Applications of porous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) in (A)
fluorescence sensing, (B) adsorption
and (C) catalysis:
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), which are a relatively new class of
highly crystalline and extraordinarily porous (specific surface area up
to 5000 m2 g-1) materials, have
tremendous research interest in the last two decades among an enormous
number of international research groups owing to their potential applications in a wide
range of
areas such as gas storage, separation, catalysis, ion-exchange, sensing,
polymerization and drug delivery. Their three-dimensional framework
structures (Figure 1)
are constructed from metal ions or metal clusters
interconnected by rigid polytopic organic ligands. Due to the availability of a
huge combination of metal ions and organic
linkers, a broad variety of
porous MOF structures having different type of pore systems have been reported
to date. In sharp contrast to conventional porous adsorbents
such as zeolites (specific surface area < 1000 m2 g-1),
mesoporous silicas, carbon nanotubes and activated carbons (specific
surface area up to 3500 m2 g-1), the pore sizes
(hence, porosity and specific surface area) and pore
surface properties of MOFs can be tuned by varying the sizes of the
organic ligands and by attaching different
functional groups (having different
sizes, polarities, hydrophobicities/hydrophilicities, acidities, etc.)
to the organic linker, respectively.
Endowed with the
chemical and structural tunability, MOFs might become
future "super-adsorbents", "super-catalysts" or

Figure 1. Structures of representative highly stable and porous MOFs
(left to right: Zr-UiO-66, Al-MIL-53 and Cr-MIL-101).
Applications of metal-organic frameworks in fluorescence sensing:
The porous crystalline
structures of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) provide several advantages
over other sensor materials. The ability to tune the sorption properties
MOFs offers a high
degree of molecular specificity and selectivity for the detection of
analytes. In addition to size-selectivity of MOFs, their large surface
areas along with
confinement of the
analytes inside the cavities can potentially result in highly sensitive
detection of analytes. Moreover, the immobilization of functional sites
such as Lewis acidic
or basic and open
metal sites inside porous MOFs can effectively enable specific detection
of analytes. Furthermore, the incorporation of highly conjugated organic
ligands in the
rigid frameworks of
MOFs causes stronger emissions. Above all, the almost infinite
combinations of organic ligands and metal centres render tuning of
valance and/or conduction
band and hence the
optical band gap, which is very important for sensing applications.
Figure 2. (left) Fluorescence quenching
of a MOF upon the addition of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol (TNP). (right)
Digital photographs of fluorescence curettes under UV light before and
addition of TNP.
Applications of metal-organic frameworks in gas/vapor/liquid adsorption:
to their exceptionally high specific surface areas and micropore
volumes, MOFs are promising candidates for industrial
adsorption/separation of
gases (N2, CO2,
NO, C2H2,
NH3, H2S, hydrocarbons, etc.), vapors and liquids (e.g., water and organic
solvents). The separation in both rigid and flexible MOFs are governed by
several factors such as size/shape
exclusion, adsorbate-framework interactions and adsorbate-specific gate opening pressures. Based on these parameters, MOFs have been
able to perform
several commercially relevant gas (CO2/CH4,
H2/CO, etc.) and liquid (separation of xylene isomers, separation of alcohols from water,
separation processes. Recently, MOF materials have been employed as
fillers for membrane-based gas separation processes, which are
advantageous for large-scale
industrial applications. Furthermore,
MOFs have shown great potentials for the adsortive removal of common
hazardous materials such as NOx,
SOx, COx,
H2S, volatile
compounds (VOCs), nitrogen-containing compounds (NCCs),
sulfur-containing compounds (SCCs), dyes, pharmaceuticals and personal
care products (PPCPs), etc. In
Figure 2, a
typical N2
adsorption isotherm for a representative MOF (here UiO-66) and its
separation power for the CO2/CH4
gas mixture (as suggested from single-
component gas adsorption isotherms) are demonstrated.
Figure 2. (left) Typical N2
adsorption-desorption isotherms of a MOF (here UiO-66). (right) The CO2/CH4
gas separation ability of the same MOF, as
indicated from the single
component gas adsorption isotherms.
(C) Applications of metal-organic frameworks in
heterogeneous catalysis:
There is an increasing interest
in employing MOFs as heterogeneous catalysts in oxidation, acid and base
catalyzed reactions.
Compared to homogeneous
transition metal
catalysts, the heterogeneous MOF catalysts would
simplify the work-up procedure by allowing simple filtration,
facilitating product separation and catalyst regeneration.
MOFs have been used in heterogeneous catalysis employing
several strategies. Probably the most studied and widely explored strategy is the
utilization of the metal atoms
(saturated or unsaturated) of MOFs ,
which act as the catalytically active sites. Both single- and mixed-metal MOFs
have been
prepared by using mixture of metal salts during
the synthesis or by
employing a post-synthetic metal-exchange strategy. A second
methodology is based on the use of the metallated or metal-free organic
ligands as active
The third approach, derived from the large pore volume
available in MOFs, consists of the incorporation of guest species
(homogeneous metal-complexes and polyoxo-
metalates, metal nanoparticles, etc.) which
serve as the active sites. Due to their lower physiochemical stabilities
compared to zeolites, MOFs can not be employed in gas-
phase reactions. MOFs are
suitable heterogeneous catalysts for the synthesis of fine chemicals
requiring mild synthesis conditions.

Figure 3. Representative example of a heterogeneous catalysis (epoxidation
of cyclohexene ) involving a MOF catalyst (here MIL-47). A typical time-conversion plot of the
product (cyclohexene epoxide) is shown on
the right.
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