UE-HCI Lab has the distinction of training Designers in the area of Enterprise as part of its Design Management Unit. Design Management Course is compulsory for all B.Des students. Many successful enterprises started as Bachelors Thesis Projects or Mini Projects nurtured in the Lab.
• Uniberry Technologies Pvt. Ltd., 2017
• Muziboo.com and Supportbee.com by Prateek Dayal & Nithya Dayal (prateek.dayal@gmail.com, 2005)
• Madrat Games (www.madratgames.com) by Manuj Dhariwal (manuj@madratgames.com, 2008) - Creators of the World's
First Hindi Word Game Aksharit. In the educational games space.
• Deskala.com by Porus Rathore (rathore.porus@gmail.com, 2004) & Kshtiz Anand (ksh.anand@gmail.com, 2005)
• Sugandha Pahwa, Director, Founding at Blue Konzepts P Ltd
• Sainath Gupta, Founder & CEO at Aasaanpay, Hyderabad Area, India
• GameAdu.com By Nikunj Agarwal(nikunjforu@gmail.com, 2008)
• Furniture Street (http://www.furniturestreet.in/), Rahul Bhatt, 2005.
• BookPad acquired by Yahoo. Aditya Bandi et al.
• Madhavi Kulkarni, Founder, Principal Designer at Keydesigns, Pune, India
• YourDost, Richa Singh et Al. 2014-15. Anonymous Counseling Portal www.yourdost.com.
2016 Screen shot of Yourdost.com.
BTP Project Report by Richa Singh in 2009 has evolved into one of the most successful Start-up Enterprises attracting investment capital from all over the world. IIT Guwahati is also a client using this Anonymous Counseling Interactive Platform for its internal Student welfare activity.
Rajat Dhariwal, Madhumita Haldar and Manuj Dhariwal in their company offices. ( Photo from the WEEK magazine dated Jan 23 2011.)
IITG B.Des 2008. BTP: 'Developing Mathematical Concepts by Engaging Multiple Intelligences 'eventually stirred interest in Games Design Entrepreneurship for Manuj Dhariwal. MadRat Games Pvt Ltd. <http://www.madratgames.com>