MA572 Numerical Analysis
Semester, 2008, Instructor: Swaroop Nandan Bora
Tuesday 0900-0955, Wednesday 1000-1055, Thursday 1100-1155 Room No.: 1104
Thursday, 14
August: Friday Timetable (no theory class, but extra lab)
Monday, 18
August: Wednesday Timetable (extra class)
Friday, 31
October: Tuesday Timetable (no lab, but extra theory class)
Prerequisites: Nil
Definition and sources of
errors, Propagation of errors, Backward error analysis, Sensitivity and
conditioning, Stability and accuracy, Floating-point arithmetic and rounding
errors. Nonlinear equations, Bisection method, Newton's method and its
variants, Fixed-point iterations, Convergence analysis. Newtons method for
non-linear systems. Finite differences, Polynomial interpolation,
Hermite interpolation, Spline interpolation, B-splines.
Numerical integration, Trapezoidal
and Simpson's rules, Newton-Cotes formula, Gaussian quadrature, Richardson
Extrapolation IVP: Taylor
series method, Euler and modified Euler methods, Runge-Kutta methods, Multistep
methods, Predictor-Corrector method Accuracy
and stability, Solution for Stiff equations BVP: Finite difference method,
Collocation method, Galerkin method.
Texts / References:
1. M. T. Heath, Scientific Computing: An Introductory
Survey, McGraw Hill, 2002.
2. S. D. Conte and Carl de Boor, Elementary
Numerical Analysis - An Algorithmic Approach, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill,
3. K. E. Atkinson, Introduction to Numerical
Analysis, 2nd Edition, John Wiley, 1989.
C. F. Gerald
and P. O. Wheatley, Applied Numerical Analysis, 5th edition, Addison
Wesley, 1994.
Burden and J.D. Faires, Numerical Analysis, 7th Edition,
Thomson, 2002.
MA582 Numerical Analysis Lab L-T-P-C:0-0-3-3
Timing: Friday 1400-1700 hours, Lab Tutor: Not allotted yet
The lab will consist of the programming
assignments from the topics covered in the course MA572 Numerical
Software Support:
MA 572: Mid sem (September 27): 25 marks, End sem (November 27): 40 marks
Quizzes (Three) : 25 marks
(Quiz 1 - August 26 (10 marks), Quiz 2 - October 31 (8 marks) , Quiz 3 - November 20 (7 marks))
Oral: 10 marks (date to be decided later)
MA582: Mid-term Evaluation-September 19, End-term Evaluation-November 21.