Past Events

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Coding Club brings a unique initiative to foster the campus junta’s interest in software development and to improve the existing development culture in IIT Guwahati. Keeping in mind the ongoing quadrennial extravaganza- “The ICC Cricket World Cup 2019” and the humongous interest that we Indians share about the game, we have brought a month-long app and web development competition focused at two main points of the tournament- a Live Score Tracker and a Fantasy Game. Teams of maximum 2 members can participate and can choose among the two projects and also whether to develop a website or an app. There are three milestones for each of the two projects and prizes worth ₹ 7,500 will be awarded to deserving teams. This is also a learning platform for beginners and accordingly, resources for starting in the field have also been provided in the form of courses and blogs. This is also aimed at helping students understand the concept of open sourcing and working together on the project through tools like Git and GitHub. So, gear up Junta, learn, code and deploy.

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Coding Club of IIT Guwahati organises unique courses for IITG junta and has been very successful in conducting those courses. Keeping in mind the importance of Git in future, this summer Coding Club brought "Introduction to Git and Bash" course for the campus junta and conducted it successfully. All the material provided during the course is available in the facebook group which can be accessed anytime. The course is totally meant for beginners with almost no prerequisites. Git is a version control system for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people. GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using git. Git is needed in all the projects a student in this field would work on. Everyone needs to have an Github account and maintain it throughout the course. Everyone's progress was tracked after each post of the group and assignments were posted according to the process. Course started with basics of Git and Github and then focused on basic Linux commands. Later on we got to explore the two important command line utilities used for working with files and output in detail which are 'grep' and 'sed'. At last course mainly focused on Bash Scripting. Each post of the group was followed by a basic assignment to get the proper understanding of the topics covered. Course aims to give complete insights of Git, Github, Linux Commands and Bash scripting to students. Considering the vacation time, sufficient time was provided for all the tasks and tutorials. Duration of the course was around 15 days which is sufficient for anyone to complete the course. Course got a very overwhelming response from the campus junta. Coding club will keep organising more such courses for the junta.

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This was the first introductory session for the IITG.FOSS group. We first touched upon our future plans, what we intend to achieve, the projects we will float, etc. Then, we started off with the basics of Git, it's workflow and some functionalities. And the participants were taught how to work on GitHub, and manage repositories in it. The contents of the lecture were posted in the IITG.FOSS group. The session was taught by out Open Source heads.

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This was the second event under the IITG.FOSS initiative. In this session students were explained how a Pull Request work on Open Source projects and the process of making a Pull Request. Pull Request is an integral part of Git workflow for Open Source contribution, so we dedicated a whole session to explain the process. The session was taught by our Open Source heads.

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This session’s main objective was to discuss what GSoC is and how to utilize this winter to maximize the chances for getting selected for GSoC 2019. There was a Q&A session to clarify all their doubts regarding GSoC selection process.

This talk was taken by students selected in previous editions of GSoC, Kushal K S V S (GSoC '17 at FreeType Project) and Siddharth Sharma (GSoC '18 at Wikimedia and Google Code-In 2018 Mentor)

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For the duration of winter holidays, we ran a course in Web Development, over the time of 5 weeks. Each week we covered topics of Python, Git, HTML, CSS and Django and conducted quizes to test their learning. Later on during the Jan-May semester, we gave them projects to work on to consolidate their knowledge.

There was an active participation of 80-90 people in the course. 82 people completed the course and worked on the projects.

Group for the course:

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The main objective of this course was to get the basic knowledge of what exactly is machine learning and the functionality of neural networks. It has 4 tasks and 5 modules in which resources for installation, blogs and assignments were given. Progress of the work was tracked and doubts were clarified regularly regarding the assignments and concepts through gitter and facebook. There was an active participation of 30-40 people in the course.

Group for the course: