location
[WS]: 83-88, 116-119
Bin packing
[WS]: 88-93
[WS]: 106-113
Congestion minimization
[WS]: 128-129
Multicut: region growing
[WS]: 201-206
Hardness of approximation
More gap introducing reductions
[WS]: 410-414
Gap preserving reductions
parts of [WS]: 414-424
More graph algorithms
Edmonds maximum cardinality matching
[ScN]: 40-41, 45, 81-84
Minimum weight T-joins
All-pairs minimum cuts: Gomory-Hu tree
[ChekN]; [GoemN]: 11-12
Karger-Klein-Tarjan's MST algorithm
Brooks' theorem for vertex coloring
[W]: 197-198
Auslander & Parter's planarity testing algorithm
[Batti]: 74-81
Lipton & Trajan's planar separator theorem
[Koz]: 77-83
[WS]: The Design of Approximation Algorithms by David P. Williamson and David B. Shmoys.
Additional resources/notes are posted where necessary.
AR stands for additional reading (no lecture delivered but included in syllabus).