Supervision/Mentoring carried out:
Category | Completed | Ongoing |
Faculty in service (e.g., DST-TARE) | 0 | 1 |
3 | 1 | |
PhD | 14 | 7 |
M.Sc. | 38 | 3 |
B. Tech. | 7 | 2 |
Dr. Sunanda Saha (Assistant Professor in Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu), December 2021-December 2024.
Project: Transient Analysis of Hydrodynamic Coefficients Connected to Cylindrical Breakwaters (Three Years)
Post Doctoral Fellows
Dr. Alka Chadha (PhD from IIT Roorkee), May 2016-September 2017 (Presently Assistant Professor, IIIT Raichur)
Dr. Vidushi (PhD from IIT Roorkee), May 2017-November 2018
Dr. Bichitra Kumar Lenka (PhD from IISER Kolkata), December 2020-December 2022
Dr. Basua Debananda (PhD from BITS Pilani, Hyderabad), December 2023-
Doctoral Students
Sl No | Name | Thesis Title | Period | Status/Update |
1 | Dr. Subash Chandra Martha, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, Punjab, India | Reflection and Transmission of Surface Water Waves by Undulating Bottom Topography | July 2002-May 2007 | Thesis Defended: May 15, 2007 |
2 | Dr. Smrutiranjan Mohapatra, Assistant Professor, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, Odisha, India | Water Wave Scattering by a Spherical Structure and an Undulating Bottom Topography in a Two-layer Fluid | July 2005-Oct 2009 | Thesis Defended: Oct 26, 2009 |
3 | Dr. Santu Das, Associate Professor, Institute of Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, Paschim Boragaon, Guwahati, India |
Linear Water Wave Damping by a Bottom-mounted Porous Structure and by Vertical Dual Porous Plates |
July 2009-Sept 2014 |
Thesis Defended: September 19, 2014 |
4 | Dr. Mohammad Hassan, Assistant Professor, North East Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh, India | Diffraction and
Radiation of Water Waves by Two Coaxial Vertical Cylinders
July 2009-Sept 2014
Thesis Defended: September 22, 2014 |
5 | Dr. (Ms.) Sunanda Saha, Assistant Professor, Centre for Clean Environment and Department of Mathematics, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India | Study of Trapped Modes in Two- and Three-layer Fluids | July 2010-Oct 2014 |
Thesis Defended: October 20, 2014 |
6 | Dr. (Ms.) Neelam Choudhary Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Bennett University, Greater NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh, India | Linear Sloshing in Vertical Circular Cylindrical Containers with Different Configurations under the Influence of Surface Tension | July 2010-Nov 2015 | Thesis Defended: November 30, 2015 |
7 | Dr. Jayanta Borah, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Tezpur University, Napaam, Tezpur 784028, Assam, India | A Study on Some Classes of Fractional Differential Equations with Non-instantaneous Impulsive Conditions | July 2012- Jan 2019 | Thesis Defended: January 28, 2019
8 | Dr. Abhijit Sarkar, Assistant Professor, University B.T. and Evening College, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, India | Diffraction and Radiation of Linear Water Waves by a Vertical Composite Porous Cylinder of Various Configurations in Finite Ocean Depth | Jan 2016-Feb 2021 | Thesis Defended: February 8, 2021
9 | Dr. (Ms.) Bandita Roy | On the Existence, Uniqueness and Approximate Controllability of Some Classes of Differential Equations with Different Types of Fractional Derivatives | Jan 2016-Aug 2021 | Thesis Defended: August 12, 2021 |
10 | Dr. Ayan Chanda, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India | Water Wave Interaction with Different Structures and Obstacles due to Various Types of Bottom Topography in a Homogeneous Fluid and a Two-layer Fluid | July 2016-Aug 2021 | Thesis Defended: August 27, 2021 |
11 | Dr. Koushik Kanti Barman, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China | Study of Scattering and Trapping of Water Waves in Two-layer Fluids for Various Types of Structure Configuration and Sea-beds | July 2017-July 2022 | Thesis Defended: July 1, 2022 |
12 | Dr. Matap Shankar, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China | Ulam-Hyers and Lyapunov Stability for Some Classes of Fractional Differential Equations and Difference Equations | Jan 2019-Jan 2024 | Thesis Defended: January 24, 2024 |
13 | Dr. (Ms.) Shiva Kandpal | Linearized Saint-Venant Equations in Various Forms with Lateral Inflow in a Channel of Finite Length | Jan 2019-Sep 2024 | Thesis Defended: September 3, 2024 |
14 | Dr. Abhijit Shit, Assistant Professor, Siksha `O ' Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India | Modelling of Some Biological Phenomena via Fractional Differential Equations | July 2019-Jan 2025 | Thesis Defended: January 13, 2025 |
15 | Ms. Shilpi Jain | Study of Linear Water Wave Scattering by a Floating Structure in the Presence of Porous Breakwaters for Different Types of Sea-bed: Pattern of Scattering and Wave Force Mitigation | Jan 2020- | Thesis Submitted: January 30, 2025 |
16 | Mahesh Kumar Nehra | Time-domain Analysis of a Moving Load on a Floating Ice-sheet over Different Types of Sea-Beds | Jan 2021- | Second Annual Progress Seminar Presented: August 27, 2024 |
17 | Sunil | On Stability and Controllability of Some Classes of Fractional Differential Equations Involving ψ-Hilfer Fractional Derivative | Jan 2021- | Second Annual Progress Seminar Presented: June 26, 2024 |
18 | Ms. Nabanita Karmakar | Impact of Various Porous Breakwaters in Mitigating Wave Forces on a Tunnel Placed in a Sea with Different Bottoms | Jan 2022- | First Annual Progress Seminar Presented: July 26, 2024 |
19 | Ms. Sohini Pal | Diverse Approaches in the Dynamic Analysis of Landslide-driven tsunami Waves | July 2022- | First Annual Progress Seminar Presented: February 19, 2025 |
20 | Ms. Smriti Singh | -Fluid Dynamics (Topic not yet decided)- | July 2024- | Coursework in Progress |
21 | Ms. Karabee Devi | -Theoretical Differential Equations (Topic not yet decided)- | July 2024- | Coursework in Progress |
Master's Student (M.Sc.)
Sl No | Name | Dissertation Title | Period |
1 | Ms. Sonu Dugar | First-
and Second-order Wave Effects on a Floating Cylinder |
Dec'01-Apr'02 |
2 | Asutosh Kr Rai | Linear
and Nonlinear Water Wave Theory for Large Cylinder(s) in Finite Depth |
Jul'03-May'04 |
3 | Pankaj Nath | Some
Properties of Orthogonal Functions and their Applications |
Jul'06-May'07 |
4 | Ms. Deeksha Chugh | Surface
Wave Propagation over an Uneven Ocean Bottom |
Jul'07-May'08 |
5 | Ms. Geetika Dutta | Water
Wave Scattering by Small Undulation on a Sea-bed : Investigation for Both
Impermeable and Porous Beds |
Jul'07-May'08 |
6 | Santu Das | Propagation
of Small Amplitude Waves over Irregular Sea-bed and Beds with Linear and
Quadratic Slopes |
Jul'08-May'09 |
7 | Suman Bhowmik | Water
Wave Scattering by a Porous Sea-bed |
Jul'08-May'09 |
8 | K Jatin | Water
Wave Diffraction by Circular Cylinder(s) in Linear Water Waves |
Jul'09-May'10 |
9 | Mridul Saikia | Laplace's
Equation for Water Wave Diffraction Problem |
Dec'10-Apr'11 |
10 | Ms. Akanksha Yadav | Potential Flow Problem in a Wedge-shaped Region | Dec'11-Apr'12 |
11 | Krishanu Ray | On Different Types of Dispersion Relations in Water Wave Problems | Dec'11-Apr'12 |
12 | Ms. Bacchav Pooja Suresh | Application of Finite Cosine Transform for Incompressible Fluid Flow Problems over Uneven Bottom | Dec'11-Apr'12 |
13 | Ms. Varsha Sharma | Numerical inversion of Laplace transform via Mellin transform | Dec'11-Apr'12 |
14 | Ayan Chatterjee | Mathematical Modelling of Viscoelastic Blood Flow in Arteries | Dec'12-Apr'13 |
15 | Ms. Farha Sultana | Bed Topography Discretization for Linear Water Wave Scattering Problems | Dec'12-Apr'13 |
16 | Sudipta Gayen | Green's Function and its Applications in Fluid Dynamics | Dec'13-May'14 |
17 | Shibapada Mahato | Modelling of Infectious Diseases and Epidemics | Dec'13-May'14 |
18 | Nikhil Singh | Application of Laplace transform and Mellin transform in a Wedge-shaped Region | Dec'13-May'14 |
19 | Abhijit Sarkar | Fractional Calculus and Fractional Differential Equations | Dec'14-May'15 |
20 | Shantiram Nahata | Green's Function: Properties and Applications | Dec'14-May'15 |
21 | Sudarshan Santra | Perturbation Techniques for Differential Equations | Dec'14-May'15 |
22 | Ms. Aayushi Koolwal | Fractional Calculus and Some Classes of Fractional Differential Equations | Dec'15-May'16 |
23 | Ms. Arpita Sikder | Water Wave Scattering and Damping | Dec'15-May'16 |
24 | Ms. Pranali Roy Chowdhury | Sloshing in Circular and Rectangular Tanks | Dec'15-May'16 |
25 | Koushik Kanti Barman | Transmission and Reflection Coefficients in Water Wave Scattering Problems | Dec'16-May'17 |
26 | Shubham Jain | River Flow Modelling through Saint-Venant Equations | Dec'16-May'17 |
27 | Abhijit Shit | Fractional Differential Equations and Open Channel River Flow | Dec'17-May'18 |
28 | Ms. Subhadra Mishra | Study of Reflection of Linear Water Waves by Porous Structures | Dec'17-May'18 |
29 | Bittu Kumar Keshari | Study of Fractional Differential Equations and Some Applications | Dec'18-May'19 |
30 | Suman Das | Study of Linear Water Wave Propagation over Some Natural Obstacles | Dec'18-May'19 |
31 | Dipanjan Mitra | Porous Structures as Breakwaters in Ocean and Related Phenomena | Dec'19-May'20 |
32 | Vinod Kumar Raigar | Some Integral Transforms and Applications to Differential Equations | Dec'19-May'20 |
33 | Arindam Sarkar | Application of Fixed Point Theorems in Fractional Differential Equations | Dec'20-Apr'21 |
34 | Abhishek (Co-Supervisor: Dr. Bichitra Kumar Lenka, IPDF) | Fractional Differential Equations: Theory and Applications | Jan'22-May'22 |
35 | Pawan Kumar | Linear Water Waves: Theory and Some Applications | Jan'22-May'22 |
36 | Deepak Kumar | Fractional Calculus and Fractional Differential Equations: Theory and Applications | Jan'23-May'23 |
37 | Bhedesh Kumar | Linear Water Wave Propagation: Theory, Importance and Applications | Jan'23-May'23 |
38 | Vikash Kumar | Fractional Calculus and Fractional Differential Equations: Theory and Applications | Jan'24-May'24 |
39 | Ananya Bhandari | Some Topics on Fractional Differential Equations: Existence and Stability of Solutions | Jan'25-May'25 |
40 | Sachin Devar | Applying Some Integral Transforms in Physical Problems | Jan'25-May'25 |
41 | Imran Hossain | Jan'25-May'25 |
B.Tech. Students
Sl. No. | Name | BTP Title | Period |
1 | Abhishek Kumar | Numerical Solution of Laplace's Equation in regular and irregular domains | July'12-Apr'13 |
2 | Sumit Singh Chauhan | ||
3 | Ajit Singh Bhati | Integral Transform Methods in Fluid Dynamics Problems | July'13-Apr'14 |
4 | Lavesh Gupta |
5 | Dipo Daimary | Scattering and Damping of water waves by porous structures | July'16-Apr'17 |
6 | Kartik Yadav |
7 | Mamilla Rajasekhar | Flood Routing through Saint-Venant Equations with Lateral Inflow with Special Emphasis on Diffusive Wave Equations | July'18-May'19 |
8 | Litesh Kumar | Deep Learning Methods in Solving Some Partial Differential Equations | July'24-May'25 |
9 | Upesh Jeengar |
Summer Trainee
Sl. No. | Student Name | Institute | Title of Project | Duration |
1 | Ms. Smaranika Dasgupta | Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad (MSc (Math and Comp)) | Green's Function Method for Time-independent Boundary Value Problems | May 15 - July 10, 2012 |
2 | Ms. Amrita Das | |||
3 | Kuntal Bhandari | Viswa Bharati University B.Sc (Maths) 4th semester | Study of Special Functions and Applications | May 16-June 27, 2013 |
4 | Ms. Dorothy Dutta | Institute of Science and Technology, Gauhati University B.S. (Maths) 6th semester | Differential Equations and Uses, Fundamental Numerical Analysis | May 31- July 10, 2013 |
5 | Ms. Upasana Das | |||
6 | Ms. Anindita Mukherjee | |||
7 | Ms. Rashmita Borah | Tezpur University Int. M.Sc.(Maths) 4th semester |
8 | Ms. Saswati Sinha | Pondicherry University Int. M.Sc. 6th semester | Differential Equations: Theory and Practice | June 10- July 9, 2015 |
9 | Manmoy Paul | Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad (MSc (Math and Comp)) 2nd semester | ||
10 | Ms. Upasana Das | Institute of Science and Technology, Gauhati University M.S. |
11 | Ms. Rachaita Dutta | Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, (MSc (Math and Comp)), 2nd semester | Special Functions, Integral Transforms, Water Wave Mechanics | May 17-July 15, 2016 |
12 | Soumik Das | |||
13 | Ms. Neha Roy | B.Sc. 4th semester, Cotton College | Differential equations, Fourier Series | May 17-July 15, 2016 |
14 | Ms. Anubhuti Gohain Boruah | BIT Mesra, Int. M.Sc.(Maths and Computing) 6th semester | Computational Methods | May -July 2017 |
15 | Ms. Jyotsna Nath | NIT Agartala, Int. M.Sc.(Maths and Computing) 6th semester | Methods of Applied Mathematics and Fluid Dynamics | May -July 2017 |
16 | Biswajit Prusty | Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, MSc. (Appl Math) 2nd semester | Special Functions, Integral Transforms | May -July 2017 |
17 | Ms. Disha Patil | Centre for Modelling and Simulation, University of Pune, M.Tech. 2nd semester | Modelling and Simulation of River Flow through Saint-Venant Equations | May -July 2017 |
18 | Ms. Kumari Ranjana | BIT Mesra, Int. M.Sc.(Maths and Computing) 8th semester | Ocean Wave Mechanics | May 15-June 15, 2018 |
19 | Karan Piplani | NIT Rourkela, M.Sc. (Mathematics) 2nd semester | Reflection and Transmission of Water Waves by Small Undulations | May 15-July 12, 2018 |
20 | Bivakar Bose | IIEST, Shibpur, M.Sc. (Mathematics) 2nd semester | River Flow Modelling | May 15-June 29, 2018 |
21 | Pankaj Gupta | Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirapalli, B.SC. (Mathematics) 2nd year | Differential Equations, Special Functions, Fourier Series | May 15-June 29, 2018 |
22 | Ajay Kumar | South Asian University, New Delhi, M.Sc. (Mathematics) 2nd semester | Special Functions, Green's Functions, Integral Equations - Efficient Tools in Mathematics: Theory and Applications with Special Emphasis on Water Wave Theory | May 27-July 6, 2024 |
23 | Tarushi Bhatia | South Asian University, New Delhi, M.Sc. (Mathematics) 2nd semester | Special Functions, Green's Functions, Integral Equations - Efficient Tools in Mathematics: Theory and Applications with Special Emphasis on Water Wave Theory | May 27-July 6, 2024 |