Mechanical Department, IIT Guwahati

About the Department

The department of mechanical engineering, being one of the largest and oldest departments of the institute, caters to its students with class tutorial and state-of-the-art laboratories. The department is continuously striving to achieve excellence in education, academic and industry oriented research as well as consultancy work with service to the society.

We aim to provide our students with a perfect blend of intellectual and practical experiences, that helps them to serve our society and address a variety of needs. At the end of our program, students are prepared for entry-level work as a mechanical engineer as well as for the post-graduate study in mechanical engineering or in another discipline, where a fundamental engineering background constitutes a desirable foundation. Academic course work and projects are designed to endow students with the ability to apply knowledge of science, mathematics, and engineering, and the capability to work effectively in multidisciplinary teams, providing leadership and technical expertise.

With a solid grounding in the principles and practice of mechanical engineering, our undergraduates are ready to engage in ethical approaches to engineering, with concern for society and the environment. Our program at the postgraduate level aligns academic course work with research, to prepare scholars in specialized areas within the field of mechanical engineering. Research topics focus on industrial needs.

The department aptly makes use of the technical facility of the workshop in teaching and in setting up of in-house experimental set-ups. Apart from carrying out practical classes as per academic curriculum, workshop caters to needs of different departments of the Institute in terms of executing works of their B.Tech., M.Tech. and Ph.D. students as well as other related research/consultancy works. The department also welcomes students from other departments of the institute as a gesture of support to their time-to-time academic and research needs. Both undergraduates and postgraduates are well placed in leading industries as well as in the higher research level institutions of international recognition. Our website will take you to the tour of different research facilities, academic programmes offered and the faculty/staff who are contributing to the department to make it a success. We hope you enjoy our webpage!


The department of mechanical engineering at IIT Guwahati was formed in 1995. Currently, the department has more than 300 students in the B.Tech. program, 170+ students in the M.Tech. program and 120+ students in the Ph.D. program, supported by 43 faculty members and 25 staffs.

Since its inception, the department has always been recognized all over the world for excellence in research and academics. Over the years, the department has strengthened its research activities, introduced new MTech academic programmes and contributed to the society by taking part in consultancy work. The focus of the department has been in developing the state-of-art computational and experimental facilities for teaching and research. The department comprises of about 16 laboratories equipped with sophisticated instruments.

The major research areas include advanced / non-traditional machining processes, aerodynamics, bearing design, biomaterials, biomechanics, CAD/CAM, carbon nanotubes based nanocomposites, combustion, complaint mechanisms, composites, computational contact impact analysis, computational fluid mechanics, computational mechanics, condition monitoring, convection, refrigeration systems, energy conservation, error estimation, fatigue, wear and failure analysis, finit element methods, fluidization, fracture mechanics, gas dynamics, heat transfer, internal combustion engines, inverse problems, kinematics and dynamics of rigid multi-body systems, materials processing and characterization, mechanisms, mechatronics, metal casting, metal forming, micromanufacturing, multidisciplinary design optimization, multi-phase flows, nanofluids, non-linear dynamics, operations research, plasticity, propulsion, renewable energy, robotics, rotordynamics, shape memory alloy, smart structures, soft computing in design and manufacturing, welding, topology optimization, tribology, turbomachines, turbulence, vibration etc.

Our Vision

To produce high quality undergraduates and postgraduates in mechanical engineering.

To carry out high quality research that supports undergraduate and postgraduate education objectives and to assist in the economic development of the region and nation.

To develop and serve practicing engineers, industry, government, educational and technical societies through consultancy work by providing professional expertise.

From HOD's Desk


Shyamanta M. Hazarika
HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Office: FR-3, ME Extn.
Ph. : +91 361 2583437

The department of mechanical engineering is one of the largest and oldest departments of the institute. Till the 22nd convocation, 1120 B.Tech. students, 1121 M. Tech. students, and 183 Ph.D. students have been graduated from the department. The department is continuously growing in order to excel in the fields of teaching and research and has also achieved QS world university ranking by subject in the range of 201-250. This credit goes to all the student, staff, and faculty members with the guidance of all the previous department heads, Prof A. D. Sahasrabudhe (1994-2003), Prof P. S. Robi ( 2003-2006), Prof U. S. Dixit (2006-2009), Prof D. Chakraborty (2009-2012), Prof P. Mahanta (2012-2014), Prof A. K. Dass (2014-2017), Prof S. K. Dwivedy (2017-2020), Prof S. Senthilvelan (2020-2021).

The department is achieving its milestones at various stages of its growth by recruiting and retaining the best faculty members, by upgrading the course-curriculum for catering the need of industry and research, by developing and maintaining state-of-art laboratories, by conducting various QIP, TEQIP and training programs for the students and participants from outside, by conducing cutting-edge research for the country and the society, etc. The department is currently focusing on creating the conducive environment for the students, staff and faculty members to give their best to society and the environment. With best wishes.