Statistical Analysis of Random Number Generators

  1. From modern cryptosystems to Monte Carlo simulation or discrete event simulation, random numbers play an important role in many fields.

  2. The study of random number generators (RNGs) have been a topic of active research for the past few decades.

  3. A nonlinearly filtered generator (NLFG) is one of the commonly used building block of the RNG. The statistical analysis, such as biasness of certain symbol in a random sequence generated from NLFG is an interesting field of study.

Homomorphic encryption

  1. After the breakthrough work of Craig Gentry in constructing a Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) scheme, it became an extensive topic of research among the cryptographers across the world.

  2. Homomorphic encryption is defined as a form of encryption that allows computations of arbitrary functions on encrypted data and the result on decryption is the same as the result of the function operated on the plaintext data.

  3. It is proposed to study certain existing FHE schemes and develop some techniques to make them more efficient.

Journal Publications

