[CLRS]: 5-14, 23-29, 43-49; [note]
Euclid's GCD
[CLRS]: 930, 934-936
Prune and Search
Binary search
[CLRS]: 39 exer 2.3-5, 2.3-6
Blum et al.'s selection
[CLRS]: 220-222
Divide and conquer
[CLRS]: 65-67, 88-96
Finding a maximum subarray
[CLRS]: 68-74
Stressen's matrix multiplication
[CLRS]: 75-82
Integer multiplication
[intro]; [KT]: 231-234
Counting inversions
[KT]: 221-225
Closest pair of points
[KT]: 225-231
Polynomial multiplication with FFT
[KT]: 234-242
Three job scheduling problems
[KT]: 116-131
Huffman's optimal prefix code
[KT]: 161-175
Vertex cover apprx
[CLRS]: 1108-1111
Two characteristics
[CLRS]: 423-425
Some more preliminaries
Repeated squaring
Modular exponentiation
[CLRS]: 956-958
Computing fn
[CLRS]: 982 exer 31-3 c, d; [note]
Intro to primality testing
Local search
Vertex cover
[KT]: 664-666
Finding a stable configuration
[KT]: 671-675
Max cut apprx
[KT]: 676-678
Dynamic Programming
Job scheduling with positive profits
[KT]: 252-258
Parenthesizing matrix chain multiplication
[CLRS]: 370-377
Optimal BST
[CLRS]: 397-403
Sequence alignment
[KT]: 278-282
[CLRS]: 425-427; [KT]: 266-272
Two fingerprinting techniques
[note]: 1-2
Boolean product witness matrix
String matching
[CLRS]: 985, 988-994
Rabin-Karp's Monte Carlo
[note]: 3
Using DFA
[CLRS]: 995-1002
Knuth-Morris-Pratt (proofs omitted)
[CLRS]: 1002-1006
Gale-Shapley's stable matching
[KT]: 4-12, 45-47
Components in graphs
A quick review of DFT properties
[CLRS]: 603-610 --- AR
Connected components
[KT]: 86-87, 94
Topological ordering
[KT]: 99-104; [CLRS]: 612-614
Tarjan's SCC finding
SCC finding by Kosaraju
[CLRS]: 615-620
An appl of SCCs: 2-SAT
Biconnected components
[CLRS]: 621-622 exer 22-2 --- AR
Minimum spanning trees
A few properties
[CLRS]: 624-626; [KT]: 142-143, 145, 147-148
Kruskal's, Prim's
[KT]: 143-151, 157
[note]: 1-2
An appl: max-min clustering
[KT]: 157-161
Edmonds' min-cost arborescence
[KT]: 177-183
Shortest paths
Elementary properties
[CLRS]: 643-650, 671
A quick review of BFT properties
[CLRS]: 594-601 --- AR
SSSP: Lawler's
[CLRS]: 655-657
SSSP: Dijkstra's
[KT]: 137-142
SSSP: Bellman-Ford's
[KT]: 291-297, 302-304
APD via distance product
[CLRS]: 686-691
APSP: Floyd-Warshall's
[CLRS]: 693-697
Transitive closure: Warshall's
[CLRS]: 697-699
APSP: Johnson's reweighting
[CLRS]: 700-704
LP formulation examples
[CLRS]: 859-863; [more]
Network flow
Flow networks and cuts
[CLRS]: 708-712, 720-723
Ford-Fulkerson's max-flow
[CLRS]: 714-720, 723-727
Edmonds-Karp's max-flow
[CLRS]: 727-730 --- not covered this time
Augmenting paths for bipartite Mmax
Bipartite: Mmax, Konig's, Hall's
[KT]: 367-373; [wiki]
Menger's: s-t edge-disjoint versions
[KT]: 373-378
Two more applications of s-t min-cut
[KT]: 391-399
Karger's global min-cut
[KT]: 714-719
[KT]: 378-384
Two applications of circulations
[KT]: 384-391 --- AR
[CLRS]: Introduction to Algorithms by T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Riverst, and C. Stein, Third Edition.
[KT]: Algorithm Design by Jon Kleinberg and E. Tardos.
Additional resources are provided where necessary.
AR stands for additional reading (no lecture delivered but included in syllabus).