Online Quiz # 06

This quiz is based on the content from Video 6: Mimicking Nature: Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Insight Please watch the video before attempting the quiz

1. What is highlighted in the video as crucial for the process of natural selection?

Correct Answer: B) Diversity within a population

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2. In the video, which concept is illustrated by predators hunting and prey evading capture?

Correct Answer: D) Natural selection

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3. According to the video, how are potential solutions represented in genetic algorithms?

Correct Answer: A) As binary or real number strings

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4. What analogy does the video use to describe the gradual changes in nature over time?

Correct Answer: D) Landscape changing through seasons

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5. What process in genetic algorithms is similar to the recombination seen in natural evolution?

Correct Answer: C) Crossover

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6. In the video, what is the purpose of a fitness function in genetic algorithms?

Correct Answer: B) To evaluate how well a solution solves a problem

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7. What is described in the video as a method to maintain genetic diversity in a population?

Correct Answer: B) Mutation

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8. In the video, the iterative nature of genetic algorithms is compared to which aspect of life?

Correct Answer: B) The gradual adaptation of each generation

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9. What is the primary inspiration behind genetic algorithms as explained in the video?

Correct Answer: B) Evolutionary processes in nature

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10. The video concludes with the idea that genetic algorithms combine nature and technology to achieve what?

Correct Answer: C) Optimal solutions to complex problems

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