Young Innovative Entrepreneur Award

1st April 2022

10th May 2022

12th May 2022

15th May 2022

22nd May 2022
2:20PM- 2:40PM

Speaker 1

The youth are doing pioneering work in all sectors. The young innovative entrepreneur award is instituted to encourage and recognise innovation and entrepreneurship among budding Entrepreneurs who have done exceptionally well in their field and community as a whole. Innovations / concepts in the field of Biotechnology and related areas that have been actually realized and implemented in the industry either in new processes or products would be given preference.

1. Two Nominations (Resident or Alumni) will be requested from various incubation centers across the country

2. Evaluation to be done on the basis of
a. Technical Feasibility and innovative aspects of the idea solution, uniqueness of the solution
b. Commercial Viability and Future Plan of Commercialization
c. Target population and Market Potential of the product or service to be developed
d. Competitive advantage
e. Social implications

3. Session plan (10.00 AM - 1.00 PM, 1st May 2022)
a. Product presentation - 10 minutes
b. Journey from ideation - 5 minutes
c. Q&A - 5 minutes

4. Awards
a. Certificate / Trophy
b. Cash prize of Rs 1,00,000.00 each
c. Lab space at GBP at subsidized rate, if willing MOA with GBP on 22nd May 2022