About Me
I'm a Research Scholar in the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Guwahati. I received my B.E. from Jorhat Engineering College, Assam. I have done my Masters in Water Resources Management from the National Institute of Technology Rourkela in 2019. I have joined Ph.D. in IIT Guwahati in July 2019 under the supervision of Prof Arup Kumar Sarma and Prof Rajib Kumar Bhattacharjya. I was conferred with the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship in December 2020. I'm currently working in River Hydraulics and Ecology. My work involves the computation of velocity profiles in conjecture with the Entropy theory for a natural channel with complex bathymetry. It also aims to relate the ecological aspects to the hydrodynamic parameters. The knowledge of velocity, bathymetry, flow rate, and river health is of utmost importance for the sustainability of any aquatic habitat and mankind. Through my work, I'm aiming to evaluate the hydrological-ecological-hydrodynamic nexus of the Rivers of Northeast India for sustainable development and utilization.
Ph.D.in Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology,Guwahati
Arup Kumar Sarma
Prof. Rajib Kumar BhattacharjyaCPI: 9.77 (Coursework)
Master of Technology
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha May 2019Major: Water Resources Engineering
Thesis: “Effect of Secondary Flow in computation of Boundary Shear Stress.”
Supervisor: Prof. Kishanjit Kumar Khatua
GPA: 9.33
Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering
Jorhat Engineering College, Jorhat, Assam
May 2016Percentage: 77.2
Projects and Work Experiences
North Guwahati College
Teaching Mathematics as one of the deliverables of PMRF.
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Teaching Assistant
(2019-Present) -
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
MTech Thesis
Effect of Secondary Flow in computation of Boundary Shear Stress. -
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
2018-2019Teaching Assistant
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited
1 MonthConstruction of accommodation and other allied civil works for CISF/ONGC personnel at Cinamara, Jorhat
Guwahati Municipal Corporation
15 DaysMulti-storeyed building and Drainage Construction
Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corp. Ltd.
15 DaysStudy of different civil works undergoing at BVFCL,Namrup
Programming Tools
Basics of C
Interests and Activites
Technology, Quora
Cooking, Travelling, Trekking
Carrom, Tennis, Cricket
Professional Software
Microsoft Office
Adobe Illustrator
Basics of ARC-GIS
Research Interests
River Hydraulics
Numerical Modelling
Experimental Hydraulics
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Workshops Attended
Date | Name |
October, 2018. | TEQIP-III sponsored workshop on "Computer Application in Water Resources Engineering" |
November, 2018. | Author Workshop Organized by Wiley in collaboration with NIT Rourkela |
December, 2019 | TEQIP III sponsored workshop on "Advances in Integrated Water Resources Management" conducted by IIT Guwahati |
February, 2021 | TEQIP III sponsored short-term course on "Classical Metaheuristic Optimization Methods for Engineering planning and design." |
Year | Title |
2021 | Baruah, A., Handique, A., and Sarma, A. K. (2021).“A coupled approach to investigate the entropy parameter dynamics in open-channel flow with submerged flexible vegetation.”Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Springer, 1–12. Link | 2021 | Kalita, B., Baruah, A. J., Handique, A., & Sarma, A. K. (2022). A semi-coupled model for determining the distribution of two-dimensional coherent structures in open channel flow. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 1-19. Link | 2022 | Handique, Anurag, et al. "A dip-corrected discharge estimation method for a river system." Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 87 (2022): 102222. Link |
Year | Title |
2022 | Anurag Handique, AK Sarma and RK Bhattacharjya.(2022) An iterative method for estimating the velocity dip positions across a river. River Flow Conference 2022 |
Book Chapters
Year | Title |
2022 | Handique, A., Pradhan, A., Chandra, C. S., & Khatua, K. K. (2022). Depth-Averaged Velocity Distribution in a Meandering Compound Channel Using Calibrating Coefficients. In River Hydraulics (pp. 229-239). Springer, Cham. Link |
Current Research
Ph.D. Supervisors
Prof. Arup Kumar Sarma
Department of Civil Engineering
IIT Guwahati, North Guwahati
+91 361 258 2409(O)

Prof. Rajib Kumar Bhattacharjya
Department of Civil Engineering
IIT Guwahati, North Guwahati
++91 361 258 2428(O)

Courses undertaken during Ph.D.
Course Code | Course Name | Grade | CPI |
CE553 | Advanced Hydraulic Engineering | AS | |
CE551 | Surface Water Hydrology | AA | 9.77 |
CE554 | Advanced Fluid Mechanics | AA | |
CE601 | Numerical Methods | AB |
Research Overview
A river is so ubiquitous in nature. It serves as a blessing to the people, assisting them with irrigation, hydropower, navigation, and other water need, thereby uplifting the socio-economic condition of the riverine community. In North-East India, the river Brahmaputra plays an anchoring role in the lives of the people. The river, however, sometimes becomes a wellspring of malediction, causing widespread flood and erosion hazards resulting in severe damage to life and property. Various structural measures have been attempted so far to alleviate measures due to flood and erosion hazards and these have altered the natural hydraulic characteristic of the river. Hydrological alteration witnessed in recent years due to climate change and anthropogenic impacts has also inspired the need for more research towards river management with a due emphasis towards maintaining the ecological balance of this mighty river while utilizing its potential benefits. Therefore, orienting scientific research to get insight into the flow characteristic of such a large braided river and its relation to aquatic ecology is becoming highly essential to adopt a holistic approach in utilizing and managing the river to achieve better environmental and ecological sustainability. The large nature of the Brahmaputra river basin attributes to its diversity making many of its characteristics unaddressed. Although different governments and research institutes have undertaken mathematical and experimental studies, a holistic approach is still required to encapsulate the various aspects of the flow system. The complexity in river hydraulics, especially in braided systems, needs a rigorous study to understand its flow characteristics profoundly. This research aims at studying the hydrological and hydrodynamic nexus of the river and its impact on the ecosystem.
Contact Informations
- Prime Mininster's Research Fellow
- Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
- +91 7896042115
- ahandique@iitg.ac.in
- anhandique@gmail.com