The go to place for all startup resources.
Here you’ll find recommendations of the best books, blogs, videos and courses that will help you hone your entrepreneurial knowledge.

We at E-cell work for entrepreneurial growth and try to incorporate entrepreneurial qualities in the communities that we meet with. Despite this modern world of visuals and videos, books can never be replaced for learning, so here is one of our handpicked collections of books that sums up the conquest of being an entrepreneur and develops a person for the better functioning to serve to trail himself to a meaningful and achieving life.

If you are a blog type person and rely on concise, regular text sources for learning rather than going through the 500-page-fat books. These sources of blogs are just the place to hit and learn...XD

Entrepreneurship: Identifying problems you want to solve

“Need is the mother of invention”. Many of us have heard this phrase a number of times. Human Society is struggling with a large spectrum of problems ranging from Social wellbeing issues to agricultural problems and many more. Entrepreneurship is...

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Fundraising: Everything You Need To Know

Why Fundraising ??
Any startup which is established in order to serve its business objective needs fundraising. Fundraising is important for the startups along with the funding procedure. When these two….

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5 Elements That Elevate a Winning Startup Pitch Deck

You’ve landed a meeting with that top tech VC. Now it’s time to create a winning pitch deck. After all, you’ll just need to convey what a stellar team you’ve assembled, how your product will change the world. You’ll also want to communicate how you stand head and shoulders above the competition, all within a handful of slides.

No pressure

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The simple, 3-step formula that made Steve Jobs' speeches so compelling

Steve Jobs was the world's greatest business storyteller.
He transformed the often unimaginative product launch into a theatrical production, complete with a cast, sets, props, and music.

At the center of it all, Jobs was the showman who used the classic components of narrative to inspire his audiences...

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Market/Product Fit

It’s a fairly new concept in the startup world, and one can’t give a thorough definition of Product/market fit. However, the creator of the term MPF, Marc Andreessen used to describe it as
“Product/market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market.” It can be understood...

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Market for Lemons

Back in 2001, economists George Akerlof, Michael Spence, Joseph Stiglitz, won the Nobel Prize for “their analyses of markets with asymmetric information”. They analyzed the core of modern information economics which transformed the way economists think about...

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Design Thinking 101 — The Double Diamond Approach (Part I and II)

We use the Double Diamond structure to understand customers and their problems and explore creative and innovative ways to solve their problems and delight them.
Using the double diamond, you approach problems and solutions by using 2 different types of thinking...

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The Bus Ticket Theory of Genius

Everyone knows that to do great work you need both natural ability and determination. But there's a third ingredient that's not as well understood: an obsessive interest in a particular topic.

To explain this point I need to burn my reputation with some group of people, and I'm going to choose bus ticket collectors. There are people who...

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Thomas Jefferson, Steve Jobs, and the Rule of 3

This week America celebrates the three inalienable rights voiced in the U.S. Declaration of Independence: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Life, liberty, and happiness might very well be the three most important words in American history. The words are so eloquent, so impactful, they ...

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Six Principles for Making New Things

The fiery reaction to the release of Arc had an unexpected consequence: it made me realize I had a design philosophy. The main complaint of the more articulate critics was that Arc seemed so flimsy. After years of working on it, all I had to show for myself were a few thousand lines of macros? Why hadn't I worked on more substantial problems?...

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Like in today’s world, where there are tutorial videos available on the internet, even for “How to drink water,” some hold the torch for posting the best learning content for entrepreneurial growth.

A monthly digest of the latest Sketch news, articles, and resources. nthly digest of the latesles, and resources. A motest Sketch news, articles, and resources.

Inside the mind of Unacademy founder

In this podcast, Gaurav shares his experience of scaling & creating a dent in the Edtech space, as well as lays down the path to how one can grow personally & professionally as an Entrepreneur.

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Inside the mind of Aloke Bajpai

Aloke is one of the few founders who experienced & survived the 2008 crisis. During the podcast, he shares how ixigo applied similar strategies and learnings to tackle the current pandemic.

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Bill Gates: How to accelerate History

How did Bill Gates scale BOTH a global business and a global philanthropy? He spotted an inflection point in history — and accelerated it. What does that take? A great idea, great timing, and also: great partners.

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Nutanix: Thinking long term to build a generational company

In this episode of #InsightsPodcast series, we have Dheeraj Pandey, Chairman and CEO of Nutanix, taking us through his journey of building a generational company, its IPO story, and how he built a culture of reading and learning at his organisation.

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Inside the mind of Amit Gupta, Co-Founder, Yulu and InMobi

In this podcast, Amit shares his experience of building two great companies, along with his core beliefs & principles as a long-time entrepreneur.

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What great founders do at night

Arianna Huffington knows: To survive your entrepreneurial journey, you have to learn to recharge. In fact, knowing when to turn the lights OUT may be the only way to keep the lights on. Few know this better than Arianna, who dramatically scaled the Huffington Post — and then experienced profound burnout

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Story of building Meesho

In this podcast, Vidit shares his experiences of building Meesho & understanding the core needs of their customers

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Experience Matters

Niyo Solutions, is one of India's leading Fintech startups that offers digital banking solutions such as prepaid payroll cards, cross-border travel payment debit cards and multi-wallet tax benefit cards to customers through its multiple product offerings - Niyo Bharat, Niyo Global and Niyo Money.

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How should you start a Startup

In this Episode, I speak with Ankit Aggarwal of Dare2Compete on the How of Starting up! We often get clouded by ideas with no sense of direction about what needs to be done next.

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The Startup Operator

The best-curated wisdom from founders, operators, & investors on executing at startups

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