- R. Inkulu: Approximate shortest path queries in a simple polygon with a rectilinear transportation network.
- [under review]
- S. Gaur, R. Inkulu: A divide-and-conquer based preprocessing for routing in a simple polygon.
- [under review]
- H. Chhabra, R. Inkulu: Constant workspace algorithms for computing relative hulls in the plane.
- [under review]
- R. Inkulu, P. Kumar: Routing among convex polygonal obstacles in the plane.
- IJFCS, 35(06): 723-739, 2024.
- COCOA, pp 1-11, 2021.
- D. Banerjee, R. Inkulu: Vertex guarding for dynamic orthogonal art galleries.
- IJCGA, 31(02n03):123–140, 2021.
- S. Agrawal, R. Inkulu: Visibility polygons and visibility graphs among dynamic polygonal obstacles in the plane.
- JoCO, 44:3056-3082, 2022.
- COCOON, pp 136-148, 2020.
- R. Inkulu, A. Singh: Vertex fault-tolerant spanners for weighted points in polygonal domains.
- DMAA, 15(2):1-18, 2022.
- COCOA, pp 471–485, 2020.
- T. Choudhury, R. Inkulu: Computing an L1 shortest path among splinegonal obstacles in the plane.
- JoCO, 44:1594–1614, 2020.
- COCOA, pp 169–182, 2018.
- T. Choudhury, R. Inkulu: Maintaining the visibility graph of a dynamic simple polygon.
- CALDAM, pp 42-52, 2019.
- R. Inkulu, K. Sowmya, N. P. Thakur: Dynamic algorithms for visibility polygons in simple polygons.
- IJCGA, 30(1):51–78, 2020.
- CALDAM, pp 205–218, 2017.
- R. Inkulu, S. Kapoor: Approximate Euclidean shortest paths in polygonal domains.
- ISAAC, pp 11:1–11:17, 2019.
- S. Bhattacharjee, R. Inkulu: Vertex fault-tolerant geometric spanners for weighted points.
- IJCGA, 32(03n04):175-199, 2022.
- COCOON, pp 38-51, 2019.
- CALDAM, pp 29-41, 2019.
- H. Akitaya, R. Inkulu, T. Nichols, D. Souvaine, C. Toth: Minimum weight connectivity augmentation for PSLGs.
- TCS, 789:50–63, 2019.
- WALCOM, pp 204-216, 2017.
- FWCG, pp 1-2, 2016.
- R. Inkulu, S. Kapoor: A polynomial time algorithm for finding an approximate shortest path amid weighted regions.
- arXiv 1501.00340, pp 1-25, 2015. [slides]
- D. Z. Chen, R. Inkulu, H. Wang: Two-point L1 shortest path queries in the plane.
- JoCG, 7(1):473–519, 2016.
- SoCG, pp 406-415, 2014.
- R. Inkulu, S. Kapoor: ANN queries: covering Voronoi diagram with hyperboxes.
- arXiv 1111.5893, 1-7, 2011.
- R. Inkulu, S. Kapoor, S. N. Maheshwari: A near optimal algorithm for finding Euclidean shortest path in polygonal domain.
- arXiv 1011.6481, pp 1-50, 2011. [slides]
- R. Inkulu, S. Kapoor: Visibility queries in a polygonal region.
- CGTA, 42(9):852–864, 2009.
- M. Kulkarni, M. Burtscher, R. Inkulu, K. Pingali, C. Cascaval: How much parallelism is there in irregular applications?.
- PPoPP, pp 3–14, 2009.
- K. Daniels, R. Inkulu: Translational polygon covering using intersection graphs.
- CCCG, pp 61-64, 2007.
- CSUML TR, pp 1-42, 2001.
- R. Inkulu, S. Kapoor: Planar rectilinear shortest path computation using corridors.
- CGTA, 42(9):873–884, 2009.
- FSTTCS, pp 412-423, 2007.